新概念英语第二册 Lesson45教学课件

新概念英语成人版第二册2023版课件Aclearconscience问心无愧问心无愧Lesson45Hello!Everyone!Lets have a happy class!I lost a large I lost a large sum of money.sum of money.What should we do when What should we do when we lost money.we lost money.Someone must have _my Someone must have _my money.money.The lostlostanand dfoundfoundFirst watch the video and then answer the question.看视频,然后回答以下问题。看视频,然后回答以下问题。How did Sam get his money back?How did Sam get his money back?Listen and anwser:1.This story is about _.A.Sam Benth B.Sam Benton C.Benth2.Did he found his wallet outside his front door?A.Yes,he did B.No,he didnt3.How much money was sent to the owner in total?A.100 per cent B.25 per cent C.75 per cent New words and expressions New words and expressions 生词生词和短语和短语1.clear adj.1.clear adj.klikli adj.adj.晴朗的晴朗的,清澈的;无愧的清澈的;无愧的,清白的;清白的;清楚的清楚的,明白的;畅通的明白的;畅通的,无阻的无阻的 eg:eg:透明的玻璃透明的玻璃_ _ 山上清澈的湖水山上清澈的湖水_ 晴朗的天空晴朗的天空_ _ 洁净的脸洁净的脸_ 有着明亮眼睛的孩子有着明亮眼睛的孩子_adj.adj.易看清的或听清的易看清的或听清的 a clear sounda clear soundadj.adj.易懂的,明白的易懂的,明白的 a clear meaninga clear meaning2.conscience n.2.conscience n.knns 良心,良心,道德心道德心Have a clear conscienceHave a clear conscience问心无愧问心无愧have a guilty conscience/have have a guilty conscience/have a bad conscience a bad conscience 有愧于心有愧于心have no consciencehave no conscience没良心没良心search ones heart/search search ones heart/search onee onee conscience conscience扪心自问扪心自问conscious adj.conscious adj.感觉到的,有意识的感觉到的,有意识的conscientious adj.conscientious adj.凭良心的,诚实凭良心的,诚实的,(工作)负责尽职的,谨慎的的,(工作)负责尽职的,谨慎的eg.She always cheats and lies,she eg.She always cheats and lies,she has no conscience at all.has no conscience at all.eg.Search your conscience and ask eg.Search your conscience and ask if you are clear.if you are clear.3.wallet n.3.wallet n.wlit 皮夹,钱夹皮夹,钱夹purse purse 小钱包,小钱袋小钱包,小钱袋two walletstwo wallets只看到别人的缺点,而看不到自己的缺点.源于伊索寓言,伟说每个人来到世界上都背着两个口袋。一只挂在胸前,另一只背在背上,里面全装着缺点,挂在胸前的口袋里装的是别人的缺点,背在背上的那只口袋里装的是自己的缺点。所以人们看别人的缺点时一目了然,而对自己的缺点却往往视而不见。4.savings n.4.savings n.sevz 存款存款,储金,储蓄额(通常指储金,储蓄额(通常指银行存款)银行存款)saving banksaving bank储蓄银行(只办有利息存款的银行)储蓄银行(只办有利息存款的银行)Saving accountSaving account储蓄存款帐户储蓄存款帐户 eg:他用存的钱买了这辆自行车。He used his savings to buy the bike.5.villager n.5.villager n.vilid村民村民villagevillagen.n.村,村庄(有教堂)村,村庄(有教堂)hamlet n.hamlet n.小村庄(无教堂)小村庄(无教堂)adj.adj.村庄的村庄的 a fishing village a fishing village 渔村渔村 village lifevillage life乡乡村生活村生活 the villagethe village村民村民(集合说法)集合说法)eg.The whole village is going to welcome the eg.The whole village is going to welcome the foreigner.foreigner.-er-er通常指的是职业:通常指的是职业:reporter,reader,teacher,writerreporter,reader,teacher,writer.6.per cent 6.per cent psent百分之百分之 seven percentseven percenteg.More than 40percent of the eg.More than 40percent of the students wear glasses.students wear glasses.a 20 percent discounta 20 percent discount打打8 8折折a thirty percent increasea thirty percent increase增加增加百分之三十百分之三十eg:我百分之百同意。我百分之百同意。I am 100 per cent in agreement.Watch the video again and pay attention to the intonation and pronunciation.Thewholevillagesoonlearntthatalargesumofmoneyhadbeenlost.SamBenton,thelocalbutcher,hadlosthiswalletwhiletakinghissavingstothepostoffice.Samwassurethatthewalletmusthavebeenfoundbyoneofthevillagers,butitwasnotreturnedtohim.Threemonthspassed,andthenonemorning,Samfoundhiswalletoutsidehisfrontdoor.Ithadbeenwrappedupinnewspaperanditcontainedhalfthemoneyhehadlost,togetherwithanotewhichsaid:Athief,yes,butonly50percentathief!Twomonthslater,somemoremoneywassenttoSamwithanothernote:Only25percentathiefnow!Intime,allSamsmoneywaspaidbackinthisway.Thelastnotesaid:Iam100percenthonestnow!Ask and answer:1.What had been lost in the village.2.Who lost the money?3.Sam was sure that the wallet must have been found by one of the villagers,but was it returned to him?4.How long did the money begin to return back?5.How much money was contained in the newspaper?6.Was all the money returned back?1The whole village soon learnt that a large sum of money had been lost.主主从复合句,从复合句,that引导宾语从句。引导宾语从句。(1)village在这里为总称,指在这里为总称,指“村民村民”,the whole village指指“全村的人全村的人”,后面通,后面通常跟单数动词(有时也可视为复数)常跟单数动词(有时也可视为复数)eg:这消息使全村的人兴奋。这消息使全村的人兴奋。The whole village was excited by the news.(2)learn在句中的含义为在句中的含义为“获悉获悉”、“得知得知”:我刚刚得知她病了。我刚刚得知她病了。Ive just learnt that she was ill.3Sam Benton,the local butcher,had lost his wallet while taking his savings to the post office.简单句。简单句。while 引导的现在分词作伴随状语引导的现在分词作伴随状语while he was taking his savings to the post office。现在分词这样用的前提是两个动词的主。现在分词这样用的前提是两个动词的主语是同一个,并且这两个动作通常是同时发生的语是同一个,并且这两个动作通常是同时发生的.他一边打扫房间一边听音乐。他一边打扫房间一边听音乐。He listened to music while cleaning the room.如果是主语不一致则必须用从句:如果是主语不一致则必须用从句:我打扫房间时,他在听音乐我打扫房间时,他在听音乐He listened to music while I was cleaning the room.Butcher(1)n.屠夫,肉商屠夫,肉商 the butchers(2)v.屠杀(动物),残杀(人)屠杀(动物),残杀(人)4Sam was sure that the wallet must have been found by one of the villagersmust用于对过去已发生的事进行推测时,用于对过去已发生的事进行推测时,后面的动词要用完成式后面的动词要用完成式我到这儿的时候他已不在了。他一定早我到这儿的时候他已不在了。他一定早走了。走了。When I arrived,he wasnt here.He must have left early.find+n+adj:发现发现.为为.eg.I found my cat asleep in my bed.eg.After a long searc

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