
第 1 课 Dodge:Tate associates is aglobal consulting firm,right?Tate:That,s right.A few years ago,wehad just two offices.Now we,re up to 90.Dodge:Why so many,so fast?Tate:We had to.To by a global player,weneed to access to local markets.A localoffice gives us to access to these markets.(一个当地的办事处能使我们介入这些市场)Dodge:So local companies come to youTate:They come to us and asked:What doI do now”?Dodge:I n what areas?Tate:You name it.Accounting,computers,all areas.Dodge:So you consultant all areas.Tate:We consultant wherever there,s aneed.And if there isn,t a need,we createone.Dodge:So you consultant all areas.Dodge:Specifically,though,what are yourstrengths?Tate:The core of our businesses isaccounting,we provide accountingservices for many of our clients.Dodge:You are more than bookkeepers.Tate:Of course.We re planners.We helpour clients keep pace with the globaleconomy.Dodge:Having offices around the globehelps.Tate:We can say to our clients,“we haveaccess,we know people my friend inTokyo,my friend in Washington,my friendin BJ.”Dodge:So your network is another of yourstrengths?Tate:Yes.Our global network is a majorstrength.Dodge:Global networking isn t easy.Tate:For us it is easy.All of ouremployees speak several languages.Dodge:So they are sensitive to localculture?Tate:They are sensitive and they areobjective.Dodge:Objectivity is aTate:I t s a necessity for consultants.You have to be objective or your can t doyour job.Dodge:So sensitivity and objectivity arethe major strengths of your employee,correct?Tate:Correct.But let me add competent.My employees are very,very good at theirjobs.Dodge:I n sum,then,your employees aresensitive,objective,and competent.Tate:That sums it up nicely.第2课Business English.Time for your meeting.Weiwei:Dr Luckket,its time for ourmeetings.Dr Luckett:Thank you.I 11 be right there.Hello,r m Dr Lin Luckett.m glad you canmake todays meeting.We 11 make a breath.Give us 25 minutes,we 11 give you theworld of business.Consultant:How are things in the graphicdesign business,Mr Height?Roy:Great,I really like being my own boss.Consultant:You started your own businesslast year,didnt you?Roy:Yes,right after I was laid off.Consultant:Wasn5 t you working at anadvertising firm?Roy:Before they downsized.Consultant:In the end,being downsizedworked out.Your new business is a success.Roy:As I said,its good to be your ownboss.No one can lay you off.Consultant:Your graphic design businesshas worked out for you.Roy:I t has.Even Tailor Associates usesmy design services.Consultant:That5 s right.Didnt youdesign our logo?Roy:I designed your logo and your letterhead.Consultant:You re going to do our website,too,right?Roy:I f I get into web design.Consultant:I f?web design is a logicalnext step for a graphic designer.Roy:Perhaps,but its a big step.Consultant:So,you,ve come to us to.Roy:r ve come to you for advice.I needto expand.I need to grow.Consultant:You want to expand intodesigning website.Roy:I want to design website.No,I haveto design website.But,.Consultant:But with expansion comesinvestment.Roy:Yes,I need to invest in computers andpersonnel.Consultant:You,11 need powerful computersto do web designRoy:And skilled designers to use thecomputers.Small talk:A:We have coffee and tea.Which would youprefer?B:Tea,please.Tea,thanksA:We have cold tea and hot tea.Which wouldyou prefer?B:H ot.Dr Luckett:Miss Wei,H ow do you think themeeting went?Wei:Fantastic.Dr Luckett:Lets go to another one.第3课Ms.Tate:T Mr.White:WT:Mr.White,you5 re worried about makingmore investment.W:Especially investing in computers.Thetechnology changes so rapidly.T:And you have to change with it.W:When I started,I had one simple phone,one single line phone.T:Life was simpler then.W:That was only last year.Now I have amultiline phone,a peeper and a cell phone.T:No email?W:Of course email,and voice mail and fax.T:You should be used to changingtechnology.W:I cant keep up with the changes.Theyhappen too fast.T:Technology has really changed the waywe do business.W:I know,with today5 s technology,thereis no down time.T:Do you stay in touch with the office allthe time?W:My clients can reach me anywhere by cellphone.T:So if they can get in touch any time,your office is always open.W:As I said,no down time.T:You could turn off your cell phone.W:What?How would my clients get hold ofme?T:Your clients could always email you.W:And they do.I have computer savvyclients.T:Email is really convenient,all you needare a computer and a modem.W:And the fast reliable connection to theInternet.T:Is your modem fast enough?W:I had got a faster modem to keep up.T:Why dont you get direct connection tothe Internet?W:One more thing to spend money on.T:A direct I nternet connection is anecessity for you.W:A coursely necessity.第4课Lesson 4T:let me ask you this,do you send filesover the internet?H:A lot.We sent graphics files back andforth(来来回回)all the time.T:So you download a lot of files too?H:That s what we got a faster modem.Largefiles take forever to download.T:Listen to what I

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