《金新学案》高考英语 Module 2 A Job Worth Doing 外研必修5

.重点单词聚焦重点单词聚焦1The referee blew his whistle as a s_for the game to begin.答案:答案:signal2She urged me to accept the new p_,although the job is not very well paid.答案:答案:post3Many college students have t_jobs during the summer vacation.答案:答案:temporary4 Using a bicycle contributes greatly to peoples physical f_as well as easing traffic jams.答案:答案:fitness5Im really_(感激的感激的)for everything youve done for me.答案:答案:grateful6Shes not a celebrity,but she was a(n)_(模模特特)when she was young.答案:答案:model 7Wealth is not an everlasting friend,but a friend is_(永永久的久的)wealth!答案:答案:permanent8As a(n)_(志志愿愿者者),I want to show our folk customs to the people from all over the world.答案:答案:volunteer9There is no money_(可用的可用的)for an office party this year.答案:答案:available10He is very much different from his acting roles and has a(n)_(外向的外向的)personality.答案:答案:outgoing.重点短语扫描重点短语扫描1 以为以为理所当然;想当然理所当然;想当然2 对对产生影响产生影响3 作为作为的回应的回应4 与与有关有关5 尤其;特别尤其;特别take.for grantedHave an effect onIn response toBe related toIn particular6 平均平均7 理理论论上;从理上;从理论论上来上来说说8 实际实际上;在上;在实实践中践中9 站好位置以站好位置以备备;占据;占据(用用)10 注意到注意到11 申申请请on averagein theoryin practicetake uptake notice ofapply for.课文原句突破课文原句突破1 But often they just pass by,_the human traffic signal_ _.但但经经常常他他们们只只是是从从他他身身边边驶驶过过,把把人人体体交交通通标标志看作理所当然的事情。志看作理所当然的事情。答案:答案:taking;for granted2The drop is_great_anyone inside the vehicle is lucky to survive.这次坠崖是如此不一般以致车上的每个人都幸存下来。这次坠崖是如此不一般以致车上的每个人都幸存下来。答案:答案:so;that3Every morning he climbs up to the bend_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.每天早上他爬到那个弯道每天早上他爬到那个弯道处处,手中,手中举举着一个着一个圆圆形的大木板。形的大木板。答案:答案:with a large circular board in his hand4Sometimes drivers give him a tip,_ _he has just enough money to live on.有有时时候,候,驾驶员们给驾驶员们给他小他小费费,因此他有足,因此他有足够够的的钱钱来生活下去。来生活下去。答案:答案:so that5He_ _a lorry load of bananas_he came off the road at a bend and fell three hundred metres down the mountain.当当他他正正驾驾驶驶着着一一辆辆满满载载香香蕉蕉的的货货车车要要驶驶过过一一个个拐拐弯弯处处的的时时候候,他他连连人人带带车车摔到了摔到了300多米深的山崖下。多米深的山崖下。答案:答案:was driving;whenoffer v(主主动动)提提出出(愿愿意意做做某某事事),提提议议,给给予予,提提供供;n.出出价价,建建议议(教教材材原原句句P12)This person has offered to do a joband may not be paid for doing it.这这个人已主个人已主动动做一份工作,做一份工作,有可能不有可能不给报给报酬。酬。(1)offer sb.sth.offer sth.to sb.提供提供给给某人某物某人某物offer to do sth.主主动动提出做某事提出做某事(2)offer sb.some money for sth.出价出价买买某物某物offer sb.sth.for some money要价要价卖卖某物某物He offered to help me with my maths.他主他主动动帮我学数学。帮我学数学。We offered him the house for 35,000.这这所房子我所房子我们们向他索价向他索价35 000英英镑镑。Thank you for your offer of help.感感谢谢你提供的帮助。你提供的帮助。辨析:辨析:offer,provide与与supply(1)provide常常表表示示“免免费费供供给给”,用用于于provide sb.with sth.或或provide sth.for sb.;(2)supply表表示示“供供应应,供供给给”,用用于于supply sb.with sth.或或supply sth.to sb.;(3)offer指指行行为为者者主主动动、慷慷慨慨地地给给予予、提提供供帮帮助助,常常用用于于offer sb.sth.或或offer sth.to sb.They provided the sufferers with food and clothes./They provided food and clothes for the sufferers.他们提供食物和衣服给受难者。他们提供食物和衣服给受难者。The government decided to supply the refugees with houses./The government decided to supply houses to the refugees.政府决定供政府决定供给难给难民住房。民住房。He offered me a cup of coffee./He offered a cup of coffee to me.他他给给我一杯咖啡。我一杯咖啡。1.(湖南高考湖南高考)Do you have any problems if you_this job?Well,Im thinking about the salary.AofferBwill offerCare offered Dwill be offered解解析析:此此句句表表示示“如如果果给给你你这这份份工工作作,你你有有问问题题吗吗?”因因为为主主语语是是you,应应该该是是被被动动,又又因因为为条条件件状状语语从从句句中中不不能能用用将将来来时时,故故答答案案只只能能是是C项。项。答案:答案:Cdirect vt.&vi.导导演演;指指挥挥;指指示示;adj.径径直直的的;直直接接的的;直直率率的的;adv.直接地直接地(教教材材原原句句P13)Timoteo stands on the bend and directs the traffic.铁铁穆特欧站在拐弯穆特欧站在拐弯处处指指挥挥着交通。着交通。The opera was directed by the wellknown Chinese director,Zhang Yimou.歌歌剧剧由中国著名由中国著名导导演演张艺谋执导张艺谋执导。The old man is willing to stand on the bend and directs the traffic.这这位老人位老人乐乐意站在意站在转转弯弯处处指指挥挥交通。交通。I like to make friends with anyone who is open and direct.我喜我喜欢欢和任何坦和任何坦诚诚直爽的人交朋友。直爽的人交朋友。Its only a small improvement but at least its a step in the right direction.虽虽然然这这只只是是一一个个小小小小的的改改进进,但但至至少少是是朝朝着着正正确确的的方方向向迈迈出出的的一步。一步。Directly the teacher came in everyone was quiet.老老师师一一进进来大家就安静了。来大家就安静了。2.When I was in hospital,my mother made a promise that she would take me to Qingdao_I was well enough to travel,which_my recovery.Adirect;contributed to Bdirectly;contributed toCdirectly;attributed to Ddirect;attributed to解解析析:directly作作连连词词,表表示示“一一就就”,direct没没有有此此用用法法;contribute to有有助助于于。句句意意为为:在在我我住住院院的的时时候候,妈妈妈妈向向我我承承诺诺一旦我恢复到可以出行了,就带我去青岛,这有助于我的康复。一旦我恢复到可以出行了,就带我去青岛,这有助于我的康复。答案:答案:B3If you had read the_carefully,some mistakes in the exam could have been avoided.Aintroductions BdirectionsCdescriptions Dconstructions解解析析:句句意意为为:如如果果仔仔细细阅阅读读说说明明,很很多多错错误误都都可可避避免免。introduction介介绍绍;direction要要求求,说说明明;description描描述述;construction建设。建设。答案:答案:Bapply v应应用;运用;申用;运用;申请请;请请求求(教教材材原原句句P15)Now think of some more questions to ask people applying for these jobs.想出更多的想出更多的问题问问题问一下申一下申请请工作的人。工作的人。apply for申申请请,请请求求apply to sb.for sth.向某人申向某人申请请某物某物apply to适用于适用于apply oneself to致力于,集中精力于致力于,集中精力于I would like to apply to become an assistant in your company.我想申我想申请请成成为为你你们们公司的助理。公司的助理。She applied for a job as an English teacher.她她应应聘英聘英语语教教师师的工作。的工作。We had to a

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