
20222022-20232023 年教师招聘之小学教师招聘能力模拟检测年教师招聘之小学教师招聘能力模拟检测试卷试卷 A A 卷(含答案)卷(含答案)单选题(共单选题(共 8080 题)题)1、关于心理健康的含义,表述正确的是()。A.保持良好的心态和具备良好的社会适应性 B.具备积极的成长发展趋势 C.具有高尚的道德伦理品质 D.以上都是【答案】A 2、中国教育改革和发展纲要提出了教育发展的“两基”“两全”“两重”目标,其中“两全”指()A.全面普及九年义务教育,全面扫除青壮年文盲 B.全面进行教育改革,全面发展职业教育 C.全面贯彻党的教育方针,全面提高教育质量 D.全面改革政府包揽办学的格局,全面深化教育体制改革【答案】C 3、教师提高研究技能的三种途径包括()。A.自主、合作、探究 B.阅读、合作、行动研究 C.学习、讨论、创新 D.兴趣、发现、研讨【答案】A 4、根据学习动机的动力来源,可以把学习动机分为()。A.直接动机和间接动机 B.近景的直接性动机和远景的间接性动机 C.内部动机和外部动机 D.高尚的动机和低级的动机【答案】C 5、根据人体生理机能活动变化规律,一节体育课分为三个部分的名称是()。A.内容、目标、方法 B.准备、基本、结束 C.复习、学习、巩固 D.知识、技能、情意【答案】B 6、Now and again I have had horrible dreams,but not enough of them to make me lose my delight in dreams.To begin with,I like the idea of dreaming,of going to bed and lying still and then,by some queer magic,wandering into another kind of existence.As a child I could never understand why grown-ups took dreaming so calmly when they could make such a fuss about any holiday.This still puzzles me.I am mystified by people who say they never dream and appear to have no interest in the subject.It is much more astonishing than if they said they never went out for a walk.Most people or at least more Western Europeans do not seem to accept dreaming as part of their lives.They appear to see it as an irritating little habit,like sneezing or yawning.A.Dreams may be manufactured and sold in the near future B.The price of a dream is ridiculously higher than expected C.People are silly if they set a high value on dreams D.The value of dreams is greater than weve imagined【答案】D 7、We stayed up all night,talking about_had happened in the last few months.A.what B.which C.that D.why【答案】A 8、两手侧平慢慢放下时,三角肌()。A.在拉长状态上做支撑工作 B.在远固定情况下做退让工作 C.在近固定情况下做退让工作 D.在近固定情况下做克制工作【答案】C 9、侵犯的本能论的代表人物包括()A.弗洛伊德 B.罗伦兹 C.多拉德 D.伯克威兹【答案】A 10、下列选项属于班级管理常用的模式有_。A.随机管理 B.权威管理 C.定性管理 D.目标管理【答案】D 11、Psychology tells us that many people hate to take risks.But it is good for us to take risks,especially when the risk is to achieve a desired result.In that way,we become stronger and braver.A.they are too lazy to move on B.they feel pleased with the present life C.they have failed several times before D.they show little interest in the strange world outside【答案】C 12、在我国民间音乐中,用()标记拍子。A.鼓、点 B.节、律 C.板、眼 D.音、律【答案】C 13、决定教育的规模和速度并制约着教育结构变化的社会因素是()。A.法律制度 B.政治经济制度 C.精神文明 D.社会生产力【答案】D 14、排球比赛中,发球运动员所在的位置是()A.1 号位 B.2 号位 C.3 号位 D.4 号位【答案】A 15、心理学是研究心理现象及其发展规律的科学,心理现象又称()A.心理过程 B.心理特性 C.心理活动 D.心理特质【答案】C 16、台式计算机中的部件,有些直接插到主板的插槽或插座上,有些通过数据线与主板相连,下列部件中通过数据线与主板连接的是()A.显卡 B.SATA 固态硬盘 C.CPU D.内存【答案】B 17、He looks normal.That s what everybody says when I tell them my son was just diagnosed as autism(孤独症).They all say it without exception.A.exists B.sleeps C.studies D.works【答案】A 18、根据下面资料,回答题 A.the etiquette of a married man B.to do someone s work or duties while they re away C.action that is taken to hide a mistake or illegal activity from the public D.a legal doctrine whereby,upon marriage,a womans legal rights and obligations were subsumed by those of her husband【答案】D 19、平面类型的民间工艺美术包括:以及()A.民间编织 B.民间剪纸 C.民间竹刻 D.民间泥塑【答案】B 20、以问题解决为中心,注重学生独立活动,着眼于创造性思维能力和意志力培养,教学模式为()A.传递-接受教学模式 B.自学-辅导教学模式 C.引导-发展教学模式 D.情境-陶冶教学模式【答案】C 21、根据下面资料,回答题 A.put B.tipped C.raised D.slapped【答案】C 22、自我防御机制最早由()系统地加以论述。A.精神分析学派 B.行为主义学派 C.认知心理学派 D.人本主义心理学派【答案】A 23、“预见未来的你”,张老师在班里组织一场关于遇见十年后的你,遇见二十年后的你主题小型活动,充分调动了学生的想象力,使得学生对课程有了更好的了解,以上是运用了()的原理。A.布卢姆掌握学习理论 B.巴班斯基最优化理论 C.洛扎诺夫暗示教学理论 D.布鲁纳认知发现学习理论【答案】D 24、加涅将学习分为五种类型的依据是()A.不同的学习结果 B.学习层次的高低 C.学习情境的简繁 D.学习水平的优劣【答案】A 25、下列作家不属于湖畔诗社社员的是()。A.胡适 B.冯雪峰 C.王静之 D.应修人【答案】A 26、根据下面资料,回答题 A.confide B.glance C.prefer D.acknowledge【答案】D 27、In ancient Egypt(古埃及),people believed that the cat was a god.When a 51 died its owners showed their sadness by the strange habit of shaving their eyebrows off!In the 19th century,the famous English writer Charles Dickens had a cat who was very 52 of him.The cat didnt like to 53 Dickens working too hard.At night,when the cat wanted to say 54 writing!to his master,he often 55 Dickens candle with his paw(脚爪)!A.held on B.looked for C.put out D.picked up【答案】C 28、在归因理论中,能力属于()A.稳定、内在、不可控因素 B.稳定、外在、可控因素 C.不稳定、内在、可控因素 D.稳定、外在、不可控因素【答案】A 29、小马在画本上画了一个散发绿色光芒的太阳,老师却给出了颜色不当重画的要求,老师的做法()。A.正确,应该及时纠正学生的错误 B.错误,扼杀了学生的创造力 C.正确,适当的惩罚才会让学生长记性 D.错误,老师应该信任学生【答案】B 30、法国作曲家德彪西的音乐风格属于()。A.巴洛克音乐时期 B.古典主义时期 C.印象主义时期 D.浪漫主义时期【答案】C 31、形成稳定的态度和品德是在()阶段。A.依从阶段 B.认同阶段 C.内化阶段 D.同化阶段【答案】C 32、The girl said that she _ the film twice,so she didn t want to go to the cinema with us.A.would see B.has seen C.saw D.had seen【答案】D 33、下列句子中没有语病,表意明确的一项是()。A.西沙群岛是无可争议的中国领土,中国在西沙群岛建设防御设施,部署防御性武器,与美国在关岛部署军事设施一样,属于正当、合法的行为 B.美女与野兽作为最被大家耳熟能详的童话故事之一,此前已经被翻拍过四次,其中,当属 1991 年版的最为经典 C.不仅愈演愈烈的金融违规行为在非金融机构和代理服务商中盛行,银行也加入其中 D.校庆活动期间,我校高度重视安全教育,采取多种措施做好安全工作,以防出现校园踩踏事件的发生【答案】A 34、People have smoked cigarettes for a long time now.The tobacco which is used to make cigarettes was first grown in what is now part of the United States.Christopher Columbus,who discovered America,saw the Indians smoking.Soon the dried leaves were transported to Euro

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