
Unit 2 单元基础练习一.根据句意及首字母和汉语提示写出所缺单词。1.The old man lived a_after his wife died.He felt very lonely.2.My younger sister looks very sad.Lets go and c_ her up.3.A great _(变化)has taken place in my hometown recently.4.Can you _(想象)what your life is like when you are not ableto see anything?5.She wants to he a _(志愿者).二用括号中所给词的适当形式填空1.I was _(excite)about the idea of getting a dog.2.Thanks to your _(kind),we could set up a school3.No one can expect how many(difficult)he will meet in his life.4.You cant win in the competition if you don t work hard in the(train).5.Dont expect him to show(kind)to you because he is not sogood as you think.三单项选择1.people cant see anything,but we can describe things forthem.A.Sick B.Blind C.Strong D.Homeless2.Some people plan toa volunteer project to help the disabledchildren.A.give up B.think up C.set up D.cheer up3Tims computer is broken.Lets _ for him.Afix up it Brun after Cto fix up it Dfix it up4Huang Xiaoming and Angela baby _ over10,000,000yuan to help thepoor in 2015.Agave off Bgave up Cgave out Dgave away5We all felt nervous when our teacher _ the test papers to usAwaited for Bheard from Cgave out Ddealt with6A lot of old people are _ because they usually have to live _.A lonely;alone B alone;alone C alone;lonely D lonely;lonely7Because of some emergencies,the meeting will be _ till nextweek.Aput off Bput away Cput on Dput up8Lisa,please go to the study and _ me that book Atake Bpass Cfetch Dcarry9 Natalia Partyka has just beaten Li Jiawei!Its hard to _ a girl with only one arm can play ping-pongso well Aimagine Brealize Cknow Dfind10The _ man is badly _Aill;sick Bill;illness Csick;ill Dillness;sick11Could you tell me how _ to the hospital?Sure.Walk straight and then turn right at the first crossing.Its onyour left.A.get Bto get Cgets DGetting12This big bag is too heavy for the little boy _Who volunteersto help him?Acarries Bcarrying Ccarried Dto carry13.The government of China _ the idea of the Belt and Road in 2013.A.Came up with B.cheered up C.put up D.set up14The window is brokenPlease _ who broke it Alooked Bfound Cfind out Dlook at15 Could you please help me carry the box?_A Thank you B With pleasure C It doesn t matter D Thats all right四完型填空Stress is the feeling you get when you re really worried aboutsomething.This is the kind of worry that troubles you for hours,or evendays.It makes you feel _1_,scared,or angry.You may find it difficultto eat and sleep,or you might eat and sleep much _2_ than usual.Stressing out will lead to serious problems like heart illness._3_ notall stress is bad for you.The good kind _4_ your body and mind alert(机敏的)and can make youperform better,like when you re giving aspeechto your class or running to the finish line.What causes stress?Do you know _5_ your dad is worried about thebills(账单),or your mom is unhappy?Because theyre stressed out!Thereare lots of things in your life that _6_ cause stress-having too muchhomework,taking a test in a subject that you are not good _7_,or hearingyour parents argue!There are some ways to _8_ stress.If youre stressed out,try thesequick and easy ways to relax!Take part in sports and out-of-classactivities.Try to get at least eight hours of sleep every night.Eat ahealthy,balanced _9_ that includes all kinds of food.Talk with yourclose friends,family members or teachers.It ll make you feel better,and _10_ may be able to give you advice and help you solve your problem.()1.A.calm()2.A.more()3.A.SoB.excited C.surprisedB.mostB.OrB.losesB.whyB.needB.atC.betterC.AndC.keepsD.upsetD.bestD.ButD.provide()4.A.stops()5.A.how()6.A.can()7.A.onC.whenC.mustD.whereD.shouldD.forC.in()8.A.start with B.agree with C.deal with D.come up with()9.A.tofuB.vegetablesB.weC.fruitD.heD.diet()10.A.they五阅读理解C.sheDo you know what the White House is?Perhaps some of you do,whileothers dont.The White House is a house in Washington.The president of the U.S.A.lives in it.Its really white.But do you know why the White House iswhite?The story happened in 1812.That year England was at war withAmerica.The British army got to Washington and set the presidents houseon fire.In 1814,in order to hide the marks of the fire,the stone wallsof the presidents house were painted white and it has been the“WhiteHouse”ever since.1.White House is a house for _.2.A.the American people.B.the soldiers of U.S.A.3.C.the presidents of U.S.A.D.the patients of U.S.A.4.England fought with America in _.5.A.1810B.1812C.1814 D.19163.The house is called“White House”because _.A.its covered with snow B.the house is very clean C.the stone walls of the house were painted white D.they like whitecolour4.The White House was painted white because _.A.the house is old B.the house is newC.it was once on fire and was with marks D.they have enough paint5.“ever since”means _.A.neverB.once C.from then on D.before六根据汉语提示,完成英语句子(每空一词)。1.你可以帮助打扫城市公园。You _ _ _ clean up the city parks.2.我希望你的梦想能够实现。I hope your dream can _ _.3.当我失败时,我的英语老师尽力让我振作起来。(cheer)My English teachertried her best _ _ _ wheneve

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