Unit 7 It’s raining!-Teaching design-教案课件学案说课稿知识点汇总归纳试题测试真题-初中英语七年级下册

Teaching plan By Luo shanshan (罗珊珊,东莞茶山中学) Title: keeping safe in the bad weather(九年级,读写综合课) 优课教学设计: The students have learnt many words about weather and some structures of writing, this topic  writing lesson is desighed to help studetns review the target language ,talk about the weather and write an article about how to keep safe when the bad weather comes. 一、学情分析:九年级下学期的学生经过三年的初中学习,已学过将近1600个词汇和300多个词组及表达。在初三下学期已具备一定的基础进行话题写作训练。 二、教材分析:经过前期词汇、词组、句型的听写复习及语法复习,现阶段学生们进入话题写作复习阶段,在此阶段教师将根据所话题功能将学生所学知识进行分类和整合成十二个话题复习资料,通过十二节节话题写作课进行综合训练,目的是提高学生的英语写作水平和语言的综合运用能力。在本节话题复习课中教师将天气和安全整合在一起,编成一节话题写作教学资料,所有教学资料包括课件、设计理念、读写综合材料均由个人原创完成。 The students have learned words about weather and some useful phrases about how to give advice, in this lesson , the teacher is going to intergrate weather with safety . In this lesson, students will learn how to describe the weather and the things happen in the bad weather and their feelings and learn how to give advice , finally they will leant how to write an article anout weather and asfety.  三、教学安排:本话题写作课一节课完成,在教学中采用分组合作竞争模式写作训练,课前安排学生分组收集与天气和安全相关的词汇,短语。分写作前、写作中、写作后三个阶段。 Target language: 1. Words and expressions about weather and safety: weather, season, spring, summer, dangerous, traffic, accident, destroy, protect, protect ourselves, safe, hurt, die, 2. Key sentences: keep safe, get lost, fall down, stay away from, 3. Useful expressions in writing: first, second, third, next, then, finally /at last /in the end, in a word, as we all know, as for me, It is said that, It is reported that, It’s adj to do… 4. Ways to give suggestions: What about How about…Let’s…Why not …We should 5. Ways to show opinion: I think …I find it …In my opinion…I like. .I don’t like 6. Ways to express feeling: I feel…I was… 7. Ways to call on people: Let’s…, I hope… Ability goals:1. Students can describe things happen in bad weather. 2. Students can express opinions and give advice according to the event 3. Students can write an article about “How to keep safe when the rainstorm comes” Emotion goal:Calling on students to keep safe and protect themselves. Strategy goal:To review the related words and expressions according to the topic; To guide the students to think, discuss and cooperate with the help of pictures and tips. Key and difficult points: To make students learn to analyze the requirements of the article and design an article; then write an coherent article with proper words and correct sentences;make the students master the ways of expressing opinions and giving advice expertly.. Teaching aid: A computer for multimedia use, writing materials, each student has a piece of draft paper Teaching procedures: Preparation Ask each group of students to collect words and useful expressions about weather and safety. Step 1 Greeting :Greeting and Leading in: Talk about the topic and goals Step 2 Words & phrases revision Challenge one: 1. Ask Ss to say words about weather. 2. Review the words together. Step 3 Leading in Challenge two: 1. Ask five questions about the weather. Introduce the bad weather and bad influences and review the words and phrases: strong wind ,heavy rain, flood, get hurt, get lost, die, traffic accident , fall down Steps Teachers activities Students activities Intention Each group collects words and useful expressions related to weather and safety. 课前开始准备与主题相关的词汇和表达,为上课做好准备。 Learn the topic and goals 学生了解本节课的主题和学习目标。 1.Say the words about weather and read those words. 教师检查学生课前收集有效词汇和表达, 复习词汇。 Step 3 Leading in Challenge two: 2. Ask five questions about the weather. 3. Introduce the bad weather and bad influences and review the words and phrases: strong wind ,heavy rain, flood, get hurt, get lost, die, traffic accident , fall down 1. Answer questions about the weather. 2. Learn the bad weather and the influence it cause. 通过问题和图片导入主题,再次复习相关词汇,为导入写作主题做好准备。 Step 4 Presenting 1. Introduce a terrible rain storm happened in Dongguan. Task1: 2. Ask students describe the event according to the picture and key words. 3. Ask Ss to write what they were doing and what they saw at that time. 1. Students learn what happened in Dongguan last time. 2. Students describe the event according to the picture and key words. 3. Ss write down what they were doing and what they saw at that time. 通过图片和关键词呈现上次发生在东莞的大暴雨事件,学生通过看图口头和笔头描述经历,为作文的要点1做好准备。 Step 5 Information Card Task2: 1. Teach students how to read the information card: find out the questions and key words. 2. Ask students to read the material and fill in the blank. 3. Check the answers 1. Students learn how to read the information card. 2. Read materials and fill in the blanks. 教学生阅读信息卡和找到准确信息的方法,然后完成信息归纳。 Step 6 Discussion Task3: 1. Ask students to discuss and describe how to keep safe when the rainstorm comes. 2. Ask Ss to write down 3-5 sentences acc

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