名词【命题考向精讲+名校习题精练】 中考英语 语法高分突破专项复习

2 0 2 2 中 考 英 语 语 法 细 分 命 题 点 复 习专题1 名词CONTENTSCONTENTS目录0101考向一 名词的数0303考向三 名词词义辨析0202考向二 名词所有格考向考向一一 名名词的词的数数1、可数名词有单数和复数两种形式boyboys,girlgirls前面可用基数词或不定冠词a/an和数词修饰,复数前可用many,some,(a)few,a number of等修饰。three apples,a book,many people,a number of students.2、不可数名词没有复数形式bread,water不能用不定冠词、基数词或many 修饰;表示数量时,可用“数词/冠词计量词of不可数名词”。a piece of paper,two bottles of milk考向考向一一 名名词的词的数命数命题点题点目录目录1.1 复数规则可数名词1.2 复数不规则可数名词1.3 不可数名词1.4 不可数名词的数量表示1.5 名词做定语1.6 国民复数1.7 常考点advice/suggestion辨析1.1 复数复数规则规则可数可数名词名词命题点讲解1.一般在名词的结尾加-s,在清辅音后读/s/,在浊辅音和元音后后读/z/。exerciseexercises deskdesks2.以s、x、ch、sh结尾的名词加-es,读/Iz/。watchwatches boxboxes3.以辅音字母+y结尾的词,把y变i,再加-es。factoryfactories ladyladies4.以f 或fe结尾的词,一般把f 或fe 改为v,加-es。wolfwolves knifeknives5.以o结尾的可数名词,有生命的加-es,无生命的加-s。potatopotatoes pianopianos【知识拓展】以o结尾的名词,需加-es的名词有:negro(黑人),hero(英雄),tomato(西红柿),potato(土豆)。可结合顺口溜来记忆这些单词,即黑人英雄 西红柿和土豆。1.1 复数复数规则规则可数可数名词名词【例1】.(2021湖北恩施)Wuhan,one of the most important _ in China,is famous for the Yellow Crane Tower.Acities Bcitys Ccity【答案】A【例2】.(2021内蒙古呼和浩特)What would you like to eat,honey?_.AChicken with vegetables and two bowls of rices BChicken with vegetables and two bowls of rice CChickens with vegetables and two bowls of rice DChickens with vegetable and two bowls of rices【答案】B1.1 复数复数规则规则可数可数名词名词【例3】.(2020广西桂林)Americans always use_to have meals while Chinese use chopsticks.Aknife Bbowl Cforks【答案】C【例4】.(2021四川凉山)Hurry up!Some _ and _ are on sale in the supermarket.Atomato;egg Btomatoes;egg Ctomatoes;eggs Dtomato;eggs【答案】C1.2 复数复数不规不规则可则可数名数名词词命题点讲解1.单复数同形ChineseChinese sheepsheep JapaneseJapanese2.改变元音字母manmen womanwomen footfeet toothteeth policewomanpolicewomen3.只有复数形式的名词trousers scissors pants glasses shoes4.其他变化mousemice childchildren1.2 复数复数不规不规则可则可数名数名词词【例6】.(2019湖南)We should brush our _ every day.Atooth Bteeth Chand【答案】B【例7】.(2021四川西昌一模)Did you have a great time on the farm yesterday?Yes,we saw many beautiful flowers and lots of _ and _.Apigs;chicken Bsheep;chickens Cfishes;chicken Dduck;chickens【答案】B1.3 不可不可数名数名词词【例9】.(2021广西河池)Lisa,could you help me buy some _ on your way home?OK,mom.Aegg Bbeef Cbanana Dpotato【答案】B【例10】.(2019湖南郴州)-I know little about this product.-Surf the Internet,and you will get much _about it.Ainformation Bmessage Csuggestion【答案】A1.3 不可不可数名数名词词【例12】.(2019湖北)-Tina,what do you often have for breakfast?-I usually eat _ and drink some milk.Atwo breads Btwo piece of breads Ctwo pieces of bread【答案】C【例13】.(2019西藏)They are thirsty.Will you please give them _?Asome bottles of waters Bsome bottles of water Csome bottle of water Dsome bottle of waters【答案】B1.4 不可不可数名数名词的词的数量数量表示表示命题点讲解1.用much,a little,a lot of/lots of,some,any等表示多少。The rich man has a lot of money那个富人有很多钱。There is some milk in the bottle瓶子里有一些牛奶。Is there any water in the glass?杯子里有一些水吗?2.用a cup of(一杯)/a bottle of(一瓶)/a piece of(一张.)/a pair of(一双.)等修饰不可数数名词。a piece of paper a piece of wood a piece of bread a bottle of orange a glass of water(milk)a cup of tea【注意】如果要表示“两杯茶”、“四张纸”这类概念时,在容器后加复数。two cups of tea four pieces of paper three glasses of water three bags of rice1.4 不可不可数名数名词的词的数量数量表示表示【例14】.(2019四川自贡)What else do we need to make cold beef?_ATwo spoons salt BTwo spoons of salts CTwo spoons of salt【答案】C【例15】.(2021四川新都三模)Do you want to have _?Atwo cups of tea Bteas Ctwo cup of tea【答案】A1.5 名词名词做定做定语语命题点讲解名词做定语,一定用单数,但man和woman例外。A paper bagtwo paper bags两个纸袋a football fan一个球迷three football fans三个球迷【易错】a man teacher一个男老师two men teachers两个男老师 a woman scientist一个女科学家two women scientists两个女科学家1.5 名词名词做定做定语语【例17】.(2021四川广元)Three fifths of the teachers in our school are _.Aman teachers Bmen teachers Cwoman teachers Dwomen teacher【答案】B【例18】.(2019湖南益阳)Look at the two _over there.They are teaching the girls to play the guitar.Awomen teachers Bwoman teachers Cwoman teacher【答案】A1.6 国民国民复数复数命题点讲解1.单复数同形:ChineseChinese中国人 JapaneseJapanese日本人 EnglishEnglish英国人2.词尾加s的:AmericanAmericans 美国人 AustralianAustralians 澳大利亚人CanadianCanadians 加拿大人 GermanGermans 德国人GreekGreeks 希腊人 IndianIndians 印度人RussianRussians 俄罗斯人 1.6 国民国民复数复数【例20】.(2020贵州黔南)About 200_ went to see the Asian Fashion Show last night.AGerman BAustralian CChinese DAmerican【答案】C【例21】.(2021安徽模拟预测)I have three pen pals.One is _,and the other two are _.AJapanese;America BRussian;Germen CCanada;Australian DEnglish;Frenchmen【答案】D【例22】.(2021福建模拟预测)There are three _ in the company(公司).They are all _.Aworker;German Bworkers;Germen Cworkers;Germans【答案】C1.7 常考常考点点advice/suggestion辨析辨析命题点讲解1.advice是不可数名词,表示“一条建议”用a piece of advice,“一些建议”是some advice。2.suggestion则是可数名词,表示“一条建议”用a suggestion,“一些建议”是some suggestions,“许多建议”是many suggestions。Ill give you some advice,Mike;dont try.迈克,我要给你些忠告,别去试。I made a few suggestions about how we could spend the afternoon.我提了几条关于下午活动安排的建议。1.7 常考常考点点advice/suggestion辨析辨析【例24】.(2020黑龙江牡丹江)Would you please give me some _on how to learn English well?Aadvices Bsuggestion Cadvice【答案】C【例25】.(2020江苏宿迁)Mr Liu is a wise man,and he often gives us a few_ Asuggestions Badvice Chobbies Dknowledge【答案】A考向考向二二 名名词所词所

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