【精品】五年级下册英语一课一练-Module 10 Unit1 What did you put in your bag 外研版一起(word版, 含答案)

Module 10 Unit1 What did you put in your bag? 知识清单 单词过关[来源:学,科,网] ( ) ticket ( ) passport ( ) leave 口语课课练 ( ) Where are you going this weekend? ( ) When are you going to get up? ( ) Are you ready for your trip tomorrow? ( ) I don’t know. Grandma. ( ) What did you put in your bag? ( ) My clothes, my shoes, some presents, my ticket and passport. ( ) Where will you go tomorrow? ( ) I’ll go to the airport. Then I’ll take the plane to the US. ( ) When will you leave tomorrow? ( ) At 7 o’clock in the morning. ( ) Who is going to the airport with you? ( ) You’re ready for your trip! See you in the US. 家长签字: 课堂小测试 一、 听一听,选一选。 ( )1. A. Where are you going ? B. When are you going to get up? ( )2. A. Are you ready for your trip ? B. You’re ready for your trip! ( )3. A. What did you put in your bag? B. What did you buy in your shop? ( )4. A. Where will you go tomorrow? B. When will you leave tomorrow? ( )5. A. See you in the US. B. See you in the UK. 二、 单项选择。 ( )1.---________ are you going to get up? --- I’m going to get up at 7 o’clock in the morning. A. What B. When C. How[来源:学*科*网] ( )2. --- What did you _______ in your bag? ----My ticket and passport. A. take B. do C. put[来源:学科网ZXXK] ( )3. --- ______ will you go tomorrow? --- I’ll go to the airport. A. Where B. When C. What ( )4. I ______ at 6 o’clock in the morning yesterday. A. got up B. get up C. getting up ( )5. ---Where will you go this summer?[来源:Z§xx§k.Com] ---I will go to _________. A. swim B. sing C. Beijing 三、 连词成句。 1. weekend, where, going, you, are, this(?) __________________________________________________ 2. bag, in, did, you, put, what, your(?) ___________________________________________________ 3. US, take, the, plane, take, I, will, to, the(.) _____________________________________________________ 4. You, the, airport, who, to, is, with, you, going(?) _______________________________________________________ 听力材料及答案: 一、 听力 1. When are you going to get up? 2. Are you ready for your trip ? 3. What did you put in your bag? 4. When will you leave tomorrow? 5. See you in the US. 答案: BAABA 二、BCAAC 三、 1. Where are you going this weekend? 2. What did you put in your bag? 3. I will take the plane to the US. 4. Who is going to the airport with you?

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