
欢迎您阅读并下载本文档,本文档来源于互联网,如有侵权请联系删除!我们将竭诚为您提供优质的文档!1/5 五年级湘少版英语下学期填空题假期专项练习题 班级:_ 姓名:_ 1.根据句意及首字母或汉语提示写单词完成句子。1I get up at 5 _(钟点).2I often _(看电视)and play ping-pong with my father.3Robinson and Friday play s_ together in the afternoon.4What do you do on the w_?5On Friday,I eat n_with my friends.2.用所给单词的适当形式填空。1I have a friend._(she)name is Lucy.2She _(visit)her grandparents next weekend.3June lst is _(child)Day.4He _(watch)TV last night.5My sister is _(play)sports.3.用所给单词的正确形式填空。1My brother goes to school on _(feet).2Its my _(two)trip to Hong Kong.3_(do)Ben have any plans for the holiday?4Today is a sunny day.We _(have)a picnic this afternoon.5Lets _(visit)her grandparents tomorrow.6Liu Tao _(take)a short cut yesterday.7I _(plan)for my study now.8Jim is _(stand)beside his brother.9Students should know how to stay _(safety)at school.10If we dont walk quickly,we will _(be)late.4.填上合适的月份将句子补充完整。1Teachers Day is in.2New Years Day is in.3Chinas National Day is in.4Easter is in.5Tree Planting Day is in 5.根据答语填写正确的疑问词。1_ black bike is that?Its Wu Yifan s.欢迎您阅读并下载本文档,本文档来源于互联网,如有侵权请联系删除!我们将竭诚为您提供优质的文档!2/5 2_ are the girls doing?They are eating oranges in the kitchen.3_ is your brothers birthday?Its on May 3rd.4_ dog is yours?The white one is mine.5_ is your pet cat?Its in the bedroom.6.用所给单词的正确的形式填空。1Life _(be)very different in many years ago.2Thank you for _(talk)to us.3China is_(change).4There _(be)a small house four years ago.5An old lady _(talk)about her life many years ago.7.用所给词的适当形式填空。1I want _(visit)your new home.2How can I _(get)to the shop?Go along the street and youll find it.3There _(be)four apples and two oranges on the table.4Lets _(ask)my father for help.5Who _(take)the plane to Shanghai?My uncle.6He _(turn)left at the bookshop.7How _(do)John get to the cinema?He can _(go)there by metro.8Turn right at the traffic _(light).8.想一想,写出相应的序数词。1one 2two 3three 4four 5five 6six 7seven 8eight 9nine 10ten 9.看图补全句子。1I like _ best,because I can _ _ _ _.欢迎您阅读并下载本文档,本文档来源于互联网,如有侵权请联系删除!我们将竭诚为您提供优质的文档!3/5 2I like _ best,because I can _ _.3I like _ best,because I can _ _.4I like _ best,because I can _ _.10.根据图片提示,选择合适的短语,并用其适当形式完成句子。play football fly a kite many books do Tai Chi on ones way to 1Lily and Lucy are _ school.2Some old men are _ in the park.3I have _ on my desk.4A girl is _.5They are _.11.看图,选择合适的单词或短语完成句子。eating dinner Talk quietly rabbit pick apples doing morning exercises 1They are in the park.2Its the library.,please.3The children are.欢迎您阅读并下载本文档,本文档来源于互联网,如有侵权请联系删除!我们将竭诚为您提供优质的文档!4/5 4The is playing with its friend.5I often in autumn.12.选出适当的短语,完成对话。go to the park fly a plane turn off by bike playing football 1What do you want to be?I want to be a pilot.I want to_ _ _.2How does your father go to work?He goes to work_ _.3What do you usually do with your parents?I usually_ _ _ _with them.4Do you like the same sport?Yes.We both like_ _.5Please dont_ _the light,Mum.We are reading.OK.13.根据汉语提示完成句子。1Please _(保持)in touch.2_(靠右)or you will obey the traffic rules.3Please _(保持你的课桌干净)!4Please _(小声讲话)in the library!5Its your _(顺序).6_(按顺序来)and youll get a gift.14.根据句意选择正确的单词,将其填在横线上。1There _(is;are)a river near the mountain.2Are there _(some;any)flowers under the tree?3There is a park _(on;between)the zoo and the school.4I can speak English _(and;but)Chinese.5I like these vegetables and fruit.They are _(hot;fresh).15.选择正确的单词填空。to on and at about 1This is my grandfather _ this is my grandmother.2Im in Class Three.How _ you?3Look _ this picture.4Nice _ see you again.5Look!Wang Lin is _ TV.16.按要求写单词。1.study(近义词)_ 2.learn(过去式)_ 3.radio(复数)_ 4.we(宾格)_ 5.dancer(动词)_ 17.用所给的词填空。欢迎您阅读并下载本文档,本文档来源于互联网,如有侵权请联系删除!我们将竭诚为您提供优质的文档!5/5 In,Is,a,are,on,own,can,like 1I have my _ room now.2_ my room I have _ big bed.3_ this your room?4There _ some plates _ the table.5What _ you see in Toms room.6Whats it _?

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