《大学英语翻译教程 第四版》课件第九单元

翻译技巧(五)翻译技巧(五)省略法省略法 英汉翻译中的省略指的是依循“减词不减意”的原则,把原文中的一些词语舍去不译。比较下例中的两种译文:(1)We take this opportunity to inform you that we are now in a position to make prompt shipment of the merchandise.原译:我们借此机会告知你们现在我们可以立即装运那批货物。改译:兹奉告,该商品可即期装运。(2)After the picnic the kids flaked out as soon as they got came in the car.原译:野餐后孩子们一坐进汽车,他们就睡着了。改译:野餐后,孩子们一坐进汽车就睡着了。v总体说来,英译汉中的省略主要出于两个方面的考虑:v一是由于英汉句法上的差异,英语句法上所必需的一些表达某种句法关系或语法功能的词语,其表意作用不大或无表意作用,译成汉语时往往省却;v二是根据汉语的修辞习惯需要删除一些不言而喻或冗杂累赘的词语。英汉翻译中采用省略法的几种主要类型 v9.1冠词的省略 v9.2代词的省略v9.3 it的省略 v9.4介词的省略 v9.5连词的省略 v9.6动词的省略v9.7同义词语的省略v9.8冗词赘语的省略 9.1冠词的省略 v9.1.1定冠词的省略 v9.1.2不定冠词的省略9.1.1定冠词的省略v英语定冠词在泛指类别、表示世界上独一无二的事物,或者用于带有限定性定语的名词之前、形容词最高级或序数词等之前时,汉译一般省略。例如:v(3)The pen is mightier than the sword.v(4)The fox may grow gray,but never good.v(5)The pump is one of the oldest machines.v(6)The proton has a positive charge and the electron a negative charge,but the neutron has neither.v(7)The sun was slowly rising above the sea.v(8)The rate of a chemical reaction is proportional to the concentrations of the reacting substances.v(9)The color sensation produced by light depends simply upon the length of the wave producing the light.v(10)As we know,the sun is one of the greatest sources of electromagnetic waves.v(11)A light year is the greatest unit of measurement for distance.v(12)The fourth section of the second chapter deals with conversion of parts of speech v然而,假如定冠词具有词汇意义、起着指示代词(this,that,these的作用时,一般就不能省译。例如:v(13)“What about the horse?”cried the crowd of Trojans.v(14)The onlookers saw the little party climb ashore.v(15)The words“suitably selected should be duly stressed.v(16)The machines over there have been well lubricated.9.1.2不定冠词的省略 v不定冠词在泛指某一类事物中的任何一个或用于某些固定词组等情况下往往省译。例如:v(17)A teacher should have patience.v(18)If an investor wants to up the ante,he borrows money to buy the shares.v(19)Any substance is made up of atoms whether it is a solid,a liquid,or a gas.v(20)A camel is much inferior to an elephant in strength.v(21)A material whose deformation vanishes rapidly with the disappearance of the loads is said to behave elastically.v(22)Ohms law indicates that whenever a current flows through a resistance,a difference of potential exists at the two ends of that resistance.v一些含有不定冠词的常用短语在汉译时,省略其中的不定冠词。例如:a couple of两个,几个make an exception of将除外 a few几个on a fifty-fifty basis平均地,在对开分的基础上 a good(great)many很多on a large scale大规模地(的)a great(good)deal of很多,大量a large amount(number)of大量as a whole整个地,就总体而言a variety of各种各样的 for a long time长时间as a matter of f act事实上,其实for a time一些时候,暂时as a result结果 for a while 暂时,片刻as a(general)rule通常,照例for an instant一瞬间,片刻once upon a time从前 go a long way达到很远,用得很久put an end to结束in a sense在某种意义上quite a while相当久 in a way有点,在某点上to a measure有点,有几分 keep an eye on注意,注视with a view to为了,意在 make an end of(with)结束without a hitch无障碍地v但是在不定冠词明显地表示数量在不定冠词明显地表示数量“一一”,或是表示,或是表示“每一每一”、“同一同一”之义时,往往就不宜将之省译之义时,往往就不宜将之省译。例如:v(23)The thermal energy of a lake is much greater than that of a flask of boiling water.v(24)The electric resistance is measured in ohms.An ohm is a volt per ampere.v(25)The number of vibrations a second is called frequency.v(26)The material for the tent must stand up to a wind force of at least a hundred andfifty miles an hour.v(27)The two pairs of shoes are of a size.9.2代词的省略 v9.2.1人称代词的省略v9.2.2物主代词的省略 v9.2.3反身代词的省略9.2.1人称代词的省略v人称代词可用作主语或宾语。一段文字中人称代词经常会重复出现。但汉语的习惯却不同。因此,英汉翻译时,原文中的人称代词,尤其是那些重复出原文中的人称代词,尤其是那些重复出现,或是含泛指意义的人称代词,大多可以省译现,或是含泛指意义的人称代词,大多可以省译。例如:v(28)Whether the laws are good or bad,they cannot complain,they cannot question,they cannot suggest changes.v(29)I had many wonderful ideas,but I only put a few into practice.v(30)He was thin and haggard and he looked miserable.v(31)Since copper possesses good conductivity,it is widely used in electrical engineering.v(32)We live and learn.v(33)The significance of a man is not in what he attained but rather in what he longs to attain.v(34)If you know the frequency,you can find the wave length.v(35)The finished products should be sampled to check their quality before they leave the factory.v(36)The industrial waste gases are harmful to us and we should by all means remove them.v(37)The more he tried to hide his wants,the more he revealed them.9.2.2物主代词的省略v英语中物主代词用得较多。英汉翻译时,经常将这类物主代词省略。例如:v(38)I put on my zip suit and went out.v(39)Susan had cut her finger;apparently there was a broken glass on her desk.v(40)Many small service firms fail to analyze their services total cost,and therefore fail to price them profitably.v(41)Mr.White put his pipe down,crossed his hands behind his neck,and turned his face towards the window.v(42)They(salmon)dig out shallow nests in the riverbed and lay their eggs;then,exhausted by their journey,the parent salmon die.v(43)Better than any other,the design engineer should know what he wants his design to accomplish.v(44)According to their ability to conduct electric current,all materials may be classified into three major categories:conductors,semiconductors and insulators.9.2.3反身代词的省略v英语反身代词作宾语与人称

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