译林版六年级英语下册第三单元第1课时Story time教案(定稿)

Unit 3 A Healthy diet 一、教学内容 本节课内容是Unit3 A Healthy diet 中story time板块,课文主要围绕“健康饮食”这一主题,以分别介绍Mike和 YangLing的饮食习惯为主线,围绕健康膳食金字塔的形式,讨论人们生活中的饮食习惯。学习内容贴近学生的生活,具有指导性、实用性,体现了英语课程工具性和人文性的统一。 二、教学目标 1、能在整体情境中理解story time的内容,养成预测文本、处理信息等能力。 2、能听懂、会说、会读单词,词组或句型:: at a time, healthy, diet, cola, a little, a few. He has a lot of/some noodles/meat. She has a few eggs/a lettle rice. 3、能正确朗读课文,能用所学句型、交际用语等讲述自己的饮食习惯。 4、能主动参与课堂活动,与他人合作。 5、能初步了解关于健康饮食的文化与知识。 三、教学策略 1、围绕话题,情趣导入,从逛大润发超市,复习食物单词和了解学生的早餐导入,激发学生兴趣,激发学生学习相关语言的欲望。 2、设计课前活动,激活学生的思维和知识储备;课堂活动注重学生的语言实践和阅读技巧的培养,培养学生用英语做事情的能力;课后活动让学生将所学语言初步运用于生活中。 3、互动合作,重视学生的思维参与度,培养学生的综合英语运用能力。 四、教学过程: Step 1Pre-Reading 1. Greetings. 2.Review T shows students around the RT Mart and talk about some food、meat、fish、vegetables and sweet food. T:Did you have some milk for your breakfast?What about your breakfast? T:I think you have a healthy diet\I think your diet is not healthy?Why do say that?\ T show Healthy Food Pyramid and talk about it. 揭题:A healthy diet Teach: diet, a few, a little, healthy, unhealthy.  Step2 While-reading 1.Look at Mike and YangLing’s diets. Q:What food do they both like? Ss:... What kind of sweet food does Mike eat? Ss:... How much sweet food does YangLing eat? Ss:... Way: read the text quickly and answer 2.What food do they eat for three meals? Way: a, watch and tick b, answer 3. Talk about Mike’s diet. Q: How much bread and milk does Mike eat for breakfast? How much meat and fish does Mike eat for breakfast? How much rice does Mike eat for breakfast? Way: read and under the key words. 4. T: What do you think of Mike’s diet? Ss:... What is a healthy diet? T: In fact, it’s according to a special form--Healthy Food Pyramid Way: show the Say something about the Healthy Food Pyramid. What shape is it? How many floors are these? To keep healthy, we should have a lot of rice, noodles, bread, fruit and vegetables. Because they are a good source of carbohydrates and vitamins. They keep us healthy. We should eat some meat, fish,eggs, and milk. They can make us strong. At last, we just have a little sweet food. Because they provide calories, and they can make us fatter and fatter. 5. Give Mike some advice. Tips: Hey, you should/can... Please eat... ...can make us....Don’t... 6. Talk about YangLing’s diet. Does she have a good healthy diet? Why? Way: read and underline. 7. Listen and repeat. Tips:跟录音朗读,注意语音清楚,语调自然。 8. Read freely. a, read in parts. b, read together. c, read after one 9. Retell the text. a, look at the blackboard and retell the text. b, finish the passage Step3 Post-reading 1. Say something about your diet. 2. If you have an unhealthy diet, what are you going to do? Tips: I’m going to... I should(not)... I can(not)... 3. Junk food. To keep healthy, we should have healthy food, but no junk food. Step4: Sum-up Remember: Eat more healthy food. Do more exercise. Have a healthy lifestyle. Healthy is wealthy. Step5 Homework 1.Read the text freely. 2.Try to tell something about Mike and YangLing’s diets. 3.Say something about your diet. 板书设计 Unit3 A healthy food Breakfast Lunch and Dinner Mike Yang Ling 教学反思: 教学设计简单,层次分明,基本功扎实,学生的语言素质比较好,在学生阅读时注重语音语调以及朗读的方法与技巧。在教学Healthy Food Pyramid时,忽略了学生已有的基础,应该给与学生更大的空间,注重学生语言的学习。While reading 的时候提出的问题太过深奥,应根据学生的接受能力,学习任务应该层层递进。同时也要明确阅读的目的,不止在为了完成任务而去阅读,还是要注重学生语言的学习和输出。整节课学生读的还是太少了,应该给与学生更多的时间阅读,然后再让学生完成各项任务,这样学生学起来会更加轻松一些.

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