【教案】Unit5Reading+and Thinking教案人教版选择性必修第一册

人教版高二英语教案 教师 学科 English 年级 教学课题 B4U5 Section 1 Opening Page & Reading and Thinking 课时 共 课时 第 课时 时间 年 月 日 课标要求 The theme of the unit is working the land. This section is comprised of Opening Page and Reading and Thinking. To arouse students’ interest, Opening Page shows a theme picture and a quote. The theme picture is a photo of a village with terraced rice fields in rural China, which shows the great hope of a good harvest. The quote by Yuan Longping shows that he devoted his life to hybrid rice research for the benefit of humankind. The topic of Reading and Thinking is to “get to know an agricultural scientist”. The text is mainly about a Chinese pioneer in agriculture - Yuan Longping, the father of hybrid rice and his contributions to eliminating world hunger. 教学目标 (核心素养) At the end of this section, students will be able to: 1. Understand a general idea about what will be learned in this unit; 2. Make use of the newly-learned expressions to state the facts and voice opinions about the wold hunger problem; 3. Summarize Yuan Longping’s scientific research in time order; 4. Identify contrasts to show Yuan Longping’s scientific spirit; 5. Talk about other hybrid products and the significance of agriculture in the world. 教学重点 Make use of the newly-learned expressions to describe Yuan Longping’s scientific research in time order and identify contrasts to show Yuan Longping’s scientific spirit. 教学难点 Talk about other hybrid products and the significance of agriculture in the world. 实施策略 教学方法 Activity-based Approach 教学资源 (信息技术应用) Seewo Whiteboard 教  学  过  程 备 注 Step One leading in Show students the title on Opening Page and introduce the topic of this unit by asking the question: How do you understand the title - Working the Land? 人教版高二英语教案 教  学  过  程 备 注 Ask students to read the learning objectives of this unit and underline the key words. Step Two Getting to know the world hunger problem Invite a student to read the poems written by Ai Qing and guide students to describe the sights of hunger and experience the heaviness and anger pouring out from the poet’s heart. Guide students to read The alarming statistics, talk about the current facts about the world hunger problem and collect useful expressions. Step Three Getting to know China’s contributions Show the picture on Opening Page and guide students to describe it and express their feelings. Group students to read The amazing statistics, share opinions on China’s contributions to eliminating world hunger and collect useful expressions. Reading and Thinking Step One Getting to know Yuan Longping Proceed to ask students the question: Who has helped China give the hope to put an end to world hunger? Ask students to discuss the questions in Activity 1 on page 50 and finish the KWL chart. Step Two Predicting Ask students to read the title to identify the text type and predict what the text is mainly about. Step Three Skimming for gist Ask students to skim the biography to check their predictions and get the main idea of each paragraph in Activity 2 on page 50. 人教版高二英语教案 教  学  过  程 备 注 Check answers and then ask students to find out in what order the text is organized. Instruct students to analyze the structure of the biography. Step Four Scanning for specific information Ask students to scan the biography and finish Activity 3 on page 51. Invite some students to report their answers with the original sentences related to the questions. Step Five Close Reading 1. Reading for Yuan’s scientific research Lead students to read the biography carefully and organize the information about Yuan’s scientific research chronologically and draw mind maps. Pair students to make an interview according to their mind maps. One acts as Yuan Longping , and the other acts as an interviewer. 2. Reading for Yuan’s scientific spirit Guide students to answer the following questions: 1) What does the writer regard Yuan Longping as? Use the sentence pattern to express your opinions: Yuan Longping was a pioneer who was/had____. 2) What evidence can you find from the text? List the supporting details in the text. Step Six Reading for the writing technique - contrast Introduce the writing technique by asking the question: What writing technique does the writer employ to exhibit Yuan’s scientific spirit? Proceed to help students identify contrast in detail. 人教版高二英语教案 教  学  过  程 备 注 Step Seven Exploring the theme Have students refer back to Opening Page to read the quote by Yuan and guide them to discuss the questions in groups: 1) How do you understand Yuan’s quote? 2) What attitudes should we take toward our pursuit or dreams? 3) What is the significance of agriculture according to the facts about the world hunger? Encourage students to think about crops and other hybrid products in-depth b

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