
新开心版小学英语集体备课教案 年级:五年级 科目:英语 编号:_A 主备教师 辅备教师 课题 Unit 1 Making Plans 教学目标 知识与技能 1 .学会Vocabulary的8个动词短语。 2 .学习Target,学习表示将来打算的句型。 3 .学会歌曲 Are you going to write a letter? 过程与方法 通过对话来进行新词组的教学以及句型的学习。 情感态度 和价值观 让学生学会制定计划,珍惜时间。 教学重点 学生能听、说、认读和写出短语take a test, play games, get a haircut, see the doctor, shop for clothes , have a party, write a letter , meet some friends。 教学难点 听、说、认读和写句子:What are you going to do today?以及用 I,m going to 回答。Are you going to ? Yes/No, I'm going to . 教具准备 教学卡片,PPT 课时 1 教学过程 备注 I. Free talk T: Hello, boys and girls. What day is it today/ tomorrow? T: How about the day after tomorrow? II. Presentation (Page 9) 1. T: Next month we are going to take a test.(板书 take a test) 2. T: Do you want to playgames?(Ss: Yes.)(板书 play games) 3. T: Oh , look at my hair , it, s long. I am going to get a haircut.(板书 get a haircut) 4. T: Gogo is sick. He is going to see the doctor.(板书 see the doctor) 5. T: What are you going to do on Saturday? Are you going to shop for clothes or have a party? (板书shop for clothes和have a party并让学生作出回答。) 6. T: Jenny is going to write a letter to her grandfather and Tony is going to meet some friends. (板书 write a letter 和 meet some friends.) III. Target (Page 9) 1. T: As I say, Jenny is going to write a letter to her grandfather. Let' s try to read the Target. 2. T teaches the Ss to read, and explains the meaning. 3. Ss read after the tape. 4. Ss read together. IV. Chant activity (Page 14) 1. Ask the Ss to listen to the song Are you going to write a letter? 2. Ss follow the tape to sing the song. 3. After practicing several times, Ss sing together. 4. Ss finish the lyrics and T check the answers. V. Homework 1. Copy the vocabularies. 2. Read the Target. 板书设计 Unit 1 Making Plans I m going to take a test, play games, get a haircut, see the doctor, shop for clothes , have a party, write a letter , meet some friends 教学反思 新开心版小学英语集体备课教案 年级:五年级科目:英语编号:2 主备教师 辅备教师 课题 Unit 1 Making Plans 教 知识与技能 1.学会Story的对话。 学目标 过程与方法 通过让学生带着问题阅读课文来进行学习。 情感态度 和价值观 1.让学生学会计划,珍惜时间。 教学重点 Story的对话。 教学难点 bored, cook some food, have a vacation 等生词。 教具准备 PPT 课时 2 教学过程 备注 I.Warm-up 1、 Greetings. 2、 Chant: Are you going to write a letter? 11. Presentation (Page 8) 1、 Look and answer: - Show some questions on the screen. - Is Jenny going to get a haircut? - Is Jenny going to shop for clothes? - Is Jenny going to cook some food? - What is Gogo going to do? ② Teach the phrase “cook some food”. ③ Have the students look at the Story. ④ Choose the volunteers to answer the questions. 2、 Have the students look at the Story once again. 3、 Explain the important points: ① Teach “bored” and make an example: Gogo is .Have the students choose the best answer for the sentence from “bore, bored and boring”. ② Teach the phrase “have a vacation” and have the students read one by one. 4. Have the students follow the teacher to read the Story. 5. Act out the Story. III. Practice 1(Page 10) 1 .Ask the Ss to read the questions first. 2 .Ask the Ss to use “He/She is going to ” and “They are going to ” to tell about each picture. 3 .Listen to the tape and check the answer. 4 .Listen again, this time , repeat. IV. Practice 2(Page 10) 1. T: Today is Friday. What are you going to do tonight? Ss:I'm going to . 2. Ss practice in groups. V. Homework 1. Read the Story. 2. Do the Activity of P11 after class. 板书设计 Unit 1 Making Plans bored, cook some food, have a vacation 教学反思 新开心版小学英语集体备课教案 年级:五年级科目:英语编号:3 主备教师 辅备教师 课题 Unit 1 Making Plans 教学目标 知识与技能 学会阅读的技巧。 过程与方法 让学生通过带着问题阅读,学会做阅读题的方法。 情感态度和价值观 1.懂得尊敬长辈。2.了解不同文化的学生平常的生活。 教学重点 Reading and writing. 教学难点 Seniors' Center等词以及阅读后面的习题。 教具准备 PPT 课时 3 教学过程 备注 I.Warm up I. Free talk : T: What are you going to do? S1: I'm going to . II. Presentation (Page 12) (Reading and writing) 1 .T: Turn to Page 12, let's look at these questions: A. Where are the students going? B. What are they going to do? C. What is Xiaoming doing in the Seniors' Center? Now reading with these questions. I'll give you ten minutes.2. T: Times up. Who can answer Q1? S1:They're going to a Seniors' Center. T: Good. Who can answer Q2? S2:They're going to sing, dance, and tell stories. T: Perfect. Who can answer Q3? S3: He is taking photos. T: Very good! 3. T translates the passage to letthe Ss know more about the story. (More reading and writing)(Page 16) 1 .T: Look at the pictures , there are three students from different countries. Now reading with questions in Part 2. I'll give you ten minutes. 2 .T: Times up. Where is John from? S1: UK. T: Good. What is May going to sell this weekend? S2: Sell cookies. T: Perfect. What is Colin going to do this weekend? S3: He is going to take the animals to a show. T: Very good! 3 .T translates the passage to let the Ss know more about the passages. III. Practice 1. Finish the Part 3 and Part 4

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