
高中高二英语上册复习教学知识点归纳总结期末测试试题习题大全高二英语上册基础知识过关练习一1.They set off a trip London.A.on;for B.on;to C.for;to D.for;for2.The evening party the children are looking forward to thisevening.A.being held B.holding C.be held D.will be held3.that people like smoking.A.It was said;many such B.It is said;such manyC.People said;such many D.It is said;many such4.It seems that but John what happened to him.A.no one;and I knows B.nobody;and me knowsC.none;and me know D.everyone;and me know5.I don t think these black clothes her age.I guess redones may be better.A.match B.fit C.connect D.equal6.They are now in great need of help.So your support willcertainly make aA.deal B.decision C.point D.difference7.There is no point_ further.It won t help much.A.on explaining B.to explain C.of explaining D.in explaining8.The climbers are_after the long and hard trip.Theyneed rest and food badly.A.used up B.made up C.given out D.run out9.The shoe was discovered on the Chilkoot Pass,the famoustrail used by people _gold in Alaska.A.looking B.finding C.searching D.seeking10.When I saw Jane,I stopped and smiled,but she mead walked on.A.refused B.ignored C.missed D.avoided11.1 must thank my parents to be a college student.A.to make it possible for me B.to make it possible to meC.for making it possible for me D.for making it possible to me12.Does the school tolerate late very often?A.their pupils to come B.their pupils*comingC.their pupils come D.their pupils can come13.Young people usually sports heroes,like MichaelJordon and Tiger Woods,who are really amazing.A.live up to B.go up to C.look up to D.stand up to14.What makes us worried is that the number of the peopleto drugs is.A.addicted;increased B.addicting;increasedC.addicted;increasing D.addicting;increasing15.Will you drop in at my house this afternoon if?A.it is convenient for you B.you are convenientC.it is convenient of you D.you will be convenient16.She gives dinner parties,with the best food and wine.A.in style B.in the style C.in a style D.at style17.He has never liked meat,and has always had a(n)_ forvegetables and fruit.A.inspiration B.feeling C.idea D.preference18.what I think,what would you like to do?A.Setting aside B.Setting out C.Setting about D.Setting off19.They used to take their holidays in their own countryforeign countries.A.in favour of.B.in preference to C.in honour of D.in spite of20.A nest is to a bird a house is to a man.A.where B.how C.what D.when21.Modern plastics can very high and very lowtemperatures.A.stand B.hold C.carry D.support22.Eating too much fat can heart disease and cause high bloodpressure.A.relate to B.contribute to C.attend to D.devote to23.The road sign is easy to read;the words well.A.make out B.stand out C.work out D.turn out24.My father recommended that I my officer.A.didn t disobey B.not to disobey C.not disobey D.mustnt disobey25.Paris is small in comparison London.A.with B.by C.to D.for26.I feel when some people say geography is and difficult tolearn.A.confused;confused B.confusing;confusingC.confused;confusing D.confusing;confused27.We have only a short holiday,so lef s the most of it and tryto enjoy ourselves.A.get B.take C.make D.have28.It is a simple dish to prepare,mainly_ rice andvegetables.A.consisting of B.made up of C.made from D.consisting in29.There is no for their belief that the sun is the center ofthe universe.A.idea B.reason C.basis D.construction30.When I left the hotel,I a glimpse of a man walking slowlypast the window.A.caught B.took C.made D.gave31.She has successfully a career with bringing up a family.A.joined B.connected C.managed D.combined32.To the child s quick recovery,five doctors took turnslooking after him day and night.A.ensure B.undertake C.promise D.indicate33.Even if the treatment_,there is still no magic pill forpatients in the late stages of Aids.A.does B.uses C.works D.helps34.Our football ream will compete against the Japanese teamthis evening.Let s go and,shall we?A.cheer them up B.join them up C.add them up D.pick themup35.Could people become infected_ HIV by swimming in apool or sitting in a bath?A.with B.of C.into D.to36.If we_ the train,we would have to wait an hour at thestationA.miss B.would miss C.have missed D.were to miss37.一I d like to book a room for tonight.Sorry,sir,but we don t have any rooms_ at the moment.A.available B.usable C.suitable D.comfortable38.Many companies give away small quantities of theirproduce as so that people can try them before buying them.A.experiences B.experiments C.examples D.samples39.My father my brother for driving but he wanted to pick theknowledge of the computer during his spare time.A.advised;up B.persuaded;out C.intended;up D.managed;out40.How much you read is not very important.It is what youread that.A.counts B.minds C.values D.means41.The Spring Festival is.We should get prepared for acelebration now.A.in the way B.by the way C.on the way D.under way高二年级英语上学期期末试题10第I卷(三 部 分,共115分)第一部分:听 力(共两小节,满 分30分)第 一 节(共5小 题;每小 题1.5分,满 分7.5分)听 下 面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、

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