
新概念英语第2册4课Lesson 4l.exciting iksaitit a.令人兴奋的2.receive risi:v v.接 受,收到3.firm fa:m n.商 行,公司4.different difrant a.不同的5.centre senta n.中心6.abroad dbro:d ad.在国外1.exciting iksaitiij a.令人兴奋的,令人激动的,使人激动的,激动人心的;使人激动的;刺激的 This is an exciting film这 是 一 部 扣 人 心 弦 的 电 影。Youre going to Africa?How exciting!你 要 去 非 洲?真是太刺激了!It was a really exciting match这 的 确 是 一 场 扣 人 心 弦 的 比 赛。The children are very excited to hear the exciting news.听至期B个令人兴奋 的 消 息,孩 子 们 很 兴 奋。(注 意 这 两 个 单 词 的 区 别)The only exciting occurrence was the unexpected drizzle.It haddrenched my clothes.唯 一 让 人 兴 奋 的 事 情 就 是 一 场 细 雨 不 期 而 降,它淋湿了我 的 衣 服。Its always exciting to see polar bears in nature.I will never tire of it asthey are fascinating creatures.It is always special.在自然的环境里看到北极熊是令人兴奋地。我永远不会厌倦他们,他们太有趣也太特别了。Experts said the find was exciting and like looking into a lost world.今朝重见天日,专家惊呼犹如发现迷失的世界。adv.excitinglyAt the time of its appearance,the movie must haveseemed excitingly new,even revolutionary.上映时,这部影片看上去肯定新颖而令人兴奋,甚至会是革命性的。2.receive risi:v(i)receive v.接受,收到,得到,受到 to get or be givensomething Did you receive my letter?:你收到我的信了吗?(2)1 received a phone call from your mother.我接到你妈妈打来的一个电话。They received a visit from the police.警方到他们家去过了。She died after receiving a blow to the head.她头部受击致死。Workers received a 15%pay increase this year.今年工人们的薪水提高了15%o(2)receive v.(收音机或电视)接收(of a radio or television)to changesignal into sounds and pictures(3)(用无线电通话时)收听到,听得到to be able to hear someones voicewhen they are communicating with you by radioIm receiving you loud and clear.我可以清楚地听到你讲话。(4)接待;迎接;欢迎 welcome a visitor or guestShe stood by the door to receive her guests as they arrived.她站在门口迎接客人到来。(5)作出反应;回应 to react to something or someone in a particularway that shows how you feel about it or themThe prime ministers speech was well/warmly/coldly,etc.received bythe conference delegates.会议代表对首相的演讲反应良好/热烈/冷淡。(6)接受(某人)为成员;接纳 be received into sthformal to be made amember of an organizationHe was received into the Party in 1947.他 1947 年被接纳入党了。(7)习惯用语idiom遭受,承受(不愉快的事)be at/on the receiving end-If you are at/onthe receiving end of something unpleasant that someone does,yousuffer because of it.Sales assistants are often at the receiving end of verbal abuse fromcustomers.售货员经常遭到顾客的辱骂。拼写错误口 COM MON LEARNER ERROR:Check your spelling!注意拼嘉Receive is one of the 50 words most often spelled wrongly by learnersReceive是英者最容易离金昔的五十值 罩黄I之一。言己住:不要写成ie而 是 宣 3.firm fd:m(i)firm n.商 行,商 号,公 司,a company or businessHe works for a law firm called Neil and Vigliano.他在一家名为尼尔和维利亚诺的律师事务所供职。Hes just started working for an accountancy firm/a firm ofaccountants in Beijing.他刚刚开始在北京的一-家会Ki师事务所工作。坚 硬 的 结实的 坚固的 firm adjective,(firm,firmer,firmest)not soft but notcompletely hardId rather sleep on a firm mattress than a soft one.我宁愿睡硬床垫,也不要软的。These pears are still too firm to eat.这些梨还太硬,没法吃。firm,adj,牢固的 2 well fixed in place or position 牢 固 的;稳固的The bridge provided a firm platform for the bungee jumpers.这座桥为蹦极者提供了稳固的平台。坚定的;坚决的;坚定不移的fixed at the same level or opinion and notchangingThe government remains firm in its opposition to tax reform.政府仍坚决反对税收改革。(4)firm,adj.强有力的;坚 决 的 strong and tightThey took a firm handshake.他们强有力的握手Keep a firm hold of the handrail as you go down.下去时要牢牢抓住扶手。No one seems to have a firm grip on the company at the moment.目前似乎没有人能牢牢掌控公司。You need a firm grasp of mathematics to become an astronaut.要成为宇 航 员,数学知识必须非常扎实。(5)firm,ad j.确定的;坚定不移的 certain and not likely to change;definite He is a firm believer in traditional family values.他坚信应遵循传统的家庭价值观念。Some people still claim that there is no firm evidence linking smokingwith lung cancer.有人仍声称没有确凿的证据表明吸烟与肺癌有关。(6)firm,adj.严格的,强硬的 forceful and making people do what youwant I was always very firm with my children-they knew the rules and Imade sure they kept to them.我对孩子们总是很严格-他们知道规矩,我则监督他们守规矩。a firm handstrong control 牢固控制;铁腕Reforming these young offenders will require a firm hand.对这些少年犯进行改造需要严格的管教手段。(7)firm v.M AKE HARD 使坚实1.使(土)变硬;使(土)坚 实T to make soil harder by pressing on it Firm the soil around the cuttings and water them in.把插条四周的土培实,再浇上水。firm,v.STOP CHAN GIN G 不变2.稳定下来;保持不变I specialized to stop changing or to remain atthe same level,amount,etcShare prices firmed today.股票价格今天稳定了下来。(8)Firm 习惯用语 idioms呆在原地;坚持不动;保持不变hold/stand firm,to remain in the sameplace or at the same level The protesters stood firm as the police tried to disperse them.警察试图驱散示威者,但他们坚守阵地,一动不动。The pound held firm against the US dollars tod ay.今天英镑对美元的汇价坚挺。firm sth up,to make something more definite or less likely to change落 实;敲定 Could we have a meeting so we can firm up the details of ouragreement?我们能不能开个会,把协议细节确定下来?firm sth up(通过锻炼)(使)(身体部位)结实,(使)紧实,to make apart of your body have less fat and more muscle by doing exercise Cycling is one of the best ways to firm up your thighs.想让大腿变得结实,骑自行车是最好的方式之一。My stomach has begun to firm up since I started exercising.自从做运动以来,我的腹部开始变结实了。4.different difrsnt a.不同的;不同的,不 一 样 的,有差别的;difference n.不同。最常用句型be different from Emily is very/completely

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