
新 概 念 英 语 二13-18课讲义新概念英语13-18课讲义Lesson 13 The Greenwood Boys本文语法:将来进行时语法归纳:将来进行时的形式:will/shall be doing将来进行时与一般将来时的主要区别:1)一般将来时表达将来的意图或打算。Tom will go to see his girlfriend tomorrow morning.汤姆明天早上将去看他的女朋友。将来进行时一般不表意愿,常表示已安排好之事:Mr.Brown w川be arriving in Shanghai tonight.布朗先生将于今晚到达上海。2)将来进行时与一般将来时在陈述句的肯定句中意思几乎一样:I shall come to U.S.A,next week.I shall be coming to U.SA,next week.我下个星期要去美国.3)将来进行时与一般将来时在陈述句的否定句中一般不能互换。wont d o 与 wont be doing的区别:won,t d o 常表示主观上的意愿或原因(不愿 意)wont be doing常表示客观上的原因(不得不)The pop singer won t sing any songs this evening.这位流行歌手今晚罢演。The pop singer won t be singing this evening because the plane was late.这位流行歌手今晚不能演出,因为他坐的飞机晚点了。4)将来进行时与一般将来时在疑问句中一般不能互换;将来进行时的疑问句常表示对将来某个动作的询问:Will you be meeting my parents at the Beijing Railway Station?你能到北京火车站接我父母吗?一般将来时则带有客气请求的意思:Will you meet my parents at the Beijing Railway Station?麻烦你到北京火车站接一下我的父母,行吗?逐句精讲新概念英语 2:1.The Greenwood Boys are a group of popular singers.绿林少年是一个很受人们欢迎的流行演唱组合。语 言 点 1 a group of pop singers 一个流行演唱组合表达一群(人/物)的常用短语:a group of;a crowd of;a party of;a crush of;a flock of;a Horde of;amob of;a press of;a troop of;a troupe of 等;a horde of mosquitoes 一群 蚊 子;a mob of criminals 一群罪犯语言点 2 表达“人山人海”:a huge crowd of people;a river/sea of people2.At present,they are visiting all parts of the country.R 前,他们正在全国各地进行巡回演出。语言点 1 at present=currently=now语 言 点 2 visit在 句 中 作“巡演”讲,并 非 参观”。语言点 3 1)all of the countries/nations 所有的国家2)all parts of the country 全国各地3)all parts of the world 世界各地4)all(over)the world=all the world over 全世界3.The Greenwood Boys are a group of popular singers.1新 概 念 英 语 二13-18课该他们明天就要到这儿来了。语言就Mil be arriving=w川arrive 将要到达(二者意思基本一样,但前者更强调胡)此句还可改为:They will arrive here tomorrow.语言检rriveA词除了表倒达”外还有 始 U-甘生”的意思:Good weather is arriving.好天气就要来了。My baby arrived last night.我的宝宝是昨天夜里出生的。Too swift arrives as tardy as too slow.谙 欲速则不达。4.They will be coming by train and most of the young people in the town will be meeting them at thestation.他们将乘坐火车来,镇上的大多数年轻人会到车站去趣也以语 言 痴 ill be coming by tra in 乘火车来,by train在此作方式状语。(by+交通工具的用法)I often go to New Oriental School by bicycle.我经常骑车去新东方学校语言点1)most of the+名词=most+名词:most of the young people=most young people 大多数年轻人most of the elders=most elders 大多数年长的人2)the young people=the youth 年轻人5.Tomorrow evening they will be singing at the Workers C lu b.明天晚上他们将在工人俱乐部演出。语言询he Workers Clu工人俱 乐 部;the Workers Stadiu面人体育场语言案总结名词所有格1)一般情况下直接加HsM:an hour s用率z e 个 小 时;a mile s distanc e 英里的距离2)以s 结尾的复数加“不 规 则 复 数 名 词 加 ten hours 也回k 小时的路程hildren smother孩子们的最3)以s 结尾的单数人名,一 般 应 加 s农笔语中也有只加 的 情 兄 Dickensnovels狄更斯的小混ates voic奥茨的声音6.The Greenwood Boys will be staying for five days.绿林少年组合将在我们这儿逗留五天。语言黜y 一词常表臀留,保 持 stay single保持单自tay at home待 在 家 里;stay overnight住一夜7.During this time,they will give five performances.在此期间,他们将举办五馈鸣。语言做during prep.在.的期间;在.的时候:during the day/morning/evening在白天/早上/晚上;This little boy fell asleep during the lesson.这个小男孩在上课时睡着。语言Zpive performance(to perform for an audience)为观众表:寅;give a recital 表演独奏;give asolo concert举行独奏音乐会8.As usual,the police will have a difficult time.和往常一样,警察们将会面临巨大的工作施。语言点比较学习 usually,as usual,than usualusually通常地;as usual和往常一样;than usual比往常(有比较成分语言囱he police为复数含义,表簪察们”语言南have a good time 过得开心;have a difficult/hard time 日子难;have a hot time 日子很不好过9.They will be trying to keep order.他们将尽心尽力地维持秩序语言kfeep相关短语:keep order维持秩ffeep peace维持和;1feep quiet保持肃除ep silence保持沉默;keep guard站海eep secret保 密;keep regular hours早唾早起10.lt is always the same on these occasions 每逢这个时候,情况都是如此。语言曲 these occasions 在 这 种 场=in this situation 在这种形势=under the condition 在这种条件下2新 概 念 英 语 二 13-18课讲义Lesson 14 Do you speak English?本文语法:过去完成时语法归纳:过去完成时的形式:had+过去分词表示过去某个时间以前己经完成的动作或存在的状态。一般总结为:过去的过去发生到过去结束。经常与过去时间状语连用。By the end of last month I had worked in New Oriental School for six years.到上个月底我已经在新东方学校工作六年了。He replied that his sister had caught cold for two days.他回答说,他姐姐感冒已经两天了。过去完成时在时间状语从句中的应用:1)时间状语从句after/as soon as以去完成时,主句为一般过去时After the class had begun,the little boy arrived at the classroom.开始上课以后,这个小男孩才到教室。As soon as I had seen him,he said goodbye to me and went away.我一看见他,他就向我说再见然后走开了。2)时间状语从句before/until+一般过去时,主句为过去完成时He had called me before he came to see me.他来看我之前给我打过电话。I had waited at the bus station for an hour until my girlfriend came.在我女朋友来之前,我已经在车站等了她一个小时了。3)时间状语从句no sooner/hardly+过去完成时,主句为 than/when+一般过去时I had do sooner gone out than it began to rain.我刚走至ij夕卜面就开始下雨了。逐句精讲:1.1 had an amusing experience last year.去年,我有过 次有趣的2.After I had left a small village in the south of France,I drove on to the next town.在离开法国南部的一个小村庄之后,我继续驶往下一个城镇。语 言 点 1 此句时间状语从句为“after过去完成时”主句用一般过去时。语目点2 动词+on”表示继续做某动作:drive o n 继续开车;walk o n 继续走;swim o n 继续游泳;rideo n 继续骑车;study o n 继续研究语言点 3 介词短语 in the south of France 作 village 的后置定语。另举例:I like the hills in the westof Beijing.我喜欢此京西部的小山。3.0n the way,a young man waved to me.途中,一个年轻人向我招手。语 言 点 1 on the way途中,在路上语 言 点 2 wave t。sb.向某人招手,可用于下列四种情况:1)问候;2)再见;3)寻求帮助;4)发出信号4.I stopped and he asked me for a lift.我停下了车,他请求让我捎他一段路。语 言 点 1 对比学习:1)1 stopped the car.我停下了车。(强调我的动作

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