《金新学案》高考英语一轮复习 UUnit 16 Stories 故事 北师大选修6

类别课标要点要点重重点点单词1._ vt.放弃,放弃,遗弃弃2._ vt.保保护,保存,保存3_v.目目击 4._ vi.发生生5_ v.聚集聚集 6.n.悲悲伤,难过7 vi.爆炸;冲,爆炸;冲,闯 8._ _ vt.使泄气,使灰心使泄气,使灰心9_ adj.严重的,重的,严厉的的 10._ adj.准确的,精确的准确的,精确的11_ adj.宝宝贵的,珍的,珍贵的的 12._ adj.渴望的,渴望的,热衷的衷的13_ v.扩大,大,扩充充 14.adj.复复杂的的15_ adj.明明显的,的,显而易而易见的的 16._ n.突破,重大突破,重大发现17_ adv.特特别地,特定地地,特定地 18._ n.遗失,失,丢失失19_ n.同情同情 20._ n.重要性,影响深重要性,影响深远的的abandonpreservewitnessoccurgathersorrowburstdiscourageseverepreciseprecious eagerexpandcomplexapparentbreakthroughparticularlylosssympathysignificance常常用用短短语1._出出现2._撞倒某人撞倒某人3_ 堵住堵住 4._ 从某种程度上从某种程度上说5_ 断断绝关系,分成小部分关系,分成小部分 6._ 以以命名命名7_ 支撑起支撑起 8._ 依靠依靠9_-_ 理解理解 10._ 容忍,忍受容忍,忍受come_into_viewknock_sb.overblock_out in_a_way split_up name.after hold_up count_on figure_out put_up_with 典典型型句句式式1.Another man,lying on his side,looks _ he is trying to get up.躺在他旁躺在他旁边的另一个人看上去好像在的另一个人看上去好像在试图站立起来。站立起来。2 Helen understood the key to language,she was very eager to learn more and use it as much as she could.既然海既然海伦理解了理解了语言之言之谜,她非常渴望学,她非常渴望学习更多的更多的词语并且尽可能多使用它并且尽可能多使用它们。3_ was an experience that she remembered well.学学习“爱”(love)这个个词的的过程是她程是她记忆深刻的一个深刻的一个经历。4Her words puzzled me very much because I did not then understand anything I touched it.她的她的话使我感到非常困惑,因使我感到非常困惑,因为那那时我若不用手触我若不用手触摸就什么都不理解。摸就什么都不理解。as if Now thatTryingto learn the word“love”unless discourage vt.使泄气,使灰心使泄气,使灰心discourage sb.from doing sth.设法阻止某人设法阻止某人做某事,打消某人做某事的念头做某事,打消某人做某事的念头be/get discouraged 变得灰心,泄气变得灰心,泄气His parents tried to discourage him from being an actor.他的父母试图阻止他当演员。Learners can get discouraged if an exercise is too difficult.如果练习太难,学习者就可能变得灰心。discouraging adj.令人失去信心的,使人气馁的discouragement n气馁,泄气,失去信心encourage v鼓励encourage sb.to do sth.鼓励某人做某事Despite all these discouragements,she refused to give up.尽管遇到这么多挫折,她仍不气馁。1.完成句子_(令我们大失所望的是),our team lost the game.【答案】To our great discouragementwitness vt.目睹,目目睹,目击;为作作证;n.目目击者,者,见证人;人;证据据witness an accident/a murder/a quarrel目击一项事故目击一项事故/谋杀事件谋杀事件/一场争吵一场争吵witness to sth./doing sth.为为作证作证witness that.证明,作证说证明,作证说witness against 作不利的证明作不利的证明give witness on behalf of sb.为某人作证为某人作证We witnessed the most important scientific development of the century.我们目睹了本世纪最重要的科学发展。No one could witness that you were at present.没有人能作证你在现场。witness n目击者,见证人;证据give/bear witness(to sth.)为作证;证明in witness of 作为的证明His ragged clothes were a witness to his poverty.他的破烂衣服可以证明他很贫穷。You were a witness to their quarrel.你是他们吵架时的目击者。2.用所给词的适当形式填空:(1)The last of the 19th century_(witness)the steady improvement in the means of travel.(2)A passerby witnessed to_(see)the accused enter the building.(3)The year 2008_(witness)the great changes in peoples way of life.【答案】(1)witnessed(2)having seen(3)has witnessedadmire vt.赞赏;钦佩;羡慕佩;羡慕 admire sb./sth.赞赏某人赞赏某人/某物某物admire sb.for羡慕某人的羡慕某人的admire sb.as钦佩某人是钦佩某人是admire oneself in the mirror照镜子照镜子admiration n(只用单数只用单数)钦佩,赞美钦佩,赞美have great admiration for sb.敬佩某人敬佩某人with/in admiration心怀敬佩地心怀敬佩地Visitors to Beijing greatly admire our Palace Museum.到北京的游客非常赞赏我们的故宫博物馆。I admire her for bravery.我钦佩她的勇敢。He is always looking in the mirror,admiring himself.他常常对着镜子自我欣赏。We visited the Palace Museum with admiration.我们怀着敬佩的心情参观了故宫。envy sb./sth.忌妒/羡慕某人/某物I dont envy him his money problems.我不羡慕他那些金钱问题。3.While going around the city,the visitors admired_.Athe beauty of the whole cityBthat the whole city was beautyCthe whole city its beautyDthe beauty for the whole city【解析】由题意可知“游客们赞美城市的美景”。admire后可接名词、代词作宾语,但不接从句。“因某方面而赞美某人/物”要在admire后接被赞美的对象,如本题中the city,for后接原因。【答案】Aoccur vi.发生生(happen);存在;存在(exist);被;被发现(be found)(sth.)occur to sb.(sth.)come into a persons mind想到;想起想到;想起It occurs to sb.that.某念头浮现于某人脑海某念头浮现于某人脑海When did the accident occur?事故是什么时候发生的?It never occurred to John that his wife might be unhappy.约翰从来没有想到他的妻子可能会不快乐。happen to sb.发生在某人身上happen to do sth.碰巧做某事take place发生;举行The sports meeting will take place next weekend.运动会下周举行。4.It_to me that we can telephone Mr Wang and see whether he knows how to deal with the situation.AoccursBstrikesChappens Dtakes place【解析】句意为“我突然想到我们可以给王先生打个电话,看是否他知道如何处理这一局面”。不能说It takes place to sb.that.;It happens to sb.that碰巧,它不表达“在脑海中出现某种想法”。只有作“发生”讲,occur才等于happen。It strikes sb.that.It occurs to sb.that.,strike为及物动词。【答案】Aburst(burst,burst)vt.&vi.(使使)爆炸;爆炸;(使使)突然突然发作;充作;充满burst in突然闯入;突然插嘴突然闯入;突然插嘴burst in on/upon打扰打扰burst into突然闯入突然闯入burst into tears/laughter/flamesburst out crying/laughing/burning突然突然/哭哭/笑笑/燃烧起来燃烧起来be bursting withbe filled with充满充满;挤满挤满The storm burst and we all got wet.突然下起了暴雨,我们都淋湿了。A man with a gun in his hand burst into the bank.一个持有手枪的人突然闯入银行。I burst in on their meeting thinking that the room was empty.我以为房间是空的,没想到打扰了人家的会议。burst n破裂;爆炸;(感情等的)爆发a burst of laughter/anger一阵大笑/大怒At the news,he jumped with a burst of anger.听到此消息,他拍案而起。5.Hearing the news,she burst into_and burst_the room.Acrying;out Btears;inCcrying;into Dtears;out of【解析】burst into tears突然大哭起来;burst out of the room冲出屋子。如果选B应把in改为into。【答案】Dacquire vt.获得,取得得,取得 acquire a good reputation获得好名声获得好名声acquire much knowledge获取丰富知识获取丰富知识The company has just acquired new equ

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