
20222022 年教师资格之中学英语学科知识与教学能力题年教师资格之中学英语学科知识与教学能力题库(附答案)(典型题)库(附答案)(典型题)单选题(共单选题(共 9090 题)题)1、Which of the following about teaching assessment is inappropriate A.Diagnostic assessment is a kind of test carded out after a teaching activity B.Formative assessment should be student-oriented C.Summative assessment is often carried out at the end of a term D.Portfolios,daily reports,and delivering speeches are all formative assessment【答案】A 2、Social change is more likely to occur in societies where there is a mixture of different kinds of people than in societies where people are similar in many ways.The simple reason for this is that there are more different ways of looking at things present in the first kind of society.There are more ideas,more disagreements in interest,and more groups and organizations with different beliefs.In addition,there is usually a greater worldly interest and greater tolerance in mixed societies.All these factors tend to protnote social change by opening more areas of life to decision.A.people there have got so accustomed to their conditions that they seldom think it necessary to change B.people there have identical needs that can be satisfied without much difficulty C.people there are easy to please D.people there are less disputed【答案】A 3、Which of the following has the proper word stress?A.magniFicent B.magNificent C.magnifiCent D.Magnificent【答案】B 4、Which of the following is the proper pronunciation of meet you as a result of assimilation A./mi:t ju:/B./mi:t ju/C./mi:tju:/D./mi:tu:/【答案】D 5、In a pre-listening activity,students need to learn to cope with some ambiguity in listeningand realize that they can still learn even when they do not understand every single word.The aimof this activity is to develop the skill of.A.listening fir specific information B.listening for gist C.listening for structure D.listening for vocabulary【答案】B 6、Advertisers tend to think big and perhaps this is why theyre always coming in for criticism A.Advertisement makes contribution to our pockets and we may know everything B.We can buy what we want C.Good quality products dont need to be advertised D.Advertisement makes our life colorful【答案】C 7、Which of the following activities may be more appropriate to help students practice a newstructure immediately after presentation in class A.Role play B.Group discussion C.Pattern drill D.Written homework【答案】C 8、When the teacher is presenting a new language,giving explanations,checking answers,which of the following should be adopted?A.Whole class work B.Pair work C.Group work D.Individual work【答案】A 9、_is the custom,the investigators carried out a painstaking search of the debris after the air crash.A.What B.As C.Which D.That【答案】B 10、Which of the following is a typical feature of formal writing A.Archaic words are usually preferred B.The precision of language is a priority C.Short and incomplete sentences are preferred D.An intimate relationship with the audience is established【答案】B 11、请阅读 Passage 2,完成第小题。A.the tree that fell B.Torontos east end C.the subway in New York D.the Hurricane Sandy devastation【答案】D 12、The main objective of mechanical practice is to help students learn by heart the of a language item._ A.meaning B.function C.context D.form【答案】D 13、In English teaching,teachers should NOT pay attention to_.A.providing independent learning and communicating opportunities for students B.correcting students mistakes and errors in the process of learning immediately C.encouraging students to discuss,cooperate,experience,practice,and explore the way to master English D.cultivating students interest【答案】B 14、请阅读 Passage l。完成小题。A.helps restore the glory of former times B.is meant for the most loyal customers C.will have the cost of printing reduced D.expands the popularity of the paper【答案】B 15、Until then,his family _ from him for six months.A.didnt hear B.hasnt been hearing C.hasnt heard D.hadnt heard【答案】D 16、请阅读 Passage l,完成第小题。A.She loved the lifestyle in the UK B.She was a journalist of The Sun C.She moved from Nottingham in 2007 D.She thought everyone in the UK is too sociable【答案】A 17、President Arling has put his long awaited economic restructuring program before the Congress.It provides a coordinateD.program of investment credits,research grants,education reforms,and changes designed to make American industry more A.They want a more direct action B.They want an incomes policy to check inflation C.They want to rebuild industry D.They want a wall of protective tariffs【答案】A 18、Which word of the following has a different stress from the others?A.exit B.cancel C.exchange D.interest【答案】C 19、请阅读 Passage2。完成第小题。A.The World Cup broadcast has broken its record in America B.Americans interest in football has surged this year C.Smart phones and tablets become more and more popular D.Americans were not interested in The World Cup previously【答案】B 20、Tred insists he is_,but Im sure he believes in some supreme beings.A.a chaperon B.a steward C.a ruffian D.an atheist【答案】D 21、Writing

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