
知识点1:海图及海图作业【典型考题】What information is found in the chart title?A.Date of the first editionB.Date of the edition and,if applicable,the revisionC.Information on the sounding datumD.Information on which IALA buoyage system applies【参考答案】C【参考译文】在海图标题栏中可找到什么信息?有关深度基准面的信.息。解 析】chart title海图标题sounding datum深度基准面on关于【相关考题】1.Contour elevations on this chart refer to heights in meters above me a n.A.lower low waterB.high waterC.low waterD.sea level【参考答案】D【参考译文】这张海图上的等高线是指平均海平面以上的高度,单位是米。【解 析】Contour elevation等高线refer to指的是mean平均的2.Place names used should be t h o s e.A.specified by international authoritiesB.specified by national authoritiesC.on the standard mapD.on the chart or the Sailing Directions in use【参考答案】D【参考译文】使用的地名应是在使用的海图或航路指南上的名称。【解 析】Sailing Directions航路指南3.What information is not found in the chart title?A.Survey informationB.ScaleC.Date of first editionD.Projection【参考答案】c【参考译文】在海图标题栏中无法找到什么信息?初版日期。【解 析】first edition初版,海图的出版和发行单位、日期印在图廓外下边中间。4.In which source could you find the number of a chart for a certain geographic area?A.Chart No.lB.Catalogue of ChartsC.IMO Practical NavigatorD.IMO Light List【参考答案】B【参考译文】从何处可以找到某个地区的图号?海图目录。解 析】number of a chart 图号 geographic area 地理区域5.On the Metric chart,the statement“Depths in meters“can be f o u n d.A.on the top of the chartB.below the title of the chartC.on the right bottom of the chartD.above the title of the chart【参考答案】B【参考译文】在米制海图上,“深度以米为单位”这一表述可在海图标题之下找到。【解 析】6.Areas enclosed by a long and short dashed magenta line i n d i c a t e.A.cable areasB.dumping groundsC.fish trap areasD.precautionary areas【参考答案】C【参考译文】品红色长短虚线包围的区域为鱼栅捕鱼区。(解 析】dashed line虚线magenta品红色7.An important point to note when you open a navigation chart is to note whether the depths areA.in meter or fathomB.in foot or kilometerC.by meter or fathomD.by foot or kilometer【参考答案】A【参考译文】打开航用海图时,很重要的一点是要注意深度的单位是米还是拓。【解 析】navigation chart航用海图meter米fathom拓8.Chart identification numbers can be found.A.on the right top of the chartB.below the title of the chartC.on the right bottom of the chartD.above the title of the chart【参考答案】C【参考译文】海图识别号在海图右下角。【解 析】identification识别,此处的识别号指的就是海图图号chart number9.i ndicates the date when this chart was partly or completely revised and published.A.Revised editionB.New editionC.Small correctionsD.Source data【参考答案】A【参考译文】修正版表示海图部分或全部修订和出版的日期。【解 析】revise修订,修正publish出版10.Left and right inner graduated borderlines of the chart are.A.scales of latitudeB.scales of longitudesC.compass roseD.source data【参考答案】A【参考译文】有左右刻度的海图内廓线为纬度尺。【解 析】graduated刻度的borderline边界,此处指海图的图廓。latitude纬度11.Top and bottom inner graduated borderlines of the chart are.A.scales of latitudeB.scales of longitudesC.compass roseD.source data【参考答案】B【参考译文】有顶部和底部刻度的海图内廓线为经度尺。【解 析】longitude经度12.A Mercator chart is a.A.cylindrical projectionB.simple conic projectionC.polyconic projectionD.rectangular projection【参考答案】A【参考译文】莫卡托海图是圆柱投影图。【解 析】cylindrical圆柱的conic圆锥的polyconic多圆锥的rectangular矩形的13.All straight lines represent great circle tracks on a chart based on a(n).A.Mercator projectionB.polyconic projectionC.orthographic projectionD.gnomonic projection【参考答案】D【参考译文】在心射投影海图上,所有直线均表示大圆航线。【解 析】great circle 大圆 track 航线 orthographic projection 正射投影 gnomonic projection 心射投影 14.Chart legends which indicate a conspicuous landmark are printed in.A.capital letters(大写字母)B.italics(斜体字)C.boldface print(黑字体)C.underlined(下划线)letters【参考答案】A【参考译文】表示显著陆标的海图图式均印刷成大写字母。【解 析】Chart legend图式conspicuous显著的landmark陆标15.Depths of Wk.are to be inserted in the chart.A.workB.wreckC.wakeD.weak【参考答案】B【参考译文】沉船的深度要插入到海图中。【解 析】英版海图中,Wk代表沉船wreck。16.Isogonic lines are lines on a chart i n d i c a t i n g.A.points of equal variationB.points of zero variationC.the magnetic latitudeD.magnetic dip【参考答案】A【参考译文】等磁差线在海图上表示相等磁差各点。【解 析】isogonic line等磁差线variation磁差17.The arrangement of charts in the catalogue is.A.on a regional basisB.on a national basisC.shown orderlyD.appeared from A to W【参考答案】A【参考译文】海图目录中海图的编排是以区域为基础的。【解 析】catalogue目录18.Distance along a track line is measured on a Mercator chart by using t he.A.latitude scale near the middle of the track lineB.longitude scale near the middle of the track lineC.latitude scale at the midlatitude of the chartD.latitude or longitude scale at the middle of the scale【参考答案】A【参考译文】在莫卡托投影海图上通过使用航迹线线中点附近的纬度尺测量航迹线距离。解 析】middle of the track line航迹线中点19.How long would 1 5 minutes of longitude be at latitude of 60 degrees north?A.30nmB.60nmC.15nmD.7.5nm【参考答案】D【参考译文】在北纬6 0 处 15分经度长度是多少?7.5 海里。【解 析】degree 度 minute 分 nm 海里 nautical mile20.Which chart symbol indicates the bottom is clay?A.ClyB.ClaC.ClD.C【参考答案】C【参考译文】什么海图图式表示地质是粘土?Clo【解 析】在英版海图中C1表示粘土 clayo21_chart 3994,positions read from this chart should be shifted 0.03 minutes Northward.A.To considerB.To checkC.To examineD.To agree with【参考答案】D【参考译文】为与海图3994号保持一致,这张海图上读取的位置应向北移0.03分。解 析】agree with符合shift移动22.A chart position enclosed by a square is a(n).A.fixB.estimated positionC.dead reckoning positionD.running fix【参考答案】B【参考译文】海图上用方形围住的位置为估计船位。【解 析】square正方形dead reckoning po

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