
素新五耳裔考英语笈拥点汇总a great/good many:a large number of 许多。修饰可数名词复数。Im quite busy.I have a great many things to d o.我很忙,我有很多事要做。若复数名词前有限定词或其修饰的为代词时,应加of.A great many of the books have been sold o u t.已经卖 了很多书了。A great many of them are out of work.他们很多人失业了。able(可以的,有能力的,可能的)He is an able man.那人本事不小。enable(v)使.能We must learn more to enable us to face all the difficulties.我们要多学知识以便能面对各种困难。disable:有残疾的,不能干的;the disabled表示一类人(残疾人)able作词根时可以的,值得的(有被动含义)eatable可食用的,measurable可以测量、估计的;readable可读的其他含义:conformable舒适的、安逸的;suitable合适的,恰当的above,over,on三个词都可以表示”在上”,但用法不同。O n表示与某物体表面接触;over表示在某物体垂直的上方,含”布满、覆盖、跨越”之意,与 under相对;above表示位置高于,但不一定垂直,与 below相对。注意:与数字、数量、长度词连用时,多用over,同 more than。如:overlOQOOpeople一万多人;表示年龄、刻度多用above,如 a man above fifty五十开外的人;above zero零度以上。习惯用语:well above average 远在一般以上;above sea-level 海拔以上;the one above 上面的一个;above all首先,尤其重要的是;over there那边;all over遍及;over again再一遍;over and over再三地 应用 介词填空There lay an umbrella the table and some raincoats it.The mother held an umbrella the boy*s head so that the sun wouldnt bum him.(3)There seemed to be a war and many planes were flying_ the city.The moon was the trees in the east.Key:on,under over(3)overabove aboveabove a ll首先,特别是,最重要的是after a ll到底,毕竟at all(用来加强语气)与 not连用,表示“一点也不,完全不”。in a l l 总共all but 几 乎,差 点 没(二 almost,nearly)We have all but finished the work.The day turned out fine after all.Children need many things,but above all they need love.He wasnt at all tired.Do you feel ill at all(真的,确实)?There were twenty in all at the party,accident/event/incidentevent 一般指重大事件。accident多指意外或偶然发生的事故,特别是不幸的、有损害性的事故。incident相对于accident来说,显得不很重要,指“小事件”,它还可以用来表示“事变”,如叛乱、爆炸等。如:The broadcaster is broadcasting the news on current events J .播员正在播报时事新闻。He was badly injured in the traffic accident.在那起交通事故中,他严重受伤。There was an incident on the bus:a man fought with the conductor.那辆公共汽车上发生了一件事,有个人和售票员打了起来。Have you heard of XTan Incident?你听说过 西安事变 吗?admit vt.接纳,许可.进 入(allow sb./sth.to enter)He was admitted to the school this year.Only two hundred boys and girls are admitted to our school every year.承认,后可接名词,doing、从句或复合结构。I admit my fault.She admitted having read the letter.He admitted that his comprehension was weak.You mustadmit the task to be difficult.advice建议;劝告。是不可数名词,”一条建议”应用a piece of adviceo常用结构。give sb.advice(on)/give advice给某人提(关于 的)建 议;忠告某人。ask(sb.)for advice征求(某人的)意见。第一课时结束Marx gave us some good advice on how to learn a foreign language.关于如何学好夕卜语,马克思给我们提了些好建议If you take/follow my advice,youll pass the exam.如果你听从我的建议,你会考试及格的。Lets ask our teacher for some advice.咱们征求一下老师的意见吧。admire(=respect/praise)vt.羡慕,钦佩,夸奖admire sb.(for sth.)佩服某人某事Visitors to Beijing greatly admire our Palace M useum.去北京的游人极其羡慕我们的故宫。I admire him for his wisdom.我佩服他的智慧。对比:envy(=jealous)vt.嫉妒,羡慕envy sb.(sth.)嫉妒/羡慕某人某事We all envy you your good future.我们都很羡慕你的好运。advise sb.to do sth.建议某人做某事(suggest不这样用)。I advise you to take the chance.我建议你抓住机会。-Whal do you advise me to do?你建议我怎么办?-I advise you not to lose heart;just keep on.我劝你不要灰心,继续干。advise还可同suggest一样,后接名词、代词、动 名 词(短 语)和 that从句(用虚拟语气)作宾语-What would you advise?你有什么建议吗?-I advise you an early start我建议你早点出发。I advise holding a metting to discuss the problem.我建议召开一次会议来讨论这个问题。I advise you(should)go to once.我建议你马上去。advise,persuadepe rsuade sb.to do sth.意为 说服某人做某事,强调劝说成功,说服;advise sb.to do sth.意为”劝说某人做某事”,不涉及劝说是否有效,相当于try to pe rsuade sb.to do sth.。如:The doctor pe rsuade d my fathe r to give up smoking.医生说服我爸爸戒了烟。The doctor advise d my fathe r to give up smoking,but faile d.医生劝我爸爸戒烟,但没成功。advise;sugge stadvise与sugge st都可作“建议”讲,二者用法有同有异。(1)相同点表示建议做某事,advise与sugge st都可采用下列三种句型:+名词+动名词+that从句(从句中常用should加动词原形,should可以省略。)e g.He advise d/sugge ste d an e arly start.He advise d/sugge ste d(our)starting e arly.He advise d/sugge ste d that we (should)start e arly.(注:只要是用从句表示建议该做的事,从句中就可用should+动词原形,should可以省略。)上面的第三句可转化为:It was sugge ste d that we (should)start e arly.What he sugge ste d was that we(should)start e arly.His sugge stion was that we (should)start e arly.(2)不同点advise后可以跟人称代词作宾语,而sugge st后不可以跟人称代词作宾语。故可以说:advise sb.to do sth.;advise sb.against(doing)sth.;advise sb.on/about sth.;sugge st(to sb.)that.前三种结构中不可将advise改为sugge st,如:他建议我们去参观博物馆。正He advise d us to go to visit the muse um.误He sugge ste d us to go to visit the muse um.误He sugge ste d us that we go to visit the muse um.sugge st还有“喑示、表明、说、指出(一个事实)”的意思。此时从句中用陈述语气,不用虚拟语气。如:The smile on his face sugge ste d that he was ple ase d.Having e xamine d care fully,the doctor sugge ste d that the patie nt was se riously ill.(句中 sugge st 陈述了一个事实,故用陈述语气。)比较:Having e xamine d care fully,the doctor sugge ste d that the Patie nt beope rate d on al once.徇 中sugge st表示建议该做某事,从句中用should加动词原形,should在从句中省略。)affe ct(=have an e ffe ct on sth.)vt.影 响(e ffe ct n.影响)This may affe ct your he alth.这或许会影响你的健康。My throat is always affe cte d by bad we athe r.我的嗓子总是受恶劣天气的影响。afraidl)”beafraidof+名词”,意为“害怕”。2)be afraid of doing sth”意为 担心,害怕.3)“be afraid for”意为“为担心。”4)be afraid that 意为”担心,恐怕”。5)be afraid to do 意为 害怕,担心而不敢做某事”。6)Pm afraid so/not.恐

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