《金新学案》高考英语一轮复习 Unit 1 Lifestyles 生活方式 北师大必修1

类类别别课标课标要点要点重重点点单单词词1.vt.认为认为,猜想,猜想 2.vt.转换转换,转变转变3.adj.遥控的遥控的 4.adj.急迫的,急迫的,紧紧急急的的5.n.公文,文件公文,文件 6.adj.厌烦厌烦的,不感的,不感兴兴趣趣的的7.n.压压力力 8.n.专专家家9.vi.感到疼痛,遭受感到疼痛,遭受(痛苦痛苦)10.vt.忍耐,忍受忍耐,忍受11.vt.更喜更喜欢欢,宁愿,宁愿 12.n.志愿者志愿者13.vi.毕业毕业 14.n.挑挑战战15.vt.&n.支持;支撑支持;支撑 16.adv.否否则则,另外,另外17.vt.&vi.放松放松 18.vt.组织组织19.vi.抱怨,投抱怨,投诉诉 20.n.广告广告supposeswitchremoteurgentdocumentboredboredstress/pressure expert sufferstandprefervolunteervolunteergraduatechallenge challenge support otherwiserelax organiseorganisecomplain advertisement常常用用短短语语1.把开关打开,接通把开关打开,接通 2.(爆竹,爆竹,铃铃等等)响响3 占据占据 4.充充满满着着5 忍受,遭受忍受,遭受 6.此此刻,目前刻,目前7 换换衣服衣服 8.追上,赶上,想出,找到追上,赶上,想出,找到9 盼望,期望盼望,期望(其中其中to是介是介词词)10.除除之外之外还还;既;既又又;和;和一一样样好好switch ontake up suffer from get changed come up with come up with look forward to as well asgo offgo offbe filled with be filled with at the momentat the moment典典型型句句式式1.I always take my portable TV and I sit on the stone wall the dog walks round in a circle.我我总总是随身携是随身携带带手提手提电视电视,坐在石,坐在石墙墙上看,而小狗上看,而小狗则则在我的身在我的身边绕边绕圈。圈。2I normally wake up about five minutes my alarm clock .我一般在我一般在闹钟闹钟响前响前5分分钟钟就醒了。就醒了。3 me less than fifteen minutes wash,get changed,have breakfast,leave home and get on a bus.从洗漱、穿衣、吃早从洗漱、穿衣、吃早饭饭、离家到坐上公共汽、离家到坐上公共汽车车只用只用15分分钟钟。4But I try to work hard I can make more money for them.但是我得拼命工作,但是我得拼命工作,为为他他们赚们赚更多的更多的钱钱。5Usually,its I cant find anywhere to sit.通常地通常地铁铁很很拥挤拥挤,我很,我很难难找到座位。找到座位。whilebeforegoes offIt takes so that torelax vt.&vi.(使)放松;(使)松懈relax the audience使观众放松relaxing令人放松的(常修饰“事”)relaxed放松的(常修饰“人”,)It is relaxing to have a walk in the park on Sundays.星期天在公园散步是一件十分轻松的事情。He is feeling relaxed now.他现在感觉轻松了。在英语中有许多单词都有类似的用法:bore vt.使厌倦frighten vt.使感到害怕I dont like his long boring speech.我可不喜欢他那令人讨厌的长篇大论。1.He was lying in the sun,_.Arelaxing and happyBrelaxed and happyCrelaxation and happily Drelaxed and happily【答案答案】Bcomplain vt.&vi.抱怨;发牢骚;投拆complain(to sb.)about/of(doing)sth.(向某人)抱怨、诉说、投诉某事complain(to sb.)that.(向某人)抱怨make complaints about抱怨 She left early,complaining of a headache.她说自己头痛,很早就离开了。Some customers are complaining to the manager of/about the quality of the food.有些顾客正在向经理抱怨这些食品的质量。Father always complains that he is too busy.父亲总是抱怨工作太忙。You must find time to deal with the customerscomplaint.你必须找时间处理一下顾客的投诉。accuse sb.of.指控;谴责The police accused our boss of murder.警方指控老板谋杀。2.The shoppers may make a(n)_to the manager in charge if the goods are not up to standards.AExcuse BcomplaintCexplanation DReport【答案答案】Bsuffer vi.&vt.患病;遭受;受之苦suffer指一般的损害、痛苦等等,其宾语常为pain,loss,grief,insult,punishment,wrong,hardship,injustice,discouragement,disappointment,setback(挫折)。suffer from强调遭受战争、自然灾害等带来的苦难及患病之意。The company suffered heavy losses after the flood.洪水过后公司遭受了巨大损失。She suffers from frequent headaches.她经常头痛。suffering n痛苦,困难sufferer n受害者;受苦者There was a great deal of suffering during the war.战争期间有许多苦难。Their sufferings were beyond description.他们的痛苦难以言表。3.用suffer,suffer from的适当形式填空:(1)He_cold and hunger before liberation.(2)My father_a lot_smoking and he finally gave it up last year.(3)They_huge losses in the financial crisis.【答案】(1)suffered from(2)suffered;from(3)sufferedstand v忍受,坐落,处于状态stand(doing)sth.忍受(做)某事(通常用于否定句或疑问句,与can/could连用,不可用进行时)stand on the river坐落于河岸 He could not stand being made fun of.他无法忍受被人嘲弄。The airport stands far apart from the city.机场离城很远。We stood in a terrible financial crisis.我们处在可怕的财政危机中。stand for代表,象征(represent);支持,主张(be for)stand up for维护;支持stand by袖手旁观;和站在一起stand out突出;杰出The letters PLA stand for the Peoples Liberation Army.字母PLA代表人民解放军。John stood out as a track star.约翰是一个杰出的竞赛明星。4.I want to leave now.I cant_nothing useful here.Astand to do Bstand doingCstand being done Dstand to be doing【解析】stand作“忍受”解时,后可跟名词、代词或动词ing形式;I是动作的发出者,因此,do必须用主动形式。【答案】Bprefer vt.更喜欢;宁愿prefer sth.更喜欢(倾向于普遍的行为习惯)prefer(doing)sth.to(doing)sth.更愿意(做)而不愿(做)prefer sb.to do.更愿意(某人)做(倾向于具体动作)prefer thatclause更愿意(从句中常用虚拟语气,即“主语should do”,should可省略)prefer to do A rather than do B宁愿做A而不愿做 Coffee or tea?要咖啡还是茶?Id prefer tea,thanks.我要茶,谢谢。I prefer not to think about it.我不想考虑此事。My son prefers fish to meat.我儿子更喜欢鱼而不喜欢肉。Would you prefer that I(should)go with you?Would you prefer me to go with you?你要我和你一起去吗?would rather do.than do.宁愿做而不愿做would do.rather than do.prefer to do.rather than do.I prefer to listen to music rather than watch TV.和看电视相比,我更喜欢听音乐。5.Rather than_on a crowded bus,he always prefers_a bicycle.Aride;ride Briding;rideCride;to ride Dto ride;riding【答案】Csuppose vt.认为,猜想(1)supposethat从句认为(2)supposesb./sth.(to be/to have done.)认为某人/某事物(是/做了)(3)be supposed to do sth.理应做某事(4)suppose/supposingthat从句假定,假设We all suppose that no one should lose hope however sad the situation is.我们都认为无论形势多么糟糕,都不要失去信心。You were supposed to join the army.你本应该参军的。Supposing that he doesnt come,shall we go without him?假设他不来,我们不带他就走吗?(1)当主语是第一人称,suppose后接否定结构时,应将否定提前,即否定suppose。(2)在suppose后可用so来代替that从句,避免重复表达过的想法。I dont suppose he will agree.我认为他不会同意。Will prices go up?物价会上涨吗?I suppose so.我觉得会。6.(2010年巢湖模拟)I dont suppose Jimmy could have done well in the midterm exam la

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