
目 录第5集.2第6集.34第7集.69第8集.97第5集(新集)雇来的枪手Hired Guns在上讲结束时,我们讨论到洛克关于When we ended last time,we were discussing 在同意基础上所建立的政府,问题就出来了 Lockes idea of government by consent and the question arose,“是什么限制了政府的权力,What are the limits on government that even the agreement 使得即便多数人同意,也不能侵犯它?”of the majority cant override?这是我们匕次结束时的问题 That was the question we ended with.我们讨论了财产权的问题We saw in the case of property rights以洛克的观点来看,由民主选举出来的政府that on Lockes view a democratically elected government 有权向人民征税has the right to tax people.政府征税应经过人民的同意 It has to be taxation with consent 因为这的确涉及到,为了公共利益 because it does involve the taking of peoples property 而拿走个人的财产。然而征税的时候for the common good but it doesn*t require the consent 并没要求征求每个独立个体的意见of each individual at the time the tax is enacted or collected.它只要求人们在进入社会前What it does require is a prior act of consent 要事先征求同意,并承担一些政治义务 to join the society,to take on the political obligation 而一旦你承担了这些义务,你就同意了接受多数人的约束 but once you take on that obligation,you agree to be bound by the majority.这些就是关于征税的讨论。但你也许会问So much for taxation.But what you may ask,对于生命权又会怎样?政府可以征兵 about the right to life?Can the government conscript people 并把人们送到战场么?and send them into battle?又如何解释我们拥有自己这一观点?(上一集讨论过的观点)And what about the idea that we own ourselves?如果政府能够通过强制立法和执行其权力Isnt the idea of self-possession violated if the government can,这不是违背了我们拥有自己吗?through coercive legislation and enforcement powers,say例如政府说,“你要冒生命危险去打伊拉克”You must go risk your life to fight in Iraq.洛克会怎么说?What would Locke say?政府是否有权这样做?Does the government have the right to do that?是的,事实上他在第139节说到Yes.In fact he says in 139,he says,“重要的是政治机关或军事当局What matters is that the political authority or the military authority不是专制的,这是问题的关键”not be arbitrary,thats what matters.同时他也给了 个很有说服力的例证And he gives a wonderful example.他说:“即便是名中士,更不用说是位将军He says A sergeant,even a sergeant,let alone a general,也可以命令士兵,迎着大炮而上a sergeant can command a soldier to go right up to a face of a cannon这位士兵将必死无疑,但中土有权要求他这样做where he is almost sure to die,that the sergeant can do.将军甚至可以给那些擅离职守,或不服从命令的士兵The general can condemn the soldier to death for deserting his post 判处死刑or for not obeying even a desperate order.尽管他们拥有生杀大权,但But with all their power over life and death,what these officers cant do 他们却没权拿走该士兵的一分一厘is take a penny of that soldiers money because that has nothing to do 因为这种做法是不合法的with the rightful authority,因为这是主观武断的,腐败的that would be arbitrary and it would be corrupt.因此,同意在洛克的理论中变得非常重要So consent winds up being very powerful in Locke,这种同意不是指,个体对税收或军令的同意not consent of the individual to the particular tax or military order,而是一开始同意加入政府、but consent to join the government and to be bound受大多数人的约束by the majority in the first place.这就是同意的关键所在,而且它重要到Thats the consent that matters and it matters so powerfully 即使是建立在我们所拥有天赋的that even the limited government created by the fact生存权、自由权以及财产权这事实上的有限政府that we have an unalienable right to life,liberty,and property,即便这个有限政府也只是受限于even that limited government is only limited in the sense普遍适用的法律、法规that it has to govern by generally applicable laws,而且不能是专制的。这就是洛克的理论the rule of law,it cant be arbitrary.Thats Locke.那么这就引出了个关于同意的问题:Well this raises a question about consent.在建立政权和服从的义务时Why is consent such a powerful moral instrument为什么“同意”是如此个强大的道德工具?in creating political authority and the obligation to obey?今天我们从一个具体的征兵案例Today we begin to investigate the question of consent 来探讨“同意”的问题by looking at a concrete case,the case of military conscription.也许有人会问,因为我们拥有自己Now some people say if we have a fundamental right我们有一些基本的权利that arises from the idea that we own ourselves,那么政府征兵去参战就是对这一权利的侵犯 its a violation of that right for government to conscript citizens 有人则不同意这说法to go fight in wars.Others disagree.他们说,这是政府的合法权力Others say thats a legitimate power of government,不管怎样,这是民主选举的政府of democratically elected governments,anyhow,我们都有义务服从and that we have an obligation to obey.我们以美国攻打伊拉克为例Let*s take the case of the United States fighting a war in Iraq.新闻报导告诉我们,军队在完成News accounts tells us that the military is having great difficulty 招兵指标上有很大困难meeting its recruitment targets.看一卜美国政府应对Consider three policies that the U.S.government无法完成招兵指标时might undertake to deal with the fact的三项对策that its not achieving its recruiting targets.解 决 方 案:增加工资和福利Solution number one:increase the pay and benefits从而吸引足够数量的士兵to attract a sufficient number of soldiers.方案二:采用强制征兵体系Option number two:shift to a system of military conscription,用抽签法,谁抽中了have a lottery,and whose ever numbers are drawn,谁就要去伊拉克参战go to fight in Iraq.方案三:军事外包System number three:outsource,hire what traditionally聘请世界各地被称为“雇佣军”的人have been called mercenaries,people around the world那些合格的、有能力的who are qualified,able to do the work,仗打得好的,而且愿意接受able to fight well,and who are willing to do it现有的工资水平for the existing wage.让我们做个简短的投票So lets take a quick poll here.多少人倾向于增加开支?How many favor increasing the pay?相当多的人A huge majority.多少人赞成强制征兵体系?How many favor going to conscription?在这个屋里,也许有卜几人选择强制征兵Maybe a dozen people in the room favor conscriptio

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