Unit 5 Reading for Writing 写作课件【知识精讲+备课精研】 高中英语人教版选择性必修第二册 -

Describe the pictureWhat would you do to help him?Lead-inWhat is the Heimlich manoeuvre?Read and put A-E(P57)A.Choking victims usually have only about four minutes before they collapse and sometimes die.B.If you see someone choking,first call the emergency services.C.Chen wasted no time.D.With choking victims,every minute counts.E.Doing the Heimlich manoeuvre on a small child is not recommended.CABEDFast Reading-Read for the structure the introduction of the Heimlich manoeuvrecomments on the choking incidentPart1:Para1-2Part2:Para3-5Part3:Para6the story of a choking incidentHow can we write a narritive essay?What can we learn from this article?read part 1 carefullyA narrative essay should include:set-upconflictconclusionwhowhatwhere.What did Chen Wei do?Whats the end of the story?.010203Part 1Part 1 Chen Wei,Zhang TaoZhang Tao was choking on some steak while eating.a restaurant in BeijingThe food was instantly forced out,and Zhang began to breathe again.(He was fine)01He wasted no time,got up and ran to the table at once.02With the help of Zhangs friends,he was able to help Zhang to his feet.03Standing behind Zhang,Chen did the Heimlich manoeuvre.How can we describe an urgent situation vividly?formsexpressionsadj.adv.v.sentence structures_someone screamingwas _ _on some steak,was now _his throatwere _ him on the backwasted no time,ran to.at once,help Zhang to his feetdesperate friendswas _ forced outChen Wei had his dinner interrupted _ he heard._ behind Zhang,Chen did the Heimlich manoeuvre.be doinginstantlyheard choking holding slappingwhenStandingTime to practice!假假设设你你和和你你的的同同学学李李明明一一起起去去锅锅炉炉房房打打开开水水,在在回回寝寝室室的的路路上上,李李明明的的热热水水瓶瓶突突然然破破裂裂,开开水水烫烫伤伤了了他他的的脚脚。于于是是你你对对他他实实施施了了必必要要的的急急救救。请请你你结结合此事,用英语写一篇短文,向学校英文报合此事,用英语写一篇短文,向学校英文报Teens投稿,主要内容包括:投稿,主要内容包括:1.描述事故发生的经过;描述事故发生的经过;2.你是如何实施急救的你是如何实施急救的(冷水冲洗、送医院做进一步的处理冷水冲洗、送医院做进一步的处理);3.简要谈谈你对掌握一定急救知识的重要性的认识。简要谈谈你对掌握一定急救知识的重要性的认识。参考词汇:参考词汇:锅炉房锅炉房boiler room热水瓶热水瓶thermos bottleWriting StructurePart 1 set-up Part 2 conflictPart 3 conclusionPart 4 commentsstructure 要点翻译要点翻译1.烫伤非常严重。烫伤非常严重。The _ was very severe.2.皮肤又红又肿。皮肤又红又肿。The skin was red and _.3.我设法保持镇静,并快速回想在急救课堂上学到的内容。我设法保持镇静,并快速回想在急救课堂上学到的内容。I managed to _,and quickly recalled what I had learnt in my _ class.burnswollenremain calmfirst-aid4.我立即把他的脚放到流动的凉水下,以减轻疼痛。我立即把他的脚放到流动的凉水下,以减轻疼痛。I placed his feet under the _the pain.5.然后,我打电话叫了一辆出租车,并匆忙把他送往了医院。然后,我打电话叫了一辆出租车,并匆忙把他送往了医院。Afterwards,I called a taxi and _.6.在医院里,他接受了进一步的治疗。在医院里,他接受了进一步的治疗。In the hospital,he received further _.7.在那时我意识到了基本的急救知识是多么重要和实用。在那时我意识到了基本的急救知识是多么重要和实用。Then I was _ how important and _ a basic _ of _.cool running water right away to easerushed him to the hospitaltreatmentawarepracticalknowledgefirst aid was1.将句将句1和句和句2合并为含有合并为含有so.that.的句子的句子_2.将句将句3升级为含有现在分词作伴随状语的句子升级为含有现在分词作伴随状语的句子_The burn was so severe that the skin was red and swollen.I managed to remain calm,quickly recalling what I had learnt in my first-aid class.词句升级词句升级3.将句将句5和句和句6合并为含有合并为含有where引导的定语从句的句子引导的定语从句的句子_将句将句7升级为升级为“only状语状语”放句首的倒装句放句首的倒装句_Afterwards,I called a taxi and rushed him to the hospital where he received further treatment.Only then was I aware how important and practical a basic knowledge of first aid was.1.Finish the story 2.Exchange your article with your partner.3.Polish your article with the help of the checklist on page 57.lsthenarrativeessayclear?Doesithavethreeparts?Doesthefirstparttellyouaboutwho,what,andwhere?Doesthesecondpartshowaconflict?Doesthethirdpartgivetheconclusion?lsthereagoodquotetosumthingsup?Arethedetailsofthestoryeasytounderstand?One day,Li Ming and I were walking back to the dorm from the boiler room when suddenly his thermos bottle burst and the boiling water caused injuries to his feet.The burn was so severe that the skin was red and swollen.However,I managed to remain calm,quickly recalling what I had learnt in my first-aid class.I placed his feet under the cool running water right away to ease the pain.Afterwards,I called a taxi and rushed him to the hospital where he received further treatment.Only then was I aware how important and practical a basic knowledge of first aid was.范文范文写作积累有关避免/处理紧急状况的一些表达:1、Bleeding:Try to stop the bleeding.Press a handkerchief onto the bleeding point and hold it there.Hold up the part of the body which is bleeding if possible.2、Sprain(扭伤):It is better to avoid walking with the injured ankle.It is correct to use an ice pack for relieving the pain.写作积累有关避免/处理紧急状况的一些表达:3、Choke:Make him/her spit(吐)it out by slapping him/her on the back.To avoid this,we shouldnt talk or laugh when eating.4、Nosebleed:Stay calm.Sit up,bow the head and lean slightly forward.Pinch(捏)both nostrils(鼻孔)together between the thumb and forefinger.Breathe through the mouth,not the nose.写作积累有关避免/处理紧急状况的一些表达:5、getting fracturedCheck and bandage the bleedingLook for a hard stick or branch to secure the injuryDo not move the wound drastically and seek medical attention作业假设你是李华假设你是李华,你们班最近在英语课上学习了有关急救方面你们班最近在英语课上学习了有关急救方面的一些常识的一些常识,同学们普遍对

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