
大学英语自测题库Test OnePart I Listening Comprehension(15 minutes)Directions:This part is to test your listening ability.It consists of 3 sections.Section ADirections:This section is to test your ability to give proper answers to questions.There are 5recorded questions in it.After each question,there is a pause.The questions will bespoken two times.When you hearfrom the 4 choices marked A,B,C1.A.Sure.Why?C.Why not?2.A.Very well.And you?C.Im going to see the doctor.3.A.So I should try to eat more.C.Thats why Ive put on a lot of weight.4.A.Sure,I will do it.C.No,with pleasure.5.A.Yes,all the people are in a hurry.C.Really?I have no idea about this.a question,you should decide on the correct answer,and D given in your test paper.B.Yes,please.D.No problem!B.Thanks for everything.D.Much better.Thank you.B.Yes.Thank you for the advice.D.Because Im fond of cookies and cakes.B.Why?I wouldnt.D.Yes,many thanks.B.No,I dont think it will.D.You are right.Neither do I.Section BDirections:This section is to test your ability to understand short dialogues.There are 5-recordeddialogues in it.After each dialogue,there is a recorded question.Both the dialoguesand questions will be spoken two times.When you hear a question,you should decideon the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A,B,C and D given in your testpaper.6.A.She will give a dance performance.C.She will go to work in the office.7.A.Shopper and cashier.C.Player and coach.8.A.She had an accident.C.Her neighbor needed help.9.A.The man is learning cooking.C.The recipe is very complicated.10.A.8:00 am.C.9:00 amB.She will go to a concert.D.She will take a rest in her room.B.Husband and wife.D.Patient and doctor.B.Her doctor called her.D.Her sister was ill.B.The woman is a famous cook.D.The dish is more sweet than salty.B.8:30 amD.9:30 amSection CDirections:In this section you will hear a recorded short passage.The passage is printed in the testpaper,but with some words or phrases missing.The passage will be read three times.During the second reading,you are required to put in the missing words or phrases.Thethird reading is for you to check your writing.Now the passage will begin.Exercise is a great way for you to stay healthy.When you exercise,you will look betterand 11 better.Your body will become stronger.Your blood circulation(循环)12.Youdont get sick as often.There are many easy ways to get exercise.For example,when you have achoice 13 walking up the stairs or using a lift,walk up the stairs!Its an excellent exercise toyour legs,your lungs and your heart!Some people think that doing exercise takes a lot of time.Theface is that you only need 14 minutes each time and three times a week to feel the 15,Soon youll find yourself healthy,refreshed,and full of energy(精力)!Part II Vocabulary&Structure(15 minutes)Directions:This part is to test your ability to use words and phrases correctly to constructmeaningful and grammatically correct sentences.It consists of 2 sections.Section ADirections:There are 10 incomplete statements here.You are required to complete each statementby choosing the appropriate answer from the 4 choices marked A,B,C,and D.16.Rather than money,Miss Black gave whatever she has to the children in that village.A.make B.making C.makes D.to make17.1 find it hard to my gratitude to you for your kind help.A.speak B.express C.say D.tell18.The nurse is even more tender the sick child than his parents.A.at B.by C.to D.with19.A number of students in this class to Beijing once or twice.A.were B.have been C.is D.has been20.You cant really the painting unless you know something about the culture.A.know B.appreciate C.learn D.accept21.This strawberry ice-cream is a good desert to six to eight people.A.supply B.maintain C.serve D.treat22.Five miles a long distance to an old lady of her age.A.seem to being B.seem to be C.seems to being D.seems to be23.Sichuan is a big province,which has been with rich natural resources.A.flavored B.featured C.blended D.blessed24.Students are usually introduced to history by a thick book full names,dates and data.A.for B.in C.of D.from25.1 got the good news that they in planting trees on the sandy hills.A.have succeeded B.had succeeded C.succeed D.were succeedingSection BDirections:There are also 10 incomplete statements here.You should fill in each blank with theproper foiTn of the word given in the brackets.26.1 just cant help(b e)a ttr a c te d by this interesting sport event.27.Mary is patient,loving and considerate.She is(p r o m is e)to become a good primaryschool teacher.28.The doctor required that the patient(t a k e)a walk every day.29.The teacher is telling the students how(m a k e)a n introduction in English.30.What has made the triathlon one of the(attractiv e)O ly m p ic sports?31.The Smiths like to hold a(d in e)p a r ty at home.32.The flowers are of(v a r y)c o l o r s and shapes.33.The dish is(d i f f e r)f r o m all the other dishes Ive ever tasted.34.The father asked his son to read the poem(r e p e a t).35.(fire)c ra c k

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