
2019-2020学年高二上英语期中模拟试卷含答案科试卷答案听力:15 BBABC6-10 CCABC1115 BCACB1620 ABCAB单项填空:2125 BDDAA2630 BCDCD3135 CADAA完形填空:3640 CDABC41-45 ABCAD4650 ABABA5155 DABDD阅读理解:56-59 CCBD6062 ACD6366 BDBC6770 CBBD7175 EACDG短文改错:Senior stude nts have both ach ieved success and suffe r(suffe re d)from failure in exams.Different students takedifferent attitude(attitude s)to failure.Some falls(fall)in low spirits wh en th e y dont do well in exams.Th ey usuallylose h eart.Th erefore(Howe ve r),most stude nts take an active attitude towards failure.We(Th e y)encourageth e mse lve s to be se lf-confide nt,try(trying)to find out th e reasons so th at th e y will no longer make similar mistakes.Th e y often turn(力 口 to)th e ir teach ers,classmates or friends for advice.Even th e (去掉)great men h ave failed manytime s after(be fore)th e y succeed.So students must face up to th e ir failure straigh tly(straig h tly)and deal correctly.书面表达:One possible versionLin Dan,born on October 14,1983 in Longyan,Fujian,is a professional badminton male player.1.78 meters and72 kg,he spe nds h is personal time liste ning to music and watch ing movies.In h is e arly years,Lin was encouraged to play badminton at th e age of five and h as been part of Ch inas nationalbadminton team since 2001 wh en 18.In 2002 Lin took th e first place on th e list of th e International BadmintonFederation.In th e 2012 Olympic Games,he won th e gold medal,be coming th e first de fending ch ampion in menssingle playing.So Lin Dan is a two-time Olympic ch ampion and four-time world ch ampion.Meanwh ile,he h as won15 gold medals in major competitions across th e world.听力原文Text 1M Wh ere is Lily?Its alre ady twe nty to two.W Dont worry.Th e movie begins in twe nty minutes.We still h ave time.Text 2M Wh ere is th e sun?11 was fine a moment ago.W Th e weath e r in spring is like a babys face.Im afraid itll rain soon.Text 3W Henry,Im really scared.M Oh,sorry.Ill slow down at once.I cant h elp driving fast wh en th ere are fe w cars in th e street.W Th ats dangerous.Text 4M Do you want a cookie?W No,th anks.But I do want a glass of ice water.M Were you playing football with your friends?W No.we were playing basketball.Text 5M How many eggs do you want,madam?W A dozen,please.Oh,wait.Two dozen.I want to bake a cake th is weekend.M Do you know h ow to bake cakes?W I used to make a living out of it.Text 6W Did you go to th e th e ate r last nigh t?M Well,I was going to wh en I was called to pick up Joh n at th e airport.W Wh at?Joh n came?Did he come here e spe cially to see you?M No.he came to attend a business conference.He/ll call you after it.He wants to h ave a drink with us.W But Ive promised my daugh ter Id go to Disneyland with h er th is afternoon.M Im sure h ell understand.Text 7W Look at Ted.Hes sh aking all over.M Im afraid he h asnt prepared well for th e exam.He went camping with his frie nds last week.W But th e exam is so important.He really sh ouldnt h ave gone camping.M You look confide nt Have you prepared we ll for it?W I spent almost every minute in my room studying last week.Im sure Ill do well in th e exam th is time.How aboutyou?M Im sure I can pass it,but I dont th ink Ill get high grades.I spent only two days going ove r th e book after all.W Wh y?M I was ill last week.Text 8M I love your wh ite car.Wh en did you buy it?W It is not mine.You know I don/t like wh ite.I like red and black.Th is is my broth ers.Im just h elping wash it.M Didnt your broth er buy a car just h alf a year ago?W Yes,but it was damaged last week.M Dear God.Wh at h appened?Did your broth er got injured?W No.it wasnt my broth er wh o was using th e car.He lent it to a friend.It was a rainy nigh t and th at man wasntgood at driving.Th e car crash ed into a truck.M Was he hurt?W Luckily,he wasnt.But th e car was badly damaged.M I th ink its dangerous to drive.I/ll never drive a car.W But most people cant live with out a car nowadays.Text 9W I h ave nt seen you for a long time.Wh at h ave you been doing?M Ive been learning French from Maria th e se days.W:I didnt know Maria spe aks French.M:I didnt know,eith er.Last month I asked h er if sh e kne w someone wh o could spe ak French.Sh e said she could.Ith ough t sh e was joking.But th en sh e spoke some French and I finally believed sh e wasnt making fun of me.W:Did sh e learn French at college?M:No.Sh e learnt French from h er grandma as a ch ild.Her grandma is a French woman.Th ey spent about ten yearstogeth er.W:How much do you have to pay for h er class?M:50 dollars per day.Wh y do you ask?W:My younger broth e r is also interested in learning French.M:In th at case,wh y not ask him to study with me?W:Th at sounds like a good idea.M:Oh,itzs alre ady h alf past two now.My class begins in h alf an h our.I must be off now.W:See you.Text 10My name is Lucy.I am from America.Now Km studying in a middle sch ool.Th ere are four people in my family.My fath e r is an e ngineer.He is 40 years old.He is tall.He likes eating junk food.That/s wh y he

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