人教版英语必修五Unit 3 Life in the future

Unit 3 Life in the futureImportant points:Let students discuss and predict the good and bad changes in the future.Get students to read the passage and know about what life in the future might be like.Have students learn different reading skills.Difficult points:Develop students reading ability.Enable students to talk about the advantages and problems of life in the future.New words and expressions:aspect,uncertain,press,optimistic,representative,greedy,recycle,sideways,timetable,pessimistic,typist,citizen,swallow,instant,previous,tolerate,flash,material,fasten,take up,lose sight of,speed up,sweep up,be back on ones feet,slideinto,remind.of,make predictionsMaking predictions:Do you suppose that.Suppose that.Do you imagine that.Is it likely/unlikely that.?It is possible thatIm surePerhaps/Maybe/Possibly.I wonder if.I imagine that.Most likely.ProbablyIntroduction:This unit introduces the students to what life in the future might be like and1help students to begin to examine their ideas about future.The approach is to encouragestudents to imagine the advantages and difficulties of life in 1000 years time.The possiblethings that Li Qing sees during his time travel trip include easy personal travel and a high levelof personal comfort.The difficulties include a shortage of fresh air(because the problem ofglobal warming has not yet been solved)and a solution to it(your own personal forest in theliving room to provide a constant supply of oxygen).Step 1 Lead-inPresent some pictures,including some aliens,a horse,a carriage,a plane,a spaceship,thesun,the moon,the Mars,a thatched cottage,a skyscraper,etc.to increase students interest.At the same time,ask them some questions:1.How did people travel 1000 years ago?2.How do you usually get to school?3.Where do you live,in a city or in the countryside?4.Do you live in a flat or a house?5.What kind of housing would you like to have in the future?6.What would you like to have in your room?Step 2 Warming up1.Encourage students to speculate about their ideas for life in one thousand years time?Ask them the question:What changes do you expect to see in your life in one thousand years1time?2.Let students choose two of the main aspects of life today to have a discussion in groupsand then make notes in the table below.Present time2In one thousand years timeTransportAirplane,bicyclescars,No longer by air because of environmental pollution;bicycles and horses will make a comeback.factory,Athomeusingadvanced,interactivecomputers;meetings can be conducted on the computer and peopleWorkOffice,construction,landscape,servicewill see each other speak.Financecurrencyand Banks,insurance,businessLanguagesEnglish,Russian,One global language-perhaps Chinese or still EnglishChineseEnvironmentAir:couldbe Very poor;need to recycle all waste;control on the useoffices,One global currencymaybe the yuan as China will bethe largest global exporter.improved in cities.of cars;no airplanes;methods to improve poor airquality.Climate of the earth being very hot is makingproblems over water resources.EducationNursery;schools;Longer than now possibly until 25 years of age so thatuniversityHouseFlats;students can learn all the new technologies.houses;Built into the ground as the surface of the earth is sohot.concrete;woodCommunicationStep 3 Pre-readingPosinternetoffice;By thoughtpad;telephone,computer,mobiles,Morsecode,etc.1.Show students some questions to help them understand the text.1).Make a list of the problems human beings are facing today?2).Which problems do you think people will have overcome in one thousand years?32.Ask students to read the title First Impressions and look at the pictures to predict thecontent of the text.Step 4 Reading1.Skimming.Ask students to skim the passage and try to get its general idea:The passage is mainly about_(B)_.A.How Li Qing was transported to the future.B.How Li Qing got to the future and his first impressions of it.C.What the life was like in the future.D.The introduction of the“Future Tours”company.2.ScanningGet students to scan the passage carefully to get the detailed information and then do thefollowing.1).Why did Li Qing get the chance of having this time travel?A.Because he had passed the final examination with high marks.B.Because ha had won a prize.C.Because he had given money to the company named“Future Tours”.D.Because he had written a story about a trip to the year AD 3008.2).Why did Li Qings head ache?Because _.A.he got a bad cold when traveling.B.there was no air at all.C.he felt a bit homesick.D.there was little oxygen in the air.3).A table and chairs rose from _ in the clean room.A.under the floorB.under the curtain4C.under the wallD.under the computer screen4).Which of the following statements is false according to the text?A.Wang Ping suffered from a“time lag”flashback when he travelled to the year AD3008.B.The company of Wang Pings parents transported LI Qing safely into the future in a timecapsule.C.Li Qing lost sight of Wang Ping because there we

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