【学海导航】广东省高三英语第一轮总复习 Module2 Unit6 Design(2) 北师大 新课标

Unit 6 DesignModule 2Part 2 Of 29.be deep/lost in thought 陷入沉思 The lady in red was staring out of the window,deep/lost in thought.那个穿着红色衣服的女士正眼盯着窗外,陷 入了沉思。10.feature n.表示“面部的一部分”,如鼻、口、眼等 Her mouth is her best feature.她的嘴是她容貌上最好看的部分。features 面容,面部 He fell in love with a woman of striking features.他与一位相貌动人的女子相爱了。特点,特征 Wet weather is a feature of life in this area.潮湿的天气是这个地区生活的一个特色。The professor will give a lecture on geographical features.教授将要做关于地理特征的讲座。11.ruin vt.毁坏,毁灭 The rain ruined my painting.这场雨把我的画给毁了。The bad weather ruined our plan.这糟糕的天气把我们的计划都打破了。n.废墟,坍塌或者破败的状况 the ruins of an ancient city 古老城市的废墟 be/lie in ruins 破败不堪 The castle now lies in ruins.这座城堡现在已成一片废墟了。12.shape n.形状,定形,身材 in the shape of 成的形状 The gate was in the shape of a circle.这个大门呈圆形。out of shape 走样,变形 The wheel had been twisted out of shape.轮子已扭曲变形了。take shape 成形 The garden is beginning to take shape.这花园逐渐像样了。vt.做成某物的形状,常用搭配shape sth.into sth.shape the cracker into an animal 把饼干做成动物的样子vt.对某人、某物有着重大影响,决定某事物 的性质 It was the Greeks who shaped the thinking of Western men.正是希腊人影响了西方人的思维。13.observe vt.观察,遵守,注意到 The police have been observing his movements.警方一直监视着他的一举一动。I observed him entering the bank with a gun.我看到他带着枪进了银行。她看见他离去,但未置一词。_She observed that hed left but made no comment.14.spare adj.闲暇的,多余的,备用的 We have no spare room for a table.我们没有放桌子的空地方。I have no spare money this month.这个月我没有余钱。I usually go fishing in my spare time.我经常在业余时间去钓鱼。vt.抽出,腾出,让给 I cant spare you for that job;you must finish this one first.我不能让你去做那件事;你必须先把这件做完。He is such a cruel man that he will not spare the dog easily.他是如此残酷的一个人,因此他不会轻易放过 那条狗的。spare sb./sth.不伤害某人或者某物spare sb.sth./spare sth.for sb.为某人提供时间或者金钱I am so busy that I cant even spare a minute to have a rest.我是如此的忙以致腾不出一分钟来休息一下。spare no effort/pains doing sth./in sth.不遗余力地做某事I can assure you weve spared no effort pushing the sales of your products.我可以向你保证在推销你方产品时我们从没放松努力。1.你空闲时间干什么?_2.我们目前太忙,抽不出人来帮你。_ _What do you do in your spare time?Were too busy to spare anyone to help you right now.15.work as 做工作 I worked as a secretary after I graduated.毕业后我做过秘书。work under sb.在某人手下工作work for sb./sth.供职于某人或者某公司,也可以表示工作时间。work away/at/on sth.忙于某事work out 解决问题David has worked under a strict boss for nearly two years.大卫在一个严格的老板手下已经差不多工作两年了。He found it very embarrassed to have to work for his former employee.他觉得要为他以前的雇员工作很尴尬。I found him working away in his office.我发现他一直在办公室里忙个不停。I believe that you can work out this problem by yourself.我相信你自己能做出这道题的。以上诸多短语之所以意思不同,完全取决于后面的介词,因此介词的意思不可忽略。16.date/go back to,date from 追溯到 This temple dates from the 15th century.这座寺庙建于15世纪。The history of public education of the United States dates from the society of the early pioneers.美国的公共教育史起源于早期拓荒者的社会。His family dates from the Qing Dynasty.他的家族可追溯到清朝。Whenever Grandma talks,she always likes to go back to her youth days.祖母只要一谈话,总是喜欢谈到她的青年时代。trace back to也可以译为“追溯到”,一般要用人作主语;如果物作主语的话,则使用被动语态。The contact between our two countries can be traced back to last century.我们两国之间的往来可以追溯到上个世纪。1.这座教堂的历史可以追溯到13世纪。_ _2.她很怕水,起因可归于儿时的一次事故。_ _The history of this church dates from/backto the 13th century.Her fear of water can be traced back to a childhood accident.1.Qi Baishis style of painting often leaves the audience guessing and makes them use their imagination.齐白石的绘画作品的风格常给观赏者留出 运用想象力解读其内涵的余地。leave+复合宾语,其形式是leave+宾语+宾语 补足语,其中宾语补足语还可以由过去分词、不定式、形容词、介词短语等充当。leave在此结构中意为“让处于某种状态;让去做某事”。They walked off and left me sitting there all by myself.他们走了,让我一个人孤零零地坐在那里。I am sorry Ive left some of your questions unanswered.很抱歉,你提出的有些问题我没有回答。Leave him to do it himself.让他一个人去做这件事。They left the sick child with her grandma.他们把生病的孩子留在她祖母的身边。Youd better leave the door open.你最好让门开着。2.“Paper cuts of animals have been found in tombs which date back to the time of the Northern and Southern Dynasty!”“在南北朝时期的墓中就已经发现了动物剪 纸。”which引导的是一个定语从句,修饰先 行词tombs,which 在从句中充当主语成分。用定语从句结构翻译以下句子1.正在踢足球的男孩是一班的。(who)_ _2.制造计算机的那家公司离这儿很远。(which)_ _The boys who are playing football are from Class One.The factory which makes computers is far away from here.3.But what I remembered most is moving a lot.但是我记忆最深的就是多次搬家。主语从句是what I remembered most,谓语 是is moving,状语是a lot。what 用来引导名词性(主,宾,表,同位语)从句,同时在从句中担当句子成分。其含义 分解为:then.that从句,意为“的”。引导从句时,谓语动词一般用单数形式;如 果表语是复数名词,则谓语动词用复数形式。What surprised us most is that he was late.(what充当主语)最让我们吃惊的是他迟到了。What he bought yesterday are 3 books.(what充当宾语)他昨天买的是3本书。1.她已经不是几年前的她了。_2.我想要的是两本汉英字典。_ _3.使我担心的是我无法及时完成工作。_ _She is not what she was a few years ago.What I want are two Chinese-English dictionaries.What worries me is that I cant finish the work in time.4.But the house on Mango Street is not the way they described it at all.但是芒果街上的房子完全不是他们所描述 的样子。the way+定语从句 当the way作先行词,其后接定语从句时,从句 可用in which或that引导,也可省略。She smiles the way(that/in which)her mother does.她笑起来和她妈妈一样。I dont like the way(that/in which)you laugh at him.我不喜欢你嘲笑他的方式。5.比较结构:asas等 asas意为“和一样”,表示同级的 比较。使用时要注意第一个as为副词,第二个 as为连词。其基本用法为as+adj./adv.+as This film is as interesting as that one(is).这部电影和那部电影一样有趣。Your pen writ

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