Unit 2 Reading and Thinking 课件【知识精讲+拓展训练】高中英语人教版(2019)必修第二册

Unit 2 Wildlife Protection -Reading and Thinking Learning Objects 1.Encourage students to learn some read skills.2.Help students to find main idea of one pssage.3.Promote students realisation of protecting environment.Warming up Write down some animals that you are familiar with on the blackboard.elephantpandatiger lion shark eaglemonkey Pre-reading 1.Look at the title and predict whats the contents of the passage,2.Try to analyse the passage from divide into three parts,and then conclude each part.Analyse the main paragraph of each part.para1.Describe the environment of Antelopes.para2-3 Introduce the Tibetan Antelope.para4 Tibetan antelope face with much threaten in the past.para5-7 Some useful methods are adopted to protect them.2.Read the passage quickly and answer the following question.1.Why did the write visit Tibet?To observe Tibetan antelope.2.What happened to the Tibetan antelope in the 1980s and 1990s?Hunters were shooting antelope to make profits.3.what did people do to help protect the Tibetan antelope?The government placed it under national protection.4.What does“national protection”mean?Can you list more examples?Volunteers watched over the antelopes.Important language pointsThey were hunted,illegally,for their value fur.解析:时态和语态的用法,由文章的时态可知,用一般过去式,they,指代过去式,所以有了被动语态,were hunted,中间插入语部分,illegally,所以整个句子应该是“they were hunted for their value fur.2.The antelope has recovered and in june 2015,the Tibetan Antelope was removed.解析:在这句话中,The antelope has recovered用了现在完成时,后面一部分,the Tibetan Antelope was removed.依然用了一般过去式的被动语态。一般过去时的被动语态由was/were+done 的形式组合而成。表达过去被。例如:1.He was criticised by his teacher due to made mistakes yesterday.2.Jane was catched by police for theft the bank.5.How does the writer feel about modern life?How do you know?The author believe that people should learn to exit in harmony with nature and wildlife,Tips:Identify literal and implied meaningLiteral meaning is the usual,basic meaning of the words,i.e.exactly what the words say,implied meaning is suggested but not directly expressed.3.Read the sentences below,and decide if each idea is the literal meaning(L)of the text or only implied(I)by the text.I L L I4.Learn about elephants by reading and completing the passage eith the correct forms of the words.hunter illegally reserve attack exist plain harmony threat Herds of elephants used to live on the _of Africa and in the forest of Asia.But today,they face a serious _from _.These large animals are being killed _for their body parts that are considered valuables.In order to save them,some countries have created _ where they can live in peace and safety.plainthreaten hunters attacked reservation However,the _on them will continue as long as interest in buying elephants products _.To achieve _ between huamns and animals,the world must protect these beautiful creatures.exist illegally harmony 5.Discuss the questions below in pairs.The writer says that we must change our way of life and learn to live in harmony with nature in oreder to save our planet.Do you agree?Example:1.I agree with.For people,we should know that the nature resources are limited,and advocate others to protect animals.For government,they can imply some useful policies to preserve the environment.I totally agree with that.Beacuse all animals should live harmony and individuals should protect our environment and preserve wild animal.Thank you

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