
河北省永年县第二中学2019-2020学年高三5月月考英语试题第 一 部 分(共 20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)1.you recognize an idiom when it is being used,it is easy to misunderstand what you read or hear.A.Unless B.AfterC.OnceD.Since2.-Where did you get to know her?-It was on the farm_we worked.A.that B.there C.which D.where3.Oh!The flower cant be saved.If the flower had been watered,it now.A.wouldnt be dying B.is deadC.had been deadD.will not die4.Having pictures to color will keep children for hours.A.amused B.amusingC.amuse D.to amuse5.The government is to the technologies to the full in the structural transformation of the economy.A.adapt B.exposeC.exploit D.attach6.Each party respect the articles of this contract,or a double-sized financial punishment is a must.A.will B.could C.shall D.should7.Why didnt you try to finish the composition?I tried to,but I could,the bell ran announcing the end of the examination.A.until B.whenC.after D.before8.Whafs that noise?Oh,I forget to tell you.The new ma c h i n e.A.is testing B.was being testedC.is being tested D.has been tested9.Sorry!Tm afraid that I cant go to the magic show by David Copperfield with you.A.It doesnt matter.B.Do as you like.C.What a shame.D.Take it easy.10.The part in the Him Rio the two birds escaped from the crashing plane made some of theaudience give a cry.A.which B.who C.where D.whom11.High-speed trains which travel through my hometown up to 250 km per hour make it a smallworld.A.with B.againstC.at D.over12.In the library you can use your own computer to connect to Wi-Fi specially for readers.A.preparing B.to prepareC.prepared D.prepare13.We arranged to meet at the cinema at 7:30,but Jack failed to.A.break up B.set upC.turn up D.give up14.If you want to see a doctor,you fix a date with him ahead of time.That is a common in theUSA.A.view B.exerciseC.practice D.reality15.Mn Wilson is a man of patience and kindness,and his good temper never him.A.fails B.disappointsC.controls D.worries16.If you think that the illness might be serious,you should not going to the doctor.A.put off B.set aboutC.hold backD.give away17.After he was promoted to the present position,he is not so hardworking as he,A.was used to B.used to beC.was used to being D.used to18.Mary doesnt want to move to Beijing because if she there,she wouldn*t be able to see herhusband often.A.would live B.were to liveC.has lived D.lives19.Im sorry you so long,but it 1 1 still be some time before Jim gets back.A.wait B.waited C.had waited D.have been waiting20.for the free tickets,I would not have gone to see films so often.A.If it is not B.Had it not beenC.Were it not D.If they were not第二部分阅读理解(满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。21.(6 分)This Monday,the nation will start to celebrate Presidents9 Day,just seven days beforeGeorge Washingtons birthday.Everyone agrees that day is a holiday,but is it just to celebrate GeorgeWashington Birthday?What about Abraham Lincoln?Some government offices call it Presidents Day.Others say the holiday is officially Washingtons Birthday.Confused yet?George Washington was elected the countrys first President on April 30,1789.Soon after,Americansbegan publicly celebrating his birthday.Presidential historians say the actual date of George Washingtonsbirth is February 11,1732.But a change in the calendar system 20 years later shifted all dates 9 makingWashington birthday February 22,which is now well accepted.In 1879,Congress made Washingtonsbirthday an official federal holiday.It was the first federal holiday to celebrate an individuals birthday.In1968,Congress passed the Monday Holidays Act,which moved the holiday to the third Monday inFebruary.The new law did not change the holidays name.It was still called Washingtons Birthday,eventhough some lawmakers wanted to call it Presidents Day to include Abraham Lincoln,whose actualbirthday is February 12.Many people argue that the holiday should celebrate all past Presidents.They feel Lincoln should behonored for his role in preserving the nation during the Civil War and helping to free slaves.Others feel theholiday should only honor Washington,the countrys first President.They say shifting the focus away fromWashington would mean future generations of kids would not know about the Father of Our Country.Laws have been introduced in Congress over the years to require use of the term GeorgeWashington Birthday.*but none of those laws have been passed.Meanwhile,many state governmentsand school districts now use the term”Presidents9 Day.t Many stoles also use it to promote holiday sales.Should the holiday honor Washington,Washington and Lincoln,or all past Presidents?Write and tell us what you think.1、The Presidents Day was originally designed to honor.A.George Washington B.Abraham LincolnC.all presidents D.the Civil War2、What can we infer from the passage?A.Washingtons Birthday is the same as Lincolns.B.The change in the calendar system was not wise.C.The new act changed the holidays name.D.This Monday is the third one of this February.3、Whats the main argument

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