
形副宝典2023中考一轮复习之形容词和副词part1 知识梳理part2 考点梳理part3 解题方法 形adj.副adv.体系化学习体系化学习一、形副基本用法撒叫形副?形副 .的(形容词).地(副词)蛋蛋 干饭。A.开心地 B.可爱的1.形容词形容词+名词名词2.系动词系动词+形容词形容词3.不定代词不定代词+形容词形容词4.make/keep/find+sb./sth.+adj.(一)形容词的基本用法总结_+n系动词+_不定代词+_adj.adj.adj.位置:系后名前系动词系动词:1.be(am/is/are/was/were)2.感官系动词感官系动词(look/sound/smell/taste/feel)3.变化类变化类(get/become/turn)4.保持类(保持类(keep/stay/remain)5.似乎(似乎(seem)1.副修形/副 2.副修动 3.副修句(二)副词的基本用法总结:_+adj./adv._+v.v.+_,+句子。句子。句子句子+_。adv.adv.adv.adv.adv.副词修饰动词和其他,可以放在句首/句中/句尾下列空上到底填adj.还是adv.?Sample Heading基本用法1.I looked over them,but it was _ and there was no sign of it.2.There are flowers and _ flags everywhere,and we have a _ holiday.3.Is there anything _ on that day?4.I _ know the answer.What do you think?5.She trained _,so she became a great player later.adj.adj.adj.adj.adv.adv.下列空上到底填什么词性?Sample Heading基本用法6._,when she retured to Britian in 1856,she became a national hero.7.He invented _tools to use outside hospitals and close to the fighting areas so that doctors could treat the wounded _.8.Then you will have _luck in the new year.9.one night,he found that the moon was so _ and _that he could see his wife there.10.He _laid out her _ fruits and desserts in the garden.adv.adj./adv.adv.adj.adj.adj.adv.adj.形&副判断形副1.后找名词,名前为adj.2.前找系动词,系后接adj.3.make/find+名代+adj.4.剩下就是adv.PPT模板下载: 2.以辅音字母+y结尾,变y为i+ly3.le结尾,变le为ly 4.元音字母+e结尾,去e+ly 5.辅音字母+e结尾,+ly 6.以ll结尾,+y quickhappycomfortabletruepolitefull-comfortably-truly-politely-fully-quickly-happilyPPT模板下载: 形变副形副中考考点1中考形副基本用法出题方向:1.语法完型(形副判定及词意辨析)2.逻辑完型(词意辨析)3.短文填空(形副判定)形副我是一个小练习基本用法 Jing solved all his problems.A.hard B.hardly C.successful D.successfullyIn the restaurant,John ordered the food and drink for the old woman _.A.polite B.politely C.angry D.angrilyThis man offered much money to the school,I thought he must be a _ man.A.rich B.poor C.healthy D.unhealthy The old man said (slow).PPT模板下载: Jing solved all his problems.A.hard B.hardly C.successful D.successfullyIn the restaurant,John ordered the food and drink for the old woman _.A.polite B.politely C.angry D.angrilyThis man offered much money to the school,I thought he must be a _ man.A.rich B.poor C.healthy D.unhealthy The old man said (slow).我是一个小练习基本用法正如习近平所说,人类应当友好对待世界不同的文化。As Xi Jinpiing said,humans should to different cultures of the world.Two years later,he decided to go to New York for his dream.There he held his first concert _(successful).It made me remember that she told me everything very _(patient)when I was a kid.This may make you_(angry)with them and your friendship could end.我是一个小练习基本用法 I looked down and replied _(nervous),“Yes.”He put down the bag _(careful)and said,“Thank you very much.I knew you gave me your own money that day.”But the fact is that knowing what to do and doing what you know are totally _(different).二、形副等级30s回顾规则变化比较级&最高级 变化规则一般情况:直接加-er/-est以不发音的e结尾:直接加-r/-st重读辅元辅:双写末尾辅音字母,加-er/-est辅音字母+y结尾:变y为i,加-er/-est部分双音节词和多音节词:加more/most部分双音节词和多音节词:necessary,meaningful以-ly/-ful/-less/-able/-ous.结尾的词-ed/-ing构成的形容词比较级&最高级15s攻克易混点加more/most“刻骨铭心”不规则比较级最高级moremostlessleastbetterbestworseworstfarther/furtherfarthest/furthestolder/elderolder/elder原级many/muchlittlegood/wellbad/badly/illfarold比较级&最高级特殊的形副比较级His _ brother is _ than I.oldfarWe must get _ imformation.亲属前,elder 现;than前需要用older farther 指距离上的远,further指程度深olderelderfurther比较级&最高级形副比较级大变身变illquickfunnyhotbusyeasilyquicklybadlyhealthyluckyhealthilymuchexcitedlittlefewearlyheavytraditionalvaluableactivehumorous比较级&最高级形副比较级比较级形副比较级句式结构回顾比较级1.A+系动词/实意动词+形容词/副词比较级+than B.3.the+比较级(主+谓),the+比较级(主+谓)4.which+谓语动词+比较级,A or B?原级句型:A+系动词/实意动词+as+形容词/副词原级+as B.2.比较级 and 比较级5.Of the two+名词复数,主语+动词+the+比较级加上修饰词试一试吧!比较级 三多 两少一甚至 much,a lot,fara little,a biteven形副比较级易错点讲解the other比较级His legs are shorter than me.His legs are shorter than mine.=my legs 1.比较对象的一致性比较级形副比较级易错点讲解The moon in China is much brighter than the moon in the US.The stars in China is much more than the stars in the US.中国的月亮比美国的月亮明亮。中国的星星比美国的星星多。2.单数名词和不可数名词用that 替换可数名词复数用those 替换thatthose火眼金睛1.Our country is getting more beautiful and more beautiful.2.The box is more heavier than that one.3.I think math is very more difficult than English.4.There are many more people in the street than uaual.5.The classroom is three times as bigger as that one.6.Mike is so tall as Jack.比较级火眼金睛比较级7.He is taller of the two.8.Marys hair is longer than my sister.9.The weather in Beijing is colder than in Shanghai.10.The apples in this basket are better than them in that basket.形副最高级最高级没那么简单句式结构最高级1.这是世界上最大的蚊子(mosquito)。2.她有世界上最长的睫毛(eyelashes)。很简单最高级基本句式结构最高级A is/are+the+最高级+范围(3)A+实义动词+(the)+最高级+范围(3)(in/of/among+范围)很简单特殊句式结构汇编最高级1.特殊疑问词+最高级,A,B or C?2.the+序数词(first;third)+形容词/副词最高级3.XX+be+the+最高级+n+I have ever seen.4.one of the+形容词最高级+名词复数5.try/do ones best中考必考之“一箭四雕”最高级one of.最高级one of.My mother is one of the best teachers in our school.中考必考之“一箭四雕”One of the best teachers in our school is my mather.最高级one of.One of the best teachers in our school is my mather.中考必考之“一箭四雕”最高级one of.One of the best

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