
《大学英语2》(高起本)期末考试复习题 注:可利用査找功能复制部分题干査询对应题目和解析。 査找按键:Ctrl+F 一、单选题(每题2分,共20道小题,总分值40分) l.The temperature will reach a of 450 according to the weather forecast/2 分) A^ climax B、 maximum C、 minimum D、 highlight 正确答案:B 2.It's hard to believe that in this country, hunger could be a serious problem. (2 分) A、 principal B、 substantial C、 prosperous D、 generous 正确答案:C 3.The poor father tried to explain to his children that they couldn't afford such as expensive toy cars and dolls, (2 分) A、 luxuries B、 wealth C、 money D、 wastes 正确答案:A 4.It used to be impossible to find Chinese restaurants outside the major cities, but it's much easier now. (2 分) A、 eventually B、 physically C、 willingly D、 virtually 正确答案:D 5.1 couldn't get through the gate because your car was . (2 分) A、 in a way B、 in the way C、 on the way D、 by the way 正确答案:B 6.70,000 tons of oil has poured out of the damaged tanker into the sea, (2 分) A、 crude B、 raw C、 rough D、 tough 正确答案:A 7.0ld people are extremely reluctant to buy on and likely to save as much money as possible. (2 分) A、 bill B、 debt C、 credit D、 check 正确答案:C 8.Insurance statistics show that most wives their husbands. (2 分) A、 survey B、 inspect C、 survive D、 engage 正确答案:C 9. There has been an upsurge of interest in chamber music. , opera is receiving a boost from increased record sales. (2 分) A、 Alike B、 Likely C、 Likewise D、 Liking 正确答案:C 10. What you do should be with what you say. (2 分) A、 multiple B、 perceptive C、 cooperative D、 consistent 正确答案:D 11. Though he worked part time after class, his exam results are above average. (2 分) A、 away B、 too C、 very D、 way 正确答案:D 12. He has suffered a heart attack—nothing too serious. (2 分) A、 modest B、 medium C、 mild D、 mature 正确答案:C 13.If he on tourists for his business, he would have closed his shop, (2 分) A、 depends B^ depended C、 has depended D、 had depended 正确答案:D 14. You can't see well through a telescope without correctly it to your sight. (2分) A、 balancing B、 adjusting C、 punching D、 urging 正确答案:B 15. Two points in this report are especially of notice. (2 分) A、worth B^ worthy C^ worthwhile D、worthless 正确答案:B 16. A force 10 wind is of blowing the roofs off houses. A、ashamed B^ capable C、 envious D、 likely 正确答案:B 17.1 suggested the matter to the meeting to hear what they've got to say. (2分) A、 putting B、 being put C、 to put D、 to be put 正确答案:A 18.Susan was afraid to open the door lest he her. (2 分) A、 followed B、 have followed C、 should follow D、 had followed 正确答案:C 19.He's to fail the exam if he doesn't do any revision. (2 分) A> linked B, attached C^ bound D、fastened 正确答案:C 20.lf it , I'd have gone for a walk, (2 分) A、Hadn't rained B、 d C、 idn't rain D、 Wouldn't have rained Ewasn't raining 正确答案:a 二、 翻译(每题2分,共2道小题,总分值4分) l.The world will be different, and we will have to be prepared to adapt to the change. (2分) 正确答案: 适应 2.She left a short impersonal note, saying that she was leaving. (2 分) 正确答案: 不涉及个人感情的 三、 阅读理解(每题8分,共2道小题,总分值16分) l.lt is estimated that some seven hundred million people are unable to read and write, and there are probably two hundred and fifty million more whose level of attainment is so slight that it barely qualifies literacy (读写能力). Recently the attack on illiteracy has been stepped up. A world plan has been drawn up by a committee of UNESCO experts in Paris, as part of the UNESCO Nations Development Decade, and an international conference on the subject has also been held. UNESCO stresses that functional literacy is the aim. People must learn the basic skills of responsible citizenship: the ability to read notices, newspapers, timetables, letters, price-lists, to keep simple records and accounts, to sort out the significance of the information gathered, and to fill in forms. The major areas of illiteracy are in Asia, Africa, and Central and South America. In Africa there are at least one hundred million illiterates, comprising eighty to eighty-five per cent of the total population. In Europe the figure is about twenty-four million, most of them in Southern Europe, with Spain, Italy, Portugal, and Yugoslavia heading the list (the United Kingdom has about seven hundred thousand). (8 分) (1) Studying carefully the clues in the passage, we learn that the total population of Africa is. (1.6 分) A、 approximately one hundred and twenty-five million B、 approximately seven hundred million C^ approximately eight or eight point five thousand million D、exactly twenty-four million 正确答案:A ⑵ The figure of illiteracy in Britain comprises . (1.6 分) A、 thirty-five per cent of Europe's population B、 zero point two per cent of the world adult population C、 zero point one per cent of that of illiteracy in the world D、 three point five per cent of that of the illiteracy in Southern Europe 正确答案:C ⑶ It is obvious that UNESCO. (1.6 分) A、 is a company in France B、 is a world organ

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