
20232023 学年教师资格之中学英语学科知识与教学能力学年教师资格之中学英语学科知识与教学能力综合检测试卷综合检测试卷 B B 卷(含答案)卷(含答案)单选题(共单选题(共 8080 题)题)1、When a teacher organizes group work,which of the following might be of the least con-cern?A.Increasing peer interaction B.Increasing individual practice C.Developing language accuracy D.Providing variety and dynamics【答案】C 2、In writing,which session is used to get students to think freely and put down all possible ideas related to the topic that come to their minds?A.Proofreading B.Revising C.Brainstorming D.Mapping【答案】C 3、Shenzhen has passed a new law to ban smoking in public,which can _the civilization of a city.A.weigh B.balance C.explore D.measure【答案】D 4、Passage 2 A.voices for working women B.appeals to passionate workaholics C.triggers debates among mommies D.praises motivated employees【答案】A 5、Campaigning on the Indian frontier is an experience by itself.Neither the landscape nor the people find their counterparts A.loans B.accounts C.killings D.bargains【答案】C 6、Many people believe the glare from snow causes snow-blindness Yet,dark glasses or not,they find themselves suffering from headaches and watering eyes,and even snow-blindness,when exposed to several hours of snow light A.concentrating to the solid white terrain B.searching for something to look at in snow-covered terrain C.providing the eyes with something to focus on D.covering the eyeballs with fluid【答案】C 7、Having been made speechless,he felt_ a fool than he had expected.A.like B.as C.more of D.much of【答案】C 8、Trees should only be pruned when there is a good and clear reason for doing so and,A.allows too many branches to grow in the middle B.does not protect them from wind C.forces them to grow too quickly D.damages some of the small side branches【答案】A 9、请阅读 Passage 2,完成第小题。A.The sixth Transformer may last for 3 hours B.The government in the movie wants to set up a man-made army of Transformers C.In the movie,KSI Corporation stands by the government D.Joshua Joyce has reported the news about Autobot hero to the government【答案】D 10、Much of the power of the trade unions has been lost _,their political influence should be very great A.As a result B.As usual C.Even so D.So far【答案】C 11、What role does he/she play when a teacher explains the purpose of a task,the steps to do it and its time limit?A.An organizer B.An observer C.An evaluator D.A prompter【答案】A 12、_ can fly very high in _ sky.A.The birds.the B.The birds./C.Birds.the D.Birds./【答案】C 13、Conventionally a _ is put in slashes(/).A.allophone B.phone C.phoneme D.morpheme【答案】C 14、During class,the teacher draws a flow chart on the blackboard to show the structure and its inner connection of a passage.What class do you think is it most possible be?A.Word class B.Reading and speaking class C.Grammar class D.Phonetics class【答案】B 15、They heard the_ of swords and realized that the fighting began.A.clash B.crash C.crush D.collision【答案】A 16、When the right person is holding the right job at the right moment,that persons influence is greatly expanded.That is the position in which Janet Yellen,who is expected to be confirmed as the next chair of the Federal Reserve Bank(FeD.in A.Take effective measures to curb inflation B.Deflate the bubbles in the American economy C.Formulate policies to help financial institutions D.Pour money into the market through asset buying【答案】D 17、The British Medical Journal recently featured a strong response to what was judged an inappropriately lenient reaction by a medical school to a student cheating in an examination.A.Medical schools should establish a firm moral standard to weed out applicants with low integrity B.Medical schools should make efforts to remedy the ills of a society C.Medical schools should teach future doctors integrity and ethical values D.There is nothing medical schools can do to improve the ethical behaviour of their students【答案】C 18、In_ drills,the students change a given structure in a way so that they are exposed to other similar structures,which also helps them have a deeper understanding of how the structures are formed and how they are used.A.substitution B.transformation C.comprehension D.communicative【答案】B 19、One question that all approaches of language teaching should answer is“_”A.What is a mother tongue B.What is a secondforeign language C.What is English D.What is language【答案】D 20、Can you imagine the difficulty I had _ language obstacles I fit studied abroad?.A.to over come B.over coming C.over come D.over came【答案】B 21、In English teaching,teachers should NOT pay attention to_.A.providing independent learning and comtnunicating opportunities for students B.correcting students mistakes and errors in the process of learning immediately C.encouraging students to discuss,cooperate,experience,practice,and explore the way to master English D.cultivating students interest【答案】B 22、When a student said in class,“I goed there yesterday”.The teacher responded“say it again,please”.The response is an example of _.A.recast B.modification C.positive feedback D.postp

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