高考英语复习讲练测第17讲 完形填空夹叙夹议文(20空)(测)(全国通用)(解析版)

第17讲 完形填空夹叙夹议文(20空)(测) 时间 :60分钟 满分:120分(每题1.5分) A (2021·浙江·高考真题)Last year I decided to do some volunteer work. I began to____1____on the Internet and discovered Volunteer USA.Three months later I____2____myself on a plane to Phoenix, Arizona. I was____3____at the thought of living with loads of new people for three months. However, within fifteen minutes of____4____, my worries had gone. Everyone was so____5____and like-minded that it was very____6____to feel at home. I was sent to the Coronado National Forest for my first 8-day____7____. We had to____8____everything we needed and walk three miles to where we worked. It may not seem like a____9____way but in 35℃ heat and with a heavy pack, my legs were on fire. My job was to____10____a stairway out of rock. This____11____climbing up and down the side of a mountain inhabited (栖息) by mountain lions, although I should say they were only heard,never____12____. Three days later, a beautiful stairway came into being. The____13____of knowing that my____14____will be on that mountainside for years to come is massive. But on the last night we were____15____in a thunderstorm. I woke up at midnight to find a swimming pool in my tent. The temperature was close to____16____. I had to spend the rest of the night trembling in the only____17____part of my tent. ____18____, I suffered a lot. But I know whatever I have to face in my life I was there and I____19____. I think I am much____20____for having taken part in the project. 1.A.calculate B.negotiate C.advertise D.research 2.A.imagined B.introduced C.enjoyed D.found 3.A.annoyed B.surprised C.scared D.excited 4.A.arriving B.sleeping C.thinking D.walking 5.A.confident B.friendly C.energetic D.curious 6.A.funny B.good C.lucky D.easy 7.A.tour B.project C.campaign D.course 8.A.drop B.make C.carry D.buy 9.A.nice B.safe C.long D.quick 10.A.build B.test C.clean D.guard 11.A.helped B.ended C.allowed D.meant 12.A.hunted B.trained C.seen D.fed 13.A.satisfaction B.ambition C.expectation D.intention 14.A.work B.memory C.record D.story 15.A.left B.caught C.attacked D.separated 16.A.boiling B.average C.normal D.freezing 17.A.tidy B.dry C.new D.soft 18.A.By the way B.Regardless of that C.Needless to say D.In either case 19.A.survived B.resisted C.escaped D.recovered 20.A.smarter B.stronger C.happier D.busier 【语篇解读】这是一篇夹叙夹议文。文章讲述了作者去年通过网上查询信息得到去科罗拉多国家森林当志愿者的机会,虽然期间作者经历了暴雨中帐篷漏水,为狮子上下山而搭建台阶的繁重工作等磨难,仍然感谢这个经历让自己变得更坚强。 1.D 【解析】考查动词词义辨析。句意:我开始在网上查询并且发现“美国志愿者”。A. calculate计算;B. negotiate协商;C. advertise登广告;D. research研究。根据前文的“Last year I decided to do some volunteer work.”可知,作者在网上研究有哪些可以做志愿者的信息。故选D项。 2.D【解析】考查动词词义辨析。句意:三个月后,我发现自己在飞往亚利桑那州凤凰城的飞机上。A. imagined想象;B. introduced介绍;C. enjoyed喜欢;D. found发现。根据前文的“I began to_1_on the Internet…”可知,作者之前还在网上查阅,三个月后自己就动身了。故选D项。 3.C【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:一想到我要和一群陌生人一起住三个月,我很害怕。A. annoyed烦恼的;B. surprised惊讶的;C. scared害怕的;D. excited兴奋的。根据后面的“my worries had gone.”可知,我一开始很担忧。故选C项。 4.A【解析】考查动词词义辨析。句意:然而,到达15分钟里我的担忧就消失了。A. arriving到达;B. sleeping睡觉;C. thinking思考;D. walking行走。根据“feel at home”得知到达目的地不久,作者就不担心了。故选A项。 5.B【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:每个人都如此友好和志趣相投以至于很容易有宾至如家的感觉。A. confident自信的;B. friendly友好的;C. energetic活力的;D. curious好奇的。根据后文“and like-minded”可推断,作者感觉大家都很友好。故选B项。 6.D【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:每个人都如此友好和志趣相投以至于很容易有宾至如家的感觉。A. funny搞笑的;B. good好的;C. lucky幸运的;D. easy容易的。根据 “that like-minded”和“feel at home”得知大家都很友好并且志趣相投,感觉到家的温暖很容易。故选D项。 7.B【解析】考查名词词义辨析。句意:我被派往科罗拉多国家森林开始头8天的项目。A. tour游览;B. project项目;C. campaign活动;D. course课程。根据下文“for having taken part in the project”可知,这是在说当志愿者的项目,原词复现。故选B项。 8.C【解析】考查动词词义辨析。句意:我们必须带上需要的东西走到三英里外我们工作的地方。A. drop掉下;B. make制作;C. carry携带;D. buy购买。根据下文“with a heavy pack”可知,作者他们要背负着必需品走。故选C项。 9.C【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:可能看起来不远,但是在35度高温下,背着沉重的物品,我的腿像是着了火。A. nice好的;B. safe安全的;C. long长的;D. quick快的。根据前文“walk three miles”可知,作者他们走的路程不远。故选C项。 10.A【解析】考查动词词义辨析。句意:我的工作是用岩石建一个阶梯。A. build建造;B. test测试;C. clean清洁;D. guard保卫。根据下文“climbing up and down the side of a mountain.”可知,作者在狮子栖息地建一个阶梯供狮子攀爬。故选A项。 11.D【解析】考查动词词义辨析。句意:这意味着狮子能在山上栖息地通过阶梯爬上爬下。A. helped帮助;B. ended结束;C. allowed允许;D. meant意味。根据“climbing up and down”可知,台阶修好了意味着狮子可以爬上爬下。故选D项。 12.C【解析】考查动词词义辨析。句意:虽然我应该说他们只被听说过,从没被亲眼见过。A. hunted捕猎;B. trained训练;C. seen看到;D. fed喂养。根据前文“although I should say they were only heard”可知,作者以前没有见过。故选C项。 13.A【解析】考查名词词义辨析。句意:知道我的作品将会在未来的几年里出现在那片山坡上,我的满足感是巨大的。A. satisfaction满意;B. ambition雄心;C. expectation期待;D. intention意图。根据上文的“a beautiful stairway came into being”可知,我修的台阶成型了,我很满意。故选A项。 14.A【解析】考查名词词义辨析。句意:知道我的作品将会在未来的几年里出现在那片山坡上,我的满足感是巨大的。A. work工作,作品;B. memory回忆;C. record记录;D. story故事。根据上文的“My job was to”“a beautiful stairway came into being”可知,修台阶是我的工作。故选A项。 15.B【解析】考查动词词义辨析。句意:但是在最后一晚,我们被困在雷雨中。A. left离开;B. caught捉住;C. attacked袭击;D. separated分离。根据下文“I woke up at midnight to find a swimming pool in my tent”可知,作者他们被困在雷雨中。故选B项。 16.D【解析】考查形容词短语辨析。句意:温度接近零度。A. boiling煮沸的的;B. average平均的;C. normal正常的;D. freezing冰冻的。根据下文“trembling”得知温度很低。故选D项。 17.B【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我不得不后半夜在帐篷干的那一块地方发抖。A. tidy干净的;B. dry干的;C.

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