
Mother of Ten Mother of Ten Thousand BabiesThousand Babies个人简历岗位经历重要项目经历本人性格活泼、开朗、有亲和力,善于与人沟通,表达能力强,能认真的对待自己的工作岗位,吃苦耐劳、认真细心Do you know these documents?These are documents recording the birth of a baby.Who is the baby?There is a story.Once upon a time.奖项荣誉工作成效思想成长情况本人性格活泼、开朗、有亲和力,善于与人沟通,表达能力强,能认真的对待自己的工作岗位,吃苦耐劳、认真细心 It was a hot summer,and a girl was racing against time for a crucial entrance examination when she heard someone call out Miss Lin Qiaozhi,please come out.It turns out a girl fainted.There are nobody but Lin Qiaozhi can help her.But when she returned,the exam was over.The exam was highly competitive and there were fewer places for girls.Therefore thinking of that she would fail,She has been unhappy.奖项荣誉工作成效思想成长情况本人性格活泼、开朗、有亲和力,善于与人沟通,表达能力强,能认真的对待自己的工作岗位,吃苦耐劳、认真细心 But when she returned,the exam was over.Therefore,thinking of that she would fail,She has been sad.However,to her surprise,the acceptance letter of Union Medical College arrived because the teacher wrote a report to the College praising her timely treatment.奖项荣誉工作成效思想成长情况本人性格活泼、开朗、有亲和力,善于与人沟通,表达能力强,能认真的对待自己的工作岗位,吃苦耐劳、认真细心 However,to her surprise,the acceptance letter arrived because the teacher wrote a report to the College praising her timely treatment.Lin QiaozhiMother of Ten Thousand BabiesMother of Ten Thousand BabiesLook at the title and pictures,what do you think the text is about?From the title and the pictures,we can know that the passage might be about _a female doctor who delivered lots of babies.Mother of Ten Thousand BabiesTextual Analysis:Para 1“Life is precious.To a person nothing is more precious than their life,and if they entrust me with that life,how could I refuse that trust,saying Im cold,hungry,or tired?These words of Dr Lin Qiaozhi give us a look into the heart of this amazing woman,and what carried her through a life of hard choices.1.What is the purpose of quoting Lin Qiaozhis words in the first paragraph?2.What is the function of the first paragraph?It helps us know Lin Qiaozhi better.To introduce the topic.As a five-year-old girl,Lin Qiaozhi was deeply affected by her mothers death.At age 18,instead of following the traditional path of marriage like the majority of girls,she chose to study medicine.Why should girls learn so much?Finding a good husband should be their final goal!her brother complained,thinking of the high tuition fees.She responded,Id rather stay single to study all my life!Textual Analysis:Para 21.At that time,what did the majority of girls do at the age of 18?2.What was the choice of Lin Qiaozhi when she was 18?They followed the traditional path of marriage.She chose to study medicine instead of finding a husband.Textual Analysis:Para 31.According to this paragraph,how was Dr.Lin in the field of medical research?2.What did Dr Lin choose to do when she was invited to stay in the US?Outstanding/Excellent/Successful.Eight years later,Lin graduated from Peking Union Medical College(PUMC)with the Wenhai Scholarship,the highest prize given to graduates.She immediately became the first woman ever to be hired as a resident physician in the OB-GYN department(妇产科)of the PUMC Hospital.Within six months,she was named a chief resident physician,a position that usually took four years to achieve.After working for a few years,she was sent to study in Europe and then,in 1939,in the US.She greatly impressed her American colleagues,who invited her to stay.Dr Lin,however,rejected the offer.She wanted to serve the women and children at home.In 1941,Dr Lin became the first Chinese woman ever to be appointed director of the OB-GYN department of the PUMC Hospital,but just a few months later,the department was closed because of the war.Thinking of all the people still in need of help,Dr Lin opened a private clinic.She charged very low fees to treat patients and often reduced costs for poor patients.At times she was even seen riding a donkey to faraway villages to provide medical care.Textual Analysis:Para 4Why did Lin open a private clinic?Because she really cared about all the people who were still in need of help.The new Peoples Republic of China saw Dr Lin Qiaozhi playing a key role.In 1954,she was elected to the first National Peoples Congress and,over the next several decades,she held many important positions.Her heart,however,was elsewhere.She was more interested in tending patients,publishing medical research on care for women and children,and training the next generation of doctors.“The OB-GYN department cares for two lives,”she told new staff in her department.“As doctors,we should be responsible for the patients and treat them as our sisters.”Textual Analysis:Para 5What was more important for Dr Lin than holding important positions?Tending patients,publishing medical research on care for women and children,and training the next generation of doctors.Though Lin Qiaozhi never married,she was known as the mother of ten thousand babies,having delivered over 50,000 babies in her lifetime.Dr Lin did not retire unt

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