Unit 3 单元话题七选五专项练习 【建构迁移+拓展提升】高一英语 必修第一册 单元重难点突破培优(人教版2019)

Unit 3单元话题七选五专项练习 (名校最新真题) (2022·全国·高一课时练习)The Growing Popularity of Cycling They say once you learn how to ride a bike, you never forget. Most of us learnt when we were kids, and many still strap (系好) on our helmets, put our feet on the pedals , and shoot off for a ride around the streets. In recent times, cycling has seen a boost in popularity. ____1____ First, let’s look at the health benefits. Cycling can improve your cardiovascular (心血管的) health and burm excess body fat. Strengthening your leg muscles in your calves (小腿肚) and thighs (大腿). ____2____ A long ride in the countryside could help you to clear your mind, or de-stress. But it’s not only about your body and mind— there are also some plus sides for your wallet’s health. Cycling can be a great way to commute (通勤) or get about town. ____3____ If you do drive into work, sometimes finding somewhere to park can be a nightmare, whereas finding somewhere to chain your bike up can be much simpler. Then, on the train, there are changes at stations and other commuters speaking loudly on their phones to deal with. And if you’re worried about safety, there are designated cycle lanes in many major cities. Wearing high-visibility clothing is another way to improve your safety when cycling on the roads. ____4____ It can help you to reduce your carbon footprint. Not pumping out fumes into the atmosphere is better for the planet and your own environment. So, whether people want to cycle for their health, getting about town, their wallet, the environment, or a combination of all of them—____5____ A.The popularity of cycling is on the rise. B.By cycling, you save money on fuel or train fares. C.Finally, cycling can also be good for the environment. D.Cycling except for transport, also can be used for fitness. E.And cycling’s benefits aren’t just physical, but mental as well. F.What makes it so appealing to people to straddle their bikes once again? G.I feel very relaxed by cycling, but the body was able to quickly reach the amount of exercise! (2022·浙江·杭十四中高一期末)Danielle Waterman, an English woman rugby (橄榄球) player is interviewed and talks about her experience and opinions about the sport. Having two older brothers taught me a lot about survival. ___6___ We’d play rugby together and if I wanted to play against my brothers, who I looked up to, I had to be good enough. It made me determined. I was lucky to have supportive parents, especially my mother, who was my role model. ___7___ It’s different now, with lots of amazing women in British sport as positive examples to young girls. The situation for women’s sport has improved, but there’s a long way to go. The regularity of male sport allows the public to be familiar with teams and players. ___8___ A few years ago, I got hurt in my knee and was told I couldn’t play again. ___9___ That’s when I really recognized the challenges I was facing mentally, as well as coping with my physical pain. No matter how much I trained, I wouldn’t improve unless I was happier and more confident. I realized I needed to get help for my mental health. Without that support, I wouldn’t have played again. ___10___ When I was injured, my immediate reaction was, ‘I need to keep going.’ I’ve built up strong will but it’s basically because I love what I do. When I play rugby, I work with other people, deal with failure and overcome difficulties - all these make me open-minded and determined. Rugby develops confidence in me around achieving and self-belief. A.That’s what women’s sport needs. B.Sometimes I did feel different to other girls. C.I never thought of myself as different from them. D.Playing rugby is my passion, and it enriches me. E.However, I decided to insist on and to get to the Olympics. F.As well as the physical side, the sport also leads me to a happy life. G.There weren’t many female role models in sport when I was growing up. (2022·湖北·十堰市教育科学研究院高一期末)The Importance of Getting Kids to Be Active Everyone knows that kids should be physically active and need to exercise regularly to be physically fit. ____11____, regular physical activity is considered by most experts to be an important part of a healthy lifestyle. However, that doesn’t mean every child needs to spend four or five hours a day exercising. How Much Exercise Do Kids Need? It is recommended that kids should be physically active for at least 60 minutes per day. ____12____. For example, if your eight-year-old played soccer for 20 minutes during PE at school and then played basketball with his friends for 40 minutes after school, he would meet the recommendation of 60 minutes of physical activity for that day. Exercise and Calories ____13____. It can help them build self-respect, sleep better, have more energy, and reduce depression. And as most people know, along with a healthy diet, regular exercise is the best way to lose weight and prevent childhood obesity (肥胖). Since your child is not likely to get his exercise using exercise

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