
欢迎您阅读并下载本文档,本文档来源于互联网,如有侵权请联系删除!我们将竭诚为您提供优质的文档!1/8 译林版六年级上学期英语阅读理解名校专项习题 班级:_ 姓名:_ 1.阅读短文,选择正确的答案。Hello,I am Mary.Im so happy to have a new pen pal.I live in New York City.It s big and beautiful.There are a lot of people.In my family there are four people,my father,my mother,my brother and I.My brother Jack and I are twins.We look the same,but we are very different.He likes collecting coins(搜集硬币)and playing football.I like dancing,playing computer games and drawing pictures.Sometimes we fight(打架),but we get on well(和好)again soon.My father is a doctor.He is busy every day.My mother is a teacher.She teaches art.What about your family?Do you like music?I like it very much.Can you tell me something about your family?1Mary lives in _.()A.China B.the USA C.England 2Marys mother teaches_.()A.English B.music C.art 3Jack likes _.()A.playing chess B.playing football C.playing computer games 4Marys hobby is _.()A.watching TV B.singing C.drawing pictures 5Jacks father is a _.()A.teacher B.doctor C.driver 2.阅读短文,然后判断正误,用“”或“”表示。Last Saturday morning,Jean went to a flower shop.She wanted to buy some flowers for her mothers birthday.There were many people in the flower shop.Suddenly,Jean saw a beautiful pen on the floor.“Whose pen is it?”she asked,but nobody answered.“Excuse me,is this pen yours,sir?”she asked the man in front of her.“No,it isnt,”the man said.“Is this pen yours?”she asked the girl behind her.“Yes,it is!Thank you very much!”the girl said.“Youre welcome,”Jean said.1Last Saturday morning,Jean wanted to buy a pen for her mothers birthday.(_)2Jean saw a pen on the floor,but she didnt know whose it is.(_)3The pen was the mans.(_)4There were a lot of people in the flower shop.(_)欢迎您阅读并下载本文档,本文档来源于互联网,如有侵权请联系删除!我们将竭诚为您提供优质的文档!2/8 5Suddenly,Jean saw a beautiful flower in front of her.(_)6At last(最后),Jean gave the pen to a policeman.(_)3.阅读理解,判断正(T)误(F)。Im Laura.Daming is my friend and I want you to be my pen friend.I live in New York,but Im not American.Im from London in England.We are all English.I want to visit China someday.1My name is Laura.(_)2Daming isnt my friend.(_)3I live in England.(_)4Laura and her pen friends are all English.(_)5Laura wants to visit England.(_)4.阅读理解。Nasreddin woke up in the middle of the night and saw something white in his garden.It seemed to be moving towards the house.That is a thief(小偷)!He thought,and he took his gun and shot(开枪)at him.Then he went back to bed,because he was too frightened 害怕)to go out of the house in the dark.The next morning Nasreddin went out and saw one of his white shirts hanging on the clothesline in the garden,his wife had washed it the day before and hung it out to dry.Now it had a bullet(子弹)hole right through middle of it.My God,said Nasreddin,I was lucky last night.If I had been wearing that shirt,the bullet would have killed me!And he called his neighbours together and asked them to thank God for saving him.Multiple choice 1At midnight Nasreddin saw _in his garden.()A.something strange B.a thief C.something white D.a ghost 2Nasreddin was so frightened that he _.()A.cried out for help B.dared(冒危险)not go out of the house C.dared not stay in his house D.couldnt say a word 3The next morning Nasreddin found_.()A.his wife in the garden B.the clothesline C.the thief dead D.a bullethole through the white shirt 4Nasreddin said that if he had been wearing that shirt_.()A.he would be killed B.he would die C.he would have killed D.he would have been killed 5He called his neighbors together in order to_.()A.make a speech B.tell the story C.thank God D.thank them 5.根据短文内容判断句子正误。Im Jack.Im very happy every holiday.I usually go to the library.Sometimes I go to the park.The library is not far.I usually go on foot.I walk straight for fifteen minutes.Then I turn left,the library is on the right.The park is very far.lts near the post office.1 often get there by the No.206 bus,get off at the post office.Its easy to find it.欢迎您阅读并下载本文档,本文档来源于互联网,如有侵权请联系删除!我们将竭诚为您提供优质的文档!3/8()(1)I have a good time every holiday.()(2)I usually go to the library on foot.()(3)Jack usually goes to the park on holidays.()(4)I go to the park by bus.()(5)The park is near the post office.6.阅读短文,选择正确的答案。It is a fine Sunday morning.Ann and her mother are on a big bus.There are many people on it.Some of them come from America,and some come from England and Canada.They are all friends.They are going to the Great Wall!There are two Chinese on the bus.One of them is a woman.She is driving the bus.The other is a young man.He can also speak English well.He is now introducing(介绍)the Great Wall.The other people are listening to him.They like the Great Wall.They want to see it.1Its a fine Sunday morning.Ann and her mother are on a _.()A.train B.bus C.car 2Some of the people on the bus come from _.()A.England and Canada B.America C.all of the above(以上都是)3There are _ Chinese on the bus.()A.one B.two C.three 4Who is driving the bus?()A.Ann.B.Anns mother.C.A Chinese woman.5The young man can speak _.()A.only English

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