
吸收概念题(Absorption concept)The first part of the concept and analysis1.Fill in the blanks5-1 in the liquid phase,if the temperature is doubled and theviscosity is constant,the diffusion coefficient is.Answer:doubleAnalysis:it is known that.The absorption tower in the 5-2 operation,when the productiontask must be less than the minimum dosage,the absorption effectwill be absorbed;.Answer:noAnalysis:the so-called minimum liquid gas ratio and minimumabsorbent dosage is separation for certain tasks,when actualor liquid absorbent dosage is less than the minimum,theabsorption effect of less than a given separation requirements.The expression of 5-3 deacon factor s is,and thegeometrical meaning in the y-x coordinate system is.Answer:;The ratio of the slope of the equilibrium line to theoperating line ratio5-4 when the composition of gas flow,gas phase import andexport composition and liquid phase is constant,if the dosageof absorbent is reduced,the operationMake line will.line of balance,mass transfer driving forcewill,if absorbent dosage to minimize absorption agent,equipment cost will be.Answer:proximity;Decreased;infinity5-5 packing absorption tower for countercurrent operation,when the desorption factor s 1,if the tower height is infinite,the gas-1 iquid two phase will reach the equilibrium in the tower.Answer:at the end ofAnalysis:because the slope of the line of equilibrium isgreater than the slope of the operating line,the operating linewill be extended indefinitely(the height of the tower isinfinitely high),which will intersect at the high end and theequilibrium line,i.e.the two phases are balanced at the bottomof the tower.5-6 according to the double membrane theory,the two phases ofmass transfer resistance mainly focus on,increasing theturbulent degree of the two phases of the gas-liquid phase,andthe mass transfer rate will be.Answer:in the liquid filmand gas film on both sides of the interface;increase5-7 is the removal factor of three gases in the process ofabsorption,known,and the operating conditions of theabsorption process are the same,and the three gases are sortedby solubility in the following order.Answer:the third largest,the second second,the first smallestAnalysis:the operating conditions are the same,the same,byknowableThere areThe greater the m value,the smaller the gas solubility.5-8 pressure,t e m p e r a t u r e,will be conducive toabsorption.Answer:increase;fallingAnalysis:by means m is a function of temperature and pressure.In general,the temperature drops and the E value decreases,so the temperature drops and the pressure increases,resultingin the decrease of m value and the increase of solubility andfavorable absorption.5-9 insoluble gases are controlled by,and the main masstransfer resistance is concentrated in.Answer:liquidfilm;Liquid membraneThe basic assumptions of the 5-10 double membrane theory are:(1);(2).(3).Answer:there is a static gas film and liquid film on both sidesof the gas liquid interface;All the resistance is concentratedin the static membrane of the two layers,and the mass transferin the membrane is the steady state molecular diffusion.At thephase interface,the two phases are balanced.The inverse diffusion of 5-11 molecules is suitable to describethe transfer rate relationship in the process of.Thediffusion of one component through another stasis is suitablefor the transfer rate relationship in the process.Answer:rectification,absorption and desorption.5-12 to obtain a certain concentration of solution,the partialpressure of the soluble gas is,and the partial pressurefor the gas is.Answer:low,highAnalysis:Henrys lawThe E value of the insoluble gas is very high,so the partialpressure is high,and the E value of the soluble gas is verysmall,so the value of the gas is low.5-13,when choosing an absorbent basically should consider fouraspects 1,2.3,4.Answer:solubility,selectivity;Volatile;viscousThe drift factor of 5-14 reflects,when the driftfactor is greater than 1.Answer:the effect of total flow on mass transfer rate;Becauseof the total flow,the transmission rate is a little larger thanthe simple molecular diffusion rate.The transfer of 5-15 substances in static fluids is mainlydependent on the non-rule movement of fluid.The transmissionof matter in turbulent flow is mainly based on the non-rulemovement of fluid.Answer:molecules;particle5-16 convective mass refers to the mass transfer processbetween the moving fluid and the.Answer:phase interface5-17 three representative theory of mass transfer is:1.2.3.Answer:double membrane theory;Theory of solute permeability;Surface renewal theory.When the absorption operation is taken,the actual partialpressure of the solute in the gas phase is always the balancedpartial pressure of the liquid phase in the gas phase,so theabsorption operation 1ine is always in the balance line of.On the other hand,if the operating line is in thebalance line.,the desorption process should be carried out.Answer:above;Above,below.5 to 19 when the gas p

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