
2022-2023学年湖南省益阳市实验学校高二英语月考试题含解析 一、 选择题 1. On the contrary, I think it is Truman, ______ you, ______ to blame. A. more than; are   B. less than; who are  C. rather than; that is      D. rather than; is 参考答案: C 2.  I can never forget the day ________ we worked together and the day ________ we spent together. A. when; which     B. which; when     C. what; that       D. on which; when 参考答案: A 3. After _______ absence of 10 years from his hometown, Mr. Li doesn't know _______  great changes have taken place there.  A. an;/   B. an; the   C. the; a     D. /; the 参考答案: A 略 4. What worries me most is that my daughter________most of her spare time ________playing games on the computer.   A.concentrates;on   B.concentrates;in   C.focuses;to    D.focuses;in 参考答案: A 5. The enemies were surrounding the village, but the villagers were ______ the danger. A unknown to B unconscious of C unclear about D afraid of 参考答案: B 6. This is the third time that she ____ for the same mistake , ____? A. has apologized; isn’t it       B. had apologized; hadn’t she  C. had apologized; isn’t it        D. has apologized; hasn’t she 参考答案: A 略 7. Only after her mother came to help her for the first few months ______ to begin her project. A. did she allow            B. had she allowed    C. was she allowed          D. is she allowed 参考答案: C 略 8. ______ is expected, according to the online survey, is _______ prices of houses will not go up an more. A. What; that  B. As, that              C. It, what                    D. Which, that 参考答案: A 9. To prevent fires,smoking is strictly     in the factory.  A.preserved   B.prohibited C.ignored        D.tolerated 参考答案: B 提示:prohibit表示“禁止”,符合题意。preserve“保护”;ignore“忽略,忽视”;tolerate“容忍”。   10. You can borrow my car     you promise not to drive too fast.  A.unless B.even if C.in case D.as long as 参考答案: D 提示:考查从属连词。句意为:“你可以借我的车,只要你保证不开得太快。”as long as意为“只要”,引导条件状语从句。unless“如果不,除非”;even if“即使,纵然”;in case“假使,免得,以防”。   11. After the earthquake, ________ food and medicine was sent there. A. a good many    B. scores of     C. a good deal of      D. a large number of 参考答案: 12. It is already 10 o’clock. I wonder how it ______ that she was two hours later on such a short trip. A. came over     B. came out    C. came about    D. came up 参考答案: C 13. 从每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中,找出其划线部分与所给单词的划线部分读音相同的选项。 1. behalf  A. panic      B. shadow       C. glance       D. actual 2. bathe   A. warmth     B. withdrawal   C. growth       D. faith 3. nuclear A. erupt      B. result       C. pollution    D. consume 4. scholar A. technique  B. branch       C. bunch        D. exchange 5. flood   A. shoot      B. boot         C. blood        D. typhoon 参考答案: CBDAC 14. _____, please come to see me. A. When it convenient               B. When is convenient  C. When convenient                D. Convenient 参考答案: C 15. It’s not ___ good idea to drive for four hours without ___ break. A. a ; a           B. the ; a           C. the ; the         D. a ; the 参考答案: A 23.---What courses are you going to take next semester if you want to receive enough credits to get your degree? ---I don’t know. But it’s about time_____ on something. A. I’d decide             B. I decided               C. I decide             D. I am deciding 参考答案: B 略 17. The principal's opening _____ at the new year's party threw the students into excitement. A.ethic    B.remarks C.attention    D.possessions 参考答案: B 考查名词辨析。句意:校长在新年晚会上的开场白使学生们兴奋不已。A. ethic伦理;   B. remarks评论;C. attention注意力;D. possessions财产,根据题意,故选B。 二、 单词拼写 18. 单词拼写(共10小题;每题1分,满分10分) 根据所给汉语注释,写出空缺处各单词的正确形式。(每空只写一词) 1.Finally he even encouraged me to ____________(反驳 驳斥) the authors I’d read! 2.As he was not allowed to ____________(陪伴) her to the shops, he wrote out a list of items for her. 3.In 1942 he joined the __________(全体员工)of the Philadelphia Navy Yard as a junior chemisht and worked there for three years. 4. I _________(嗅,闻) the food;it smelled delicious. 5.It marked a ______________(界限 分界线) and I thought I was very brave when I swam over the edge of the reef and looking down into the depths of the ocean. 6.I loved listening to the family softly talking to each other in their language, even though I could not ____________(参加 参与) in the conversation. 7.The yellow and green parrotfish was hanging upside down and __________(吮吸) tiny plants off t the coral with its hard bird-like mouth. 8.In many ways my disability has helped me grow stronger _________________(心理地,精神上地) and become more independent. 9.When I miss my family, it’s a great comfort to have a ______________(代替者 代用品) family to be with. 10. Sometimes I wonder how ____________(有关的 切题的) chemistry is to these students, most of whom will be going back to their villages after Year 8 anyway. 参考答案: Words: 1.contradict   2.accompany 3. staff 4.  sniffed 5.boundary  6.participate  7.sucking 8.psychologically 9.substitute  10.relevant 略 1

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