【学海导航】广东省高三英语第一轮总复习 Module3 Unit9 Wheels(1) 北师大 新课标

Unit 9 WheelsModule 3Part 1 Of 2 最近你班举行了一场关于“动物园里笼养动物好不好”的讨论。假如你是李华,请你根据下面提供的信息,用英语将讨论的结果向某中学生英语报投稿,并陈述你的观点(至少发挥一条)。1赞成的同学认为:有机会亲眼目睹野生动物;有助于培养对动物和自然的热爱。2反对的同学认为:浪费人力、物力;破坏生态平衡。3你的观点【写作要求写作要求】1必须使用5个句子介绍全部所给的内容;2文章开头已给出,不计入5个句子中。Dear editor,Im writing to tell you about the discussion we held on whether it is good to keep animals in zoos._Yours sincerely,Li HuaDear editor,Im writing to tell you about the discussion we held on whether it is good to keep animals in zoos.Those who favor the idea think it provides chances for people to see wild animals.It might also help to get people show concern about animals and nature.However,those who are against the idea think that its a waste of money and labor to keep animals inzoos.Itll also damage the balance of nature.I personally feel it is wrong to take animals away from their natural living areas and keep them locked up.Yours sincerely,Li Hua1.阻塞,拥挤 n._2.争辩,争吵 vi._3.骑自行车的人 n._4.驾驶汽车的人 n._5.行人 n._6.实际地 adv._7.好处,得益 n.&vi._8.平的 adj._jam arguecyclistmotoristpedestrianactuallybenefitflat9.方便的 adj._10.无论在何处 conj._11.因此,所以 adv._12.有希望的 adj._13.小偷 n._14.插入,嵌入 vt._15.当然,确实 adv._16.结果,后果 n._convenientwhereverthereforehopefulthiefinsertindeedconsequence17.逮捕,拘留 vt._18.小巴 n._19.站台 n._20.大使 n._21.敏感的 adj._22.灰色的 adj._23.街坊,邻近地区 n._24.译员,口译者 n._arrestminibusplatformambassadorsensitivegreyneighbourhoodinterpreter25.词汇 n._26.欣赏,鉴赏 vt._27.时间表 n._28.愚蠢的 adj._29.责任 n._30.女主人 n._31.大箱子 n._32.手提箱 n._vocabularyappreciatetimetable/schedulefoolishresponsibilityhostesscasesuitcase33.内容 n._34.太阳的 adj._35.阳光 n._36.章节 n._37.印象 n._38.可靠的 adj._39.接线员 n._40.散文 n._contentsolarsunlightchapterimpressionreliableoperator essay41.建造,建筑业 n._42.人行道 n._43.十字路口 n._44.数量 n._45.身体的 adj._46.数字 n._47.发动机 n._48.沉溺于 的adj._49.承认 vt._50.占有 vt._constructionpavementcrossroadsamountphysicalfigureengineaddictedadmitoccupy1.对厌倦 _2.车辆(停止)_3.(车)出站 _4.迄今为止 _5.发生 _6.上升 _7.通常,平均 _be fed up with pull up pull out so far take place go up on average8.为某人提供某物 _9.将与作比较 _10.将喻为 _11.因为而和争吵 _12.被困于 _13.减少风险 _14.得益于 _provide sb.with pare with compare to argue with sb.about sth.get stuck in cut the risk benefit from15.很可能的 _16.依赖,依靠 _17.留下很深的印象 _18.沉溺于 _19.一直 _20.盼望,期待 _be likely to rely on leave a deep impression on be addicted to all the time look forward to1.他决定把天花板涂成淡蓝色,这会使屋子看 起来很清爽。He has decided to paint the ceiling light blue,which can make the room look nice and cool.2.他们一直未能与公司取得联系。They have so far failed to get in touch with the company.3.今天的参观人数已经达到3000人。The number of the visitors today has gone up to 3,000.4.他失去了信心,逐渐对毒品上瘾。He lost his confidence and gradually became addicted to drugs.5.恐怕他没有时间送你了。Im afraid he cant afford to see you off.1.suit,match与fitsuit一般指合乎需要,口味,条件,地位以及服 装的花色、款式等与人的皮肤、气质、身 材或身份等相称。No dish suits all tastes.没有合乎每个人口味的菜。Does the time suit you?这个时间对你合适吗?You look nice in green.Green suits you.你穿绿色衣服很好看。绿色适合你。match一般指两样东西互相匹配或两人能 力势均力敌,互为对手。Can you find one piece to match this silk?你能找一块和这绸子相配的吗?At golf they were very evenly matched.在高尔夫球赛中他们势均力敌。fit多指“大小适合”,一般指衣、袜、鞋、帽等合体、合身。The new coat fits me well.这件新衣服我穿着大小合适。用suit,match,fit的适当形式填空1.The role does not _ him.2.The shoes do not _ me.You see,my feet hurt.3.It is difficult to find a time that _ everybody.4.The color of the shirt does not _ that of the coat.suitfitsuitsmatch5.They are equally _ in their knowledge of Chinese.6.He was very good at tennis,but he met his _ when he played the champion.matchedmatch2.amount,number与quantity 这三个词在意思上是一样的,都表示“大量的,许多的”,但在用法上有很大区别:amount表示“大量”的意思时,所构成的词组 往往是an amount of或a large amount of,后面 常跟不可数名词。After the success in the football match,they got an amount of praise from their fans.在那场足球赛获胜之后,他们得到了球迷们的广泛赞扬。A large amount of money has been donated to thepoor people in the mountains.大量的钱已经捐给了山区的穷人。number所构成的词组往往是a number of,the number of或a large number of,后面跟的是可 数名词复数。A large number of people are waiting for the arrival of the train for Beijing.很多人在等开往北京的火车。The number of students in this school is over 2,000 this year.今年这个学校的学生人数超过了2,000。quantity所构成的词组往往是a large/small quantity of或quantities of,后面既可以跟可数 名词复数,也可以跟不可数名词。We should drink a large quantity of water every day in summer.夏天我们应该每天喝大量的水。We have only sold a small quantity of shoes this season.这个季节我们仅仅卖出了少量的鞋。There are usually quantities of rain in the south of China every year.每年在中国的南部通常都有大量的雨水。3.save vt.节省,节约 If I go on the bus,it will save me a long walk.如果我乘公共汽车,就省得走一段长路。It will save us a lot of expense to do the work all by ourselves.这项工作全部由我们自己做能节省许多开支。save sb.(from)doing sth.省得某人做某事,from也可省去,省去from后,sb.也可改成ones。Your help saved me from having to go out again.=Your help saved me having to go out again.你的帮助省得我再外出一趟。挽救 His life was saved by the doctors efforts.医生努力把他救活了。He saved the boy from drowning.他救起了落水的男孩,使他免于淹死。save表示“救”时,和它搭配的介词from不能省。如上句。储存 Hes trying to save up for a new car.他想储存一笔钱买一辆新车。They have been saving up for a house.他们一直在存钱以便买房子。1.干吗不这样做呢?这样可省去你许多麻烦。Why not do it this way?Itll _.2.我们一直在攒钱,打算去澳大利亚。We _ to go to Australia.save you much troublehave bee

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