
Lesson 17Here are Pauls new pyjamas.Look at them!They are bright red.But they are a bit dirty.Here are Dads shirts.They are pure white.But theyre a bit dirty,too.Put them in the washing machine.What about your shirts?Yes.My shirts are dirty,too.Put them in the washing machine.Karen!Where are my new shirts?They9re in the washing machine,with Pauls pyjamasand Roberts shirts.Here you are.Two lovely clean shirts.Those shirts arent white.Theyre pink.Yes,they are.and theyre very prettty.Lesson 19Hurry up,Lucy.Heres the bus.Wait a minute.My bags heavy.My bags heavy too.Come on.Oh,no.The bus is full.Oh,dear.Our school buses are all full.Whats in your bag?Books,of course.My bag is full of books,too.Look,theres Claire.Hello,Claire.Hello,Robert.Hello,Lucy.Whats the matter,Lucy?The buses are all fullAnd our bags are very heavy.Gee,they are heavy.Whats in them?Theyre full of books,And the buses arefull of people.Never mind.Heres my Mom with the car.And the cars empty.Jump in,And put your bags in,too.Look.These are our outfitsFor the school play.Oh,very smart.Look,William.Yes,youre both very elegant.Thank you,Dad.Thats an interesting tie,Robert.Um,yes,thanks,Dad.Its very colourful.Very unusual.Yes,um,its my favourte tie.Those are funny shoes,Robert.Are they a bit big for you?These shoes?No,Mum.They9re all right.Theyre right fbr the part.Where are my new shoes?They arent in my bedroom.Oh,Robert.Hey,Robert.Thats my tie.Those are my new shoes.And those are my socks,too.Lesson 23Claire?Yes,Daddy?Show me your drawings,Honey.OK.these drawings are new.Theyre all peopleAt the sports academy.Hmm.theyre very good.Claire.Who is this tall manWith the big muscles?Oh,thafs Mr.ford.Hes a teacher.Hes very strong.And who are these little men?Thats Gary,and thats Tom.Theyre students.They5re both smallBut they9re strong,too.They9re gymnasts.And who is this boy here?Thats Paul.Hes a student at the sports academy.Hes a handsome young man.Yes.Hes very nice.Your drawings are good.Claire.Thank you,Daddy.Maybe they arent bad.No,honey.They,re great.Just like you.Lesson 25Come on,Lucy.Were late.OK,OK.What time is it?Its eight oclock.Hurry up.Hi,there,kids.Are you in a hurry.Yes,we are.Were both late for school.Never mind.Jump in.Gee,thanks,Mrs.Austen.Youre welcome.Call me Daisy,please.OK,kids.Lets go.Wow,what a speed.What a car.Here you are.The school gates.You arent late now.Whats the matter,Lucy?Look.The gate are shut.Were bothe early now.Lesson 27Give me that jar,please,Robert.Which one?This one?No,not that one.The one on the table.The empty one.Here you are,Mum.Ready?One,two,three,catch.No,Robert.Stop.Whats the matter,Mum.I cant catch it.Bring it here,please.Here you are,Mum.Thank you.Robert.Lesson 29Where are paul and Gary?Theyre over there,On the football field.Theyre with Tom and Mr.Ford.Great,we can play footballWith them.Hey,Paul.Can we play football with you?Thats a good idea,Robert.Right.Youre the captain of one side,Robert.And Sam,youre the captainof the other side.Im the referee.Now,how many players are there?One,two,three,four,five,six,seven,eight,nine,ten,eleven,twelve,thirteen.So there are seven on my side,And six on Sams side.Thats not fair.Yes,it is.Mr.Fords on your side.Hes very big and very strong.He can play very well.Hes like two players.

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