
2021-2022学年山东省德州市第四中学高二英语联考试题含解析 一、 选择题 1. 参考答案: B 略 2. ________ down the radio—the baby’s asleep in the next room. A. Turning B. To turn C. Turned D. Turn 参考答案: D 【详解】考查祈使句。句意为:把收音机关小声点,宝贝在隔壁睡觉呢。分析句子结构,结合句意可知,本句是祈使句。祈使句表达对客体对象的一种驱使动作,应用动词原形来表达。故选D 3. As soon as she heard the ______ news of his death,she ______tears. A.shocked;burst out          B.shocking; burst into C.shocked;burst into          D.shocking;burst out 参考答案: 4. If you had told me in advance, I ___ him at the airport.  A. would meet   B. would had meet   C. would have met    D. would have meet 参考答案: C 5. I’d like to have my photographs       , which will give me many old memories when I’m old. A. had           B. take          C. taking       D. taken 参考答案: D 6. It is reported that there are various reasons _____more and more people feel depressed at this time of year. A. why      B. when    C. what     D. how 参考答案: A 7. _________ many countries in Latin America have been trying to reduce gaps in income, America has allowed inequality to grow. A. While     B. Since       C. If          D. Where 参考答案: A 8.    The new technology will make ______possible to grow food with very little water. A. it           B. it is          C. that          D. that is  参考答案: A 9. ---I bet you will go on a trip after graduation. ---______. I can’t wait! A. Surely I will           B. Go ahead     C. Take it easy  D. My pleasure 参考答案: A 考察交际用语。A当然,我会的;B去做吧!C别担心;D我的荣幸。根据I can’t wait!可知我一定回去旅游的。结合句意可知A正确。句意:—我打赌你毕业以后再去旅游。—当然我会的,我已经等不及了。 10. —How did you like Nick’s performance last night? —To be honest,his singing didn’t ________to me much. A.appeal  B.belong    C.refer     D.attempt 参考答案: A 11. —Do you think the thief entered through the back door? —No, if he had, I don’t believe he ______ the living-room window. A. would break                            B. broke                      C. would have broken       D. had broken 参考答案: C 12. In order to find the missing child, villagers ________ all they can over the past five hours. A. do                            B. did                           C. had done                        D. have been doing 参考答案: D 13. __________I see him, he looks sad.    A. Every now and then  B. Every now and again  C. Every so often      D. Every time 参考答案: D 略 14. He was always being late for class,______ made his teacher disappointed. A. as     B. which   C.that  D. what 参考答案: B 15. ________ to nuclear radiation, even to a small amount, one is likely to develop cancer. A. Being exposed  B. Having exposed   C. Exposed   D. Exposing 参考答案: C 16. I don’t think he       experience.   A. short of    B. lacks of    C. is short for    D. lacks 参考答案: D 17.      building a charming city, almost all the citizens have joined in the big clean-up in and out of their homes. A. In favor of B. In order to  C. In honor of D. In respect of 参考答案: A 二、 单词拼写 18. 此题要求改正所给短文中的错误。对标有题号的每一行作出判断:如无错误,在该行右边横线上画一个“√”;如有错误(每行只有一个错误),则按下列情况改正: 此行多一个词:把多余的词用斜线(╲)划掉,在该行右边横线上写出该词,并也有斜线划掉。 此行缺一个词:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),在该行右边横线上写出该加的词。 此行错一个词:在错的词下面画一横线,在该行右边横线上写出改正后的词。 注意:原行没有错的不要改。 Mr. Green, teacher from Canada, has been                                                                     86.__________  taught in our school for two years. He knows much and makes                                87.__________  his classes lively and interesting. Beside, he is not only strict                                     88.__________  with us student but also in his work.                                                                               89.__________ That’s because he is respected. Kind and patient, Mr. Green                                      90.__________  always avoids making you to feel stupid. For example, every time                         91.__________ I made a mistake in class, he just smiles, which makes                                                  92.__________  me relaxing. He always speaks in simple English so that he can make           93.__________  himself understood. In his spare time, Mr. Green likes playing the violin.              94.__________  He once said,” Music brings me great comfort whenever I miss his family.”          95._________   参考答案: 86. a  87.teaching   88.besides  89.students   90.why   91. feel  92.make  93.relaxed  94.正确  95.my 41. What we used to think impossible ____(be)impossible now does seem possible. 42. Medicine shouldn’t be kept ________it is accessible to children. 43. Zhongshan Park has been moved out of the city and _______sports center is being built in its place. 44. The news came as no surprise to me. I _____(know)for some time that the factory was going to shut down. 45. My father was so _____(please) with my result that he suggested I go on holiday abroad. 46. My roommate often holds parties at night, ________(make) much noise. 47. For a little job, they will need to think twice before carrying it______

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