
第十一课 VIDEO TRANSLATIONMagic English,Magic English!Look and speak and sing and play!Magic English,Magic English!Have fun with Disney every day!Donald*s having a picnic.Picnics are fun.But here come the ants.There are many ants.Donald 1 ikes picnics.But he doesnt like ants.The ants are coming.They want to eat Donalds food.There are many,many ants.An army of ants.ATTACK!The ants are everywhere.Shh!Donalds sleeping.And here come the ants.An army of ants.They take Donalds food.They take his food away.Goodbye,food.They take Donald.They take Donald away.Goodbye,Donald.There are many ants.Many,many ants.There are many animals.Many,many animals.There are many dogs.Many,many dogs.There are many,many flowers.Many beautiful flowers.Numbers one,two,three.Numbers count for you and me.Count with numbers one,two,three.One,two,three,four!Lets count.How many friends do you have?Many,many friends.How many flowers do you want!Many,many flowers.How many peas do you eat?Many,many peas.How many sports do you play?Many,many sports.Here,s Pongo,the dog.And here(s Roger.They re waiting.What are they waiting for?The puppies are here!Eight.How many puppies are there?Eight puppies.Eleven.Eleven puppies!Thirteen.Fourteen.Fifteen.Fifteen puppies!Pongo,boy!Fourteen.Poor puppy!Poor little puppy!Pongos sad.Look,Pongo.Pongo and Perdita have fifteen puppies.What a big family!How many puppies are there?Fifteen puppies.How many birds are there?Two birds.How many rabbits are there?Five rabbits.How many cats are there?Three cats.Lets count!One house.A happy house.Two birds.Cinderella5 s friends.Three pigs.The three little pigs.Four cats.The Aristocats.Five flowers.What beautiful flowers!Six years old.Tillies six!Seven rabbits.A family.Eight oclock.Wake up.Nine girls.They(re sisters.Ten.Twenty.Thirty.Forty.Fifty.Sixty,seventy.Eighty.Ninety.One hundred.Numbers one,two,three.Numbers count for you and me.Count with numbers one,two,three.One,two,three,four!Its raining.The animals are afraid.Come on,come on.Al 1 the animals get on the boat.Every body5 s on the boat.Here comes the sun.The animals are happy.Two by two.They get on the boat.Two monkeys.Two lions.And a very big elephant.How many animals are on the boat?Many many animals.They re waiting.They wait ten days.Twenty days.Thirty days.Forty days.They wait forty days.Forty days of rain.But here comes the sun.Al 1 the animals get off the boat.Many happy animals.The animals get on the boat.Pluto gets on the bed.The cat gets on the piano.Donald gets off the bed.Al 1 the animals get off the boat.Here come the cards.The cards are coming.An army of cards.Two,four,eight,sixteen.Many,many cards.One,two,three,four,five,six,seven,eight,nine,ten.The queen.And the king.One big queen.One little king.Hes waiting for the puppies.They get on the boat.They get off the boat.They take Donald away.Here comes one elephant.Here come two birds.Here come three cats.Here come many ants.Here comes the rain.Here comes the sun.Whats this number?One.Whaf s this number?Ten.Whats this number?Five.Whats this number?Fifty.Whats this number?One hundred.DON T FORGET!A N T 蚂 蚁 A R M Y 军 队 to ATTACK攻 击 B O A T 船 B Y 以 方 式 C A R D 牌to COME 来 COME O N!快 来!to COUNT 数数 EVERYWHERE 到处FOOD 食物 to GET OFF 下 to GET ON 上 HOW M A N Y?多少 KING 国王 L I O N 狮 子 M A N Y 很 多 MONKEY猴 子 NUMSER数 字 PICNIC野餐P O O R 穷 的、可 怜 的 PUPPY/PUPPIES小 狗(们)R A I N 雨(名 词)to RAIN 下 雨(动 词)to TAKE AWAY 带走 TWO BY TWO 两两第十二课 VIDEO TRANSLATIONMagic English,Magic English!Look and speak and sing and play!Magic English,Magic English!Have fun with Disney every day!Micleys at the zoo.Hes playing with a seal.Its time to go home.Mickey is at home.Look!The seal.What is the seal doing?Hes taking a bath with Mickey.Mickey and Pluto are at home.They(re in the kitchen.This is a basket.Whats in the basket?The seal is in the basket.This is a table.The basket and the seal are on the table.Mickeys in the bathroom.Whats he doing?Hes taking a bath.Mickey washes the seal.And the seal washes Mickey.Surprise,Mickey!What is he doing?Hes playing with the seal.What is he doing?Hes taking a bath.What is he doing?Hes washing the seal.Its good to be at home.I love,you love,we all love to be at home.What are you doing at home today?r m eating in the kitchen.Im washing the dishes.Im watering the flowers.Im taking a bath.F m relaxing in the garden.Im playing in my bedroom.Im going to sleep.Goodnight,everybody!I like it here.Who lives here?Hello,may I come in?There(s nobody home.Snow White likes this house.But its very dirty.She wants to clean i t.The animals help her.They clean the house.Look!a bedroom.Look!beds.They re small.Snow White is tired.She goes to sleep.Snow White looks in the window.There,s nobody home.The house is very dirty.Dirty dishes.Dirty table.Everything is dirty.They clean the table.They wash the dishes.They water the flowers.Now the house is clean.Are the dishes dirty?Yes,they are.They re dirty.Is the table clean?N o,it isn t.Its dirty.Is the house clean?N o,it isnt.Its dirty.Dishes.Chai

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