
前言Foreword 受××(中国)有限公司和×××化工工程有限公司委托,我院对拟建“巴斯夫INTERMEDIATES THF/POLY-THF项目”场地进行工程地质勘察工作。 Commissioned by ×× (China) Co., Ltd and ×× Chemical Engineering Co.,Ltd, our institute has undertaken the engineering geologic investigation of the INTERMEDIATES THF/POLY-THF Project. 1.1、工程概况Project profile 拟建工程位于上海市化学工业区B700~B900地块内,东近目华路、南近南河。 场地内主要拟建工艺装置区及辅助配套建筑物,各拟建(构)筑物的设计参数见表1,平面位置见“勘探孔平面布置图”。 The project is located in Plot B700~B900 of Shanghai Caojing Chemical Industry Park (SCIP). It is to the west of Muhua Rd and to the north of Nan River. Please refer to Table 1 for the proposed process plant, the accessory buildings, the design parameters of the proposed buildings (structures). Please refer to the Floor Plan of the Boreholes for 1.2、勘察目的及技术要求Investigation purposes and technical requirements 本次勘察属详细勘察阶段,目的是为拟建(构)筑物的基础工程、基坑工程和厂区道路,地坪工程的设计、施工提供必要的工程地质资料。具体任务如下: This investigation is on the detailed investigation phase, the objective of which is to provide necessary geological data for the design and construction of buildings’ foundation and pits, the roads and the ground in the plant. Details are as following: A、查清拟建(构)筑物地基压缩层及基坑稳定验算深度范围内地基土构成、分布规律及其工程地质特性; To learn the composition, the distribution rules and geological features of foundation’s compression stratum, and of the foundation soil within the calculation depth of pit stability. B、提供各土层物理力学性质综合指标,地基承载力设计值fd和桩基承载力参数(包括桩周土极限摩阻力标准值fs和桩端土极限端阻力标准值fp),提供基础沉降计算所需岩土参数; To provide the comprehensive mechanical parameters of each stratum, bearing capacity of foundation fd, bearing capacity of pile foundation (including ultimate friction on pile sides fs and ultimate end bearing on pile tops fd), and the geotechnical parameters needed in foundation settlement calculation. 表1 拟建(构)筑物设计参数一览表 Table 1 Overview of the design parameters of the proposed buildings (structures) NAME OF STRUCTURE TYPE OF STRUCTURE DIMENSION HEIGHT/ STOREY LOADING OF STRUCTURE TYPE OF FOUNDATION ALLOWABLE SETTLEMENT (mm) DIFFERENTIAL SETTLEMENT (mm) THF Plant Concrete/steel 105.0m×22.0m 3 storey/21.0m 3500kN per column Pile raft 25 10 Reactors Concrete 7.0m dia. 7.8m 2000kN Pile 25 10 Compresso /blower Concrete 12.m×5.0m - 1100kN Pile 25 10 POLY-THF Plant Concrete/steel 35.8m×39.9mcolumn grid 7.0m×8.0m 6 storey/31.0m 4500kN per column Pile raft 25 10 Tank Farm Steel 7.5m dia. 12.0m 120kPa Pile raft 150 1/80 Pumps concrete 6.5m×12.5m - 30kPa Raft Iso-butane storage concrete 5.5m dia. 20.0m 5000kN Pile raft 25 10 Pumps concrete - - 30kPa Raft Thermo Reactor Steel 25.0m×36.0m 10.0m 15000kN Pile raft 25 10 Cooling Tower concrete 30.0m×18.0m 10.0m 100kPa Pile 25 10 Control building concrete(blast resistant) 52.8m×16.6m 3 storey/14.4m 2300kN per column Pile 25 10 Transformer concrete 4.0m×4.0m - 50kPa Raft 25 10 File Water Tank concrete 25m×40m 4.5m deep 60000kN Pile raft 25 10 File Water Tank concrete 25m×30m 4.5m deep 45000kN Pile raft 25 10 Gate house Concrete wall & steel roof 12.3m×13.5m 30.3m×13.8m 1 storey/4.9m 25kPa Raft 25 10 Fire Brigade Concrete wall & steel frame 10.5m×10.5m 1 storey/5.2m 25kPa Raft 25 10 Substation concrete 34.3m×6.5m 1 storey/5.7m 35kPa Raft 25 10 Power supply for Cooling water concrete 10.8m×12.4m 1 storey/5.2m 30kPa Raft 25 10 Pipe rack Concrete/steel 2.0m-5.0m wide 6.0m-20.0m 900kN per column Pile 25 10 H2-Plant C、 明确场地地震动峰值加速度,地震基本烈度及场地类别;进行地基土的地震液化判定,如有液化,则计算液化等级和液化强度比。 To specify the maximum acceleration of earthquake, basic earthquake intensity, and site class. If there is seismic liquefaction, liquefaction scale and liquefaction intensity ratio need to be calculated. D、 简述场地地形、地貌特征,查清拟建场地内可能分布的近代海沟,海槽淤积层等不良地质现象的分布规律及性质,并评价对本工程的影响,提出相应的整治措施。 To give a brief description of the topographical features, and the distribution rules and features of some adverse geological conditions, such as possible recent sea channels, and bay mucky stratum. In addition, to estimate their effects on this project, and to put forward corresponding measures. E、 调查场地浅部地下水埋藏特征,补给、排泄规律;了解杭州湾潮汐动态和本场地地下水的联系及对本工程的影响。判定场地内地下水对混凝土及钢结构的腐蚀性及其程度,并提出相应的防护措施。 To study the embedment features, recharging and charging rules of the shallow ground water. To learn Hangzhou Bay tides’ influence on the site, meanwhile, to estimate the ground water’s influence on the project. In addition, to specify ground water’s corrosion extent on concrete and steel structure, and to put forward corresponding protection measures. F、评述场地工程地质条件,根据各拟建工程的特点,对相应的基础形式作出评价及建议: To describe the geological conditions of the site. And according to the features of different buildings, to estimate and recommend suitable foundation form for each building: a、 对拟采用天然地基的辅助配套建筑,建议合理的基础持力层和基础砌置深度; To recommend suitable sustaining layer of foundation, and foundation depth for the BU

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