【创新设计】高考英语总复习 214第四章非谓语动词(江苏专用)

第四章非谓语动词 一、不定式1不定式作主语不定式可直接放在句首作主语。有时也用it作形式主语,把真正的主语不定式放在后面,以避免头重脚轻,保持句子结构的平衡。【例1】_ English today is the most important task to me.AStudy BBeing studiedCStudied DTo study答案D【例2】It is my honor _ here to spend some time with you.Ato be invited BinvitingCbeing invited Dto invite答案A2不定式作表语不定式作表语,通常说明或解释主语的内容,也可表示将来的动作。【例3】The purpose of new technology is to make life easier,_ it more difficult.Anot making Bnot makeCnot to make Dto not make答案C【例4】Today my job is _ all the flowers in the garden.Awater Bhaving wateredCto water Dwatered答案C3不定式作宾语英语中有些动词常跟不定式作宾语。这类动词有:want,wish,hope,expect,agree,decide,learn,pretend,ask,promise,plan,refuse,beg,demand,manage,offer,prepare,claim,struggle等。【例5】We agreed _ here,but so far she has not turned up yet.Ahaving met BmeetingCto meet Dto have met答案C【例6】When his father came back,the boy pretended _ his homework.Adoing Bto do Cdone Dto be doing答案D【例7】The children talked so loudly at dinner table that I had to struggle _.Ato be heard Bto hearCbeing heard Dhearing答案A4不定式作宾补(1)有些动词(短语)后面常接带to的不定式作宾补。这 类 动 词 有:consider,get,remind,advise,allow,ask,beg,encourage,force,invite,expect,order,permit,persuade,require,want,warn,wish,teach,cause,tell,command,call on,count on,rely on,depend on,long for,wait for,would like等。但hope,suggest,agree,demand,arrange等动词后不能接sb.to do sth.结构。【例8】We cant count on a man like Jim _ us the necessary help.Ato give BgivingCto be given Dgiven答案A(2)有些动词,主要是感官动词和使役动词,它们的后面可接不带to的不定式作宾补,如:see,notice,observe,feel,hear,have,make,let等,但如果是在被动语态的句子中,就要用带to的不定式作主补。【例9】My parents have always made me _ about myself,even when I was twelve.Afeeling well Bfeeling goodCfeel well Dfeel good答案D5不定式作定语(1)不定式用在the first,the second,the last,the only等短语后面作定语。【例10】John was the last man _ dinner in our family.Ato be invited for Bto be invited toCinvited for Dinviting to答案B(2)不定式作定语,与被修饰的中心词之间常表现为主谓关系或动宾关系。The next train to arrive was from New York.(主谓关系)It was a game to be remembered.(动宾关系)【例11】That is the only way we can imagine _ the overuse of water in students bathrooms.(2010上海)Areducing Bto reduceCreduced Dreduce答案B6不定式作状语(1)作原因状语。不定式常可跟在某些形容词或动词后面作原因状语。【例12】We were astonished _ the temple still in its original condition.(2010辽宁)Afinding Bto findCfind Dto be find答案B(2)作目的状语。不定式作目的状语既可放在句首也可放在句尾。但为了加强语气,也可用“so as to do”或“in order to do”结构作目的状语。in order to既可放在句首也可放在句尾,so as to一般不置于句首。【例13】With Fathers Day around the corner,I have taken some money out of the bank _ presents for my dad.(2010全国)Abuy Bto buyCbuying Dto have bought答案B【例14】_ lose his job,Tom kept quiet about the accident.AIn order to not BIn order not toCTo not DSo as not to答案B(3)作结果状语。具体形式是:too adj./adv.to do意为“太而不能”;adj./adv.enough to do意为“足以”;only/just to do表示出乎意料的结果。【例15】Do you think you are brave enough _ bungee jumping?Atrying Bin tryingCto try Dand try答案C【例 16】He hurried to the station,only _ the train had left.Afinding Bfound Cto find Dfind答案C(4)用于“主语be形容词不定式”结构。该结构中的形容词有:easy,difficult,hard,comfortable,fit,convenient,pleasant等,不定式与句子的主语是动宾关系,不定式常用主动形式,且不定式必须是及物动词。【例17】The armchair is very comfortable _.Ato sit Bto sit inCsitting in Dfor sitting down答案B【例18】We found the exercise difficult _ without the help of the English teacher.Ato be done Bto doCto do it Dof doing答案B7“疑问词不定式”结构此结构相当于名词的功能,即作主语、宾语、表语等成分。不定式一般只用主动式不用被动式。疑问词须作不定式的相应成分。【例19】Its no use having ideas only.Dont worry.Peter can show you _ to turn an idea into an act.(2010辽宁)Ahow Bwho Cwhat Dwhere答案A【例20】The police officer wants to know what measures _ to find the murderer as soon as possible.Ato take Bto be takenCtaken Dbeing taken答案A【例21】I was made to write a letter in English,but I dont know _.Awhat to write about Bhow to begin withChow to write about Dwhat to begin答案A8不定式的时态和语态不定式的时态变化往往是相对于谓语动词而言的,如果不定式表示的动作发生在谓语动词所表示的动作之后或与谓语动词所表示的动作同时发生,用不定式的一般式;如果不定式表示的动作发生在谓语动词所表示的动作之前,用不定式的完成式。不定式的语态变化往往针对其逻辑主语而言,如果不定式的逻辑主语是动作的承受者,用不定式的被动式。【例22】The crowd cheered wildly at the sight of Liu Xiang,who was reported _ the world record in the 110meter hurdle race.(2007辽宁)Abreaking Bhaving brokenCto have broken Dto break答案C【例23】Many buildings in the city need repairing,but the one _ first is the library.(2010重庆)Arepaired Bbeing repairedCrepairing Dto be repaired答案D二、动名词动名词主要起名词的作用,在句中作主语、宾语、表语、定语,一般不作状语,有各种形式的变化。1动名词作主语动名词可直接放在句首作主语。有时也用it作形式主语,把真正的主语动名词放在后面。注意:no use,no good作表语时,真正的主语常用动名词,一般不用不定式。【例24】In my mind,_ that famous university will be the only way to become a worldclass writer.Aattending BattendedCattend Dhaving attended答案A【例25】It is no use _ with him at this time.Atalk Bto talkCtalking Dtalked答案C2动名词作宾语(1)有些动词(短语)后面要求跟动名词作宾语。常见的后跟动名词作宾语的动词有:mind,finish,enjoy,excuse,imagine,keep,practice,suggest,miss,consider,prevent,appreciate,advise,avoid,allow,admit,delay,escape,permit,forbid,cant help(情不自禁),feel like,keep on,give up,look forward to,devote.to,get used to,pay attention to,be fond of,be worth等。【例26】He didnt feel like _,so she suggested _ an English letter right away.Areading;practising writingBreading;practising to writeCreading;to practise writing Dto r

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