
英文常用词组和谚语汇编Above board光明正大囹Actions speak louder than words.事实胜于雄辩Add fuel to flame 火上浇油Add insult to injury 痛上加辱Adversity leads to prosperity 穷则思变afraid of ones own shadow杯弓蛇影;极度胆小after a fashion依葫芦画瓢after lunch sit a while,after supper walk a m ile.午饭后坐一会,晚餐后走一里。After a storm comes a calm.雨过天晴,风平浪静。After ones own heart 称心如意against the grain 格格不入against tim e 争分夺秒alive and kicking 活蹦乱跳all at s e a 不知所措the all clear解除警报all ears集中注意力听all eyes全神贯注的看All the cats are grey in the dark.猫在暗中都是灰色的。All his geese are swans.老婆是别人的好;他家的鹅都是天鹅。All roads lead to Rome.殊途同归All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.只工作不玩耍,聪明的孩子也会傻。All is not gold that glitters.闪光的不一定都是金子。All is well that ends w ell.结局好,一切都好。Alpha and Omega 自始至终another pair of shoes另外一回事,另当别论anybodyss guess 难以预料the apple of ones eyes 掌上明珠April fool 傻瓜armed to the teeth武装到牙齿Art is long,life is short.人生有限,艺术无涯。As a man is,so shall his company.什麽样的人交什麽样的朋友。As a man lives,so shall he d ie.有生贝U 有死。As a man sows,so shall he reap.种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。As the call,so the echo.发什么声音,有什么回声。As a tree falls,so shall it lies.树倒在那里,就躺在那里。As the tree,so the fruit.是什么树,结什么果;龙生龙,凤生凤。As busy as a bee.非常忙碌as changeable as the moon 变化无常as cheerful as a lark 快乐无比as cool as a cucumber 非常冷静as cunning as a fo x 像狐狸一样狡猾as drunk as lord 喝的烂醉as dumb as a statue 死不做声as fit as a fiddle 非常健康as greedy as a wolf 贪婪如狼as hard as marble 非常坚硬as like as two peas(beans)一模一样as light as a feather 轻如鸿毛as merry as a cricket 非常快活as poor as a church mouse 一贫如洗as proud as a peacock 不可一世as slippery as an eel 滑如泥纵as still as the grave 静如坟墓as straight as an arrow 直如飞箭as strong as an ox 健壮如牛as stupid as a donkey 蠢笨如驴as sweet as honey 甜如蜂蜜as swift as lightning 快如闪电As the touchstone tries gold,so gold tries m an.试金石可以试金,金子可以试人。As wise as Soloman 聪明过人ace in the hole(未公开的)王牌Adversity often leads to prosperity.逆境往往通向成功之路。Advice is seldom welcome.忠言逆耳。After a delay comes a le t.夜长梦多。All are brave when the enemy flies.敌人逃遁时,个个是勇士。All are not saints that go to church.进教堂的不都是圣人。All rivers run into the sea.条条江河归大海;百川归海。All shall be well;Jack shall have G川.有情人终成眷属。All that is fair must fade.花开有谢;红颜须老。Among the blind,the one eyes man is king.盲人国里,独眼成王。山中无老虎,猴子称霸王。An apple a day,keep the doctor away.天天吃苹果,不用请大夫。Ask for the m oon过分的要求Ask much;know m uch.问的多,知道的多。The ass is not learned though he will be loaded with books.驴子即使载满书本也不会有学问。The ass that brays most eats least.叫的最响的驴吃的最少。At court,everybody speaks for himself.在法庭上,人人为自己辩护。At a loose e n d 无所事事at large逍遥法外at ones wits e n d 智穷计尽,一筹莫展。黔驴技穷。at sixes and sevens 乱七八糟at the eleventh hour(还来得及的)最后一刻at the tip of one*s tongue 话说到 了嘴边Away goes the devil when he finds the door shut against him.看见门户紧闭,魔鬼也要离开。英文常用词组汇编(b)英文常用词组和谚语汇编(d)囹 The darkest hour is nearest dawn.黎明之前天最黑。Day in and day out 11复一日Dead Sea fru it死海之果-华而不实The death of wolves is the safety of sheep.狼死羊安Deeds are fruits;words are but leaves.言语是叶,彳亍为是果。Deep rivers move in silence,shallow brooks are noisy.河深水静流,溪浅水声喧Deliberate slowly;execute promptly.决策要慢,行动要快。Despair gives courage to a coward.人急造反,狗急跟K 墙。Destroy the lion while he is yet but a whelp.杀狮应在幼年时。The devil takes the hindmost 迟者遭殃diamond cut diamond 棋逢对手die gam e致死不屈die hard很难消除;死硬派die in harness战死杀场The die is cast.木已成舟Diet cures more than doctors.食疗胜于医疗Diligence is the mother of success.勤劳是成功之母Diligence outstrips poverty.勤能克穷dine and wine 请酒席dip into one*s pocket 乱花钱Discontent is the first step in progress.不满足于现状是进步的开始。Distrust is poison to friendship.猜疑是友谊的毒药Do as the Romans d o.入乡随俗Do as you would be done b y.己所不欲,勿施于人Dont cross the bridge until you come to it.到 了桥前才过桥Dont trouble troubles until trouble troubles you.麻烦不找你,不要找麻烦。Dog does not eat dog.同类不相残,同时不操戈Don*t count your chickens before they are hatched.不要过乐观Dot ones l*s and cross ones ts.做收尾工作Doubt is the key to knowledge.多疑之人down at the mouth 情绪低落down and out 失败drag ones feet 迟疑不前draw a blank落空;徒劳无功draw the longbow 夸海口drink like a fish 狂饮drop in the ocean(basket)沧海一粟Drug on the market卖不出的货物Drowning man will catch at a straw.溺水者见到稻草也要捞Dumb dogs are dangerous.不叫的狗咬人Dutch courage酒后之勇英文常用词组和谚语汇编囹 Eagles fly alone,but sheep flock together.鹰爱独飞,羊爱群居The early bird catches the worm.早起的鸟儿有虫吃,捷足先登Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy,wealthy and w ise.睡得早,起的早,聪明、富裕、身体好。Easier said than done.说比做难。East or west,home is best.东好西好,在家最好。Easy come,easy g o.来得容易,去的也快。Eat ones cake and have it.两者不能兼得eat humble pie 忍气吞声eat one*s words 自食其言eat ones head off 吃得过多eat out of ones hands 柔顺,听话eat somebodys s a lt受人款待,欠人人情Empty vessels make the greatest noise.满罐子不响,半罐子叮当。End in sm oke成为泡影The end tries a ll.结局检验一切Enough is as good as a feast.知足者常乐。Enough make the angles weep 非常动人Envy shoots at others and wounds himself.妒忌别人,伤了 自己。Even a worm will turn.逼人太甚,必有反抗Even Homer sometimes nods.伟人也有打盹儿的时候Every medal has two sides.每一枚奖章都有两个面Everybodys business is nobodys business.人人都管等于没有人管Every dog has his day.人人都有得意的时候Every dog is a lion at home.狗是百步王,只在门前凶。Every law has a loophole.每部法律都有漏洞。Every rule has its exception.有规则就有例

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