
江苏科技大学 硕士学位论文 汉语杂志广告中劝说性的批评性话语分析 姓名:朱晓萍 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:外国语言学及应用语言学 指导教师:赵霞 2011-06-03 Abstract Advertising is an important social phenomenon in the information age. A successful advertisement mainly gains the key features of attention value, memory value and persuasive power. A persuasive genre, different from other daily conversations, is gaining more and more attention. Various approaches have been applied to the advertising language studies, including sociolinguistics, stylistics, pragmatics, semiotics, functional linguistics and so on. Substantial research works have been published in the descriptions and explanations of vocabulary, syntax and rhetoric features. Critical discourse analysis (CDA) is also called Critical Linguistics which demonstrates the ways in which various aspects of grammars are connected with power and ideology. In advertising, the ideology meaning works as underlying social cognition. This paper holds the opinion that the social cognition hidden behind advertising language is the main factor that manipulates people's purchasing action. Therefore, critical discourse analysis is an effective tool in advertising studies. In the theoretical application of CDA, scholars at home and abroad have set a good example in the analysis of various discourses. Based on the comprehensive previous studies, this thesis is applies CDA into a popular fashion magazine in Chinese. It is designed to discover the advertising writing features in the realization of the function of persuasion in advertising. The data collected for this study consist of 59 advertisements from 12 Ray, the Chinese fashion magazines, issued from the year of 2008 to 2009.1 give a comprehensive descriptive analysis from various aspects, including transitivity, thematic progression, intertextuality and interpersonal system. Also some percentage distributions of several linguistic patterns in advertisements are analyzed. Based on the data analysis, a conclusion is drawn that advertisers provide information about products and services to consumers and realize the function of persuasion implicitly through linguistic devices. Hence, advertising language manipulates people's consuming ideas. Key Words: Chinese magazine advertising; critical discourse analysis; persuasion; Systemic-functional grammar Acknowledgements I would like to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt gratitude to all those who have supported me in my study and in the completion of this thesis. My greatest gratitude goes to my thesis supervisor, Professor Zhao Xia. Without her invaluable direction and insightful guidance, this thesis could not have been possible. I would also like to thank Professor Cheng Shanzhen, Professor Zhou Weijing and Associate Professor Zhou Shujun, whose lectures on different disciplines of linguistics have introduced me into the field of linguistics. Finally, for my family, especially for my father, I can not thank enough for his encouragements. My family supported me through my study years and writing of this thesis in hard and difficult times. Chapter One Introduction 1.1 Background of the Study The word "advertising" has its origin in Latin. From today9 s mass communications, we may have prejudices against it and different views about what advertising is. Advertising may be defined as a marketing process, a social process, an informative or persuasive process depending on the point of views we take. Here, we have a comparatively precise working definition by Courtland L. B. and William F. Arens (1992: 5), "Advertising is the non-personal communication of information, usually paid for and usually persuasive in nature, about products (goods and services) or ideas by identified sponsors through various media,,. Advertising becomes an indispensable part of the modern society, which has important impacts on social development and people's lives. The main cultural function of the modern mass-media is that they construct "'social knowledge" and make "social effect". More and more people are viewing the world with the knowledge constructed in media. Therefore the intimate relationship between language and ideology is an indispensable departure of this study. Advertising is a prominent discourse type in virtually all contemporary societies, and I shall assume that you, the reader, like me, the writer, live in a society where it is already well established—or rapidly gaining ground (Cook, 2001: 4). He also notifies that advertising can tell us a great deal about our society and our own psychology. It is the ultimate goal of advertising to persuade customers to buy products or services being promoted. Although advertising can be a mix of visual and audio elements, the language in advertising is still crucial in the realization of its purpose. Because of the prominent features of advertising discourses, the study of advertising language has long been an academic topic studied in the west for the past decades. 1.2 Objectives o

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