
【另附】自我介绍、认识学生、课程简介、学习要求5,(发给笔记本和练习本)Lesson 1-A private conversation一、教学重点1、句法:简单陈述句的句子成分(故事六要素)。2、辨析:一般过去时、过去进行时、一般现在时。3 习语:I can not bear it!It5s none of your business!4、突出文化背景的讲解二、教学步骤1、引入话题(详见右框)。2,2、听一遍音频,掌握大意。r Where did the writer go last week?Why didnt he enjoy the play?What did the young man say to the writer?提问:Why did the writer complain to the peoplebehind him?23、生词解读,纠正发音(详见 New words and expressions)o 154、精讲课文,板书和笔记(详见下文)。15,5、文化背景(详见下文)。16、再听一遍音频,逐句跟读。3,7.Key structures 关键句型Special Difficulties)难点 88、总结本课出现的三种时态:一般过去时、过去进行时、本课重点,让学生标注(详见上文)。2,9、布置作业:摘要写作,15页的选择题,背课文和单词。三、生词解读New words and expressionsPrivate adj.1引入话题:Ok,I have a question.我有一个问题。One day,when you get on a busbut there are many people crowded,what should you d o?假如有一天你去挤公交车而等着上车的人很多,你会怎么办呢?大家一起挤么?No,we should stand in a line and get onthe bus one by one,right?对啦,我们应该排队上车。Well,in daily life,there are so many such rules we shouldobey,not only for others but also forourselves.在我们的日常生活中,在许多公共场合,有许多规则需要我们去遵守,与人方便自己方便,对吧?Ok,today we will learn a story takingplace in a theatre.好,今天我们就来看一个发生在公共场合一一剧院的小故事。It、very funny.非常有趣。那就让我们看看到底在作者身上发生了什么事情呢?我们先不看课本,先听一遍课文的录音,你自己来考考自己到底能听懂多少,ok?Listen tothe audio,just try to understand themain idea of the story.试着去了解故事的大意就可以了。Ok,lefsbegin.私 人 的(personal)a private conversation 私人谈话a private company 私有公司a private life 私生活a private secretary 私人秘书a private affairs 私事 JLeg.That is for your private ear.这是说给你一个人的秘密。秘密的(secret)a private place 一个秘密的地方a secret place 一个秘密的地方Conversation n.谈话谈话:talk;say;speak;chat;discuss;gossipconversation n.非正式谈话(an informal talk)have a conversation with sb 跟某人谈话eg.I had a quiet conversation with my closest friend.我跟我最好的朋友进行了 密谈。eg.I saw him in conversation with a friend.我看见他在和一个朋友谈话。eg.No conversation while Im talking.我讲话的时候不要谈话。相关短语:1)converse v.converse with sb 跟某人谈话2)talk n./v.talk with/to sb 和某人谈话talk with/to sb about sth 跟某人谈论什么事情3)say vt.say sth 说了一些话eg.He said nothing.他什么也没说。eg.What a lovely day J he said.4)speak v t.讲(语言)speak a foreign language 讲门 夕 卜 i吾speak Chinese 讲中文speak English 讲英语speak v i.谈话speak to sb 和某人谈话speech n.讲话谈话make a speech 做演讲5)chat n./v.聊 天(lalk friendly 友好地谈话)eg.We had a long chat about old tim es.我们聊/很多关于过去的事。6)discuss v.有着严肃目的的讨论discussion n.讨论7)gossip v./n.refers to talk about private lives of other people(贬义)说闲话,嚼舌头eg.He is nothing but a gossip.他就是个爱嚼舌头的人。theatre n.(in US:theater)metre-meter(in US)centre-center(in US)go to the theatre 去看戏,去剧院go to the movies/cinema/film 去看电影,movie(in US):电影theatre=(口)play housetheate g o e r戏 迷 go+er=goer去的人。也可以表达为:play g o e r戏迷seat(本课重点词)区别:seat n./vt.si:t长音sit vi.sit短音chair 椅子,可以搬动的seat n.座位,固定在某地的eg.We dont have enough chairs h e re.我们没有足够的椅子。eg.Is this seat taken?这个座位有人坐吗?n.座位,座eg.Have a seat,please./Take a seat,please.请坐。eg.I had a very good seat.我的座位非常好。相当于Maybe I sat in the front of the theatre.也许是我坐在戏院的前面,所以说座位很好。seatbelt=safety belt 安全带in the drivers seat=in the leaders seat/place在领导的位置上,指某人非常重要的意思。back-seat driver后座司机,指的是爱指手画脚的人。n.席位win/iose a seat赢得/输掉一个席位v t.安排.坐下seat s b 安排某人坐下seat yourself 你请坐eg.Be seated,please.请坐。表示请坐的方式:eg.Sit down,please.Wont you have a seat?Be seated,please.playn.玩耍,游戏,娱乐playboy 花花公子v.玩,玩耍Will you have a seat?Would you have a seat?Seat yourself,please.playground 操场play with sb 跟某人玩;玩弄某人(慎重使用这个短语)play with sth 玩弄,摆弄什么东西play with a b a ll玩弄,摆弄一个球play with a to y 玩弄,摆弄一个玩具play gooseberry(酷栗)摆弄醋栗,表示当电灯泡,尤其是在情侣之间当电灯泡,也就是妨碍别人谈恋爱的意思。这个短语源自西方习俗。从前有些西方人有钱人家的女孩子都由老妈子伺候着,等到她们长大成人的时候,谈恋爱的时候,或在社交场合也有年长的女伴陪着,据说少女很难有见面的时候,有时候这个在一旁的陪伴的妇女为了便于监视,又不太露骨,便端一盘醋栗在旁包起来。从此,playgooseberry(摆弄醋栗)便表示监视别人谈恋爱的意思,类似中文所说的在情侣之间当电灯泡的意思。v.玩,比赛play football 踢足球 play basketball 打篮球 play volleyball 打台球play cards打扑克play chess 下棋注意:在运动项目的前面不加定冠词”the”play the piano 弹钢琴 play the violin 拉小提琴 play the guitar 弹吉他注意:在乐器的前面加“the”n.戏剧,剧本theatre play 戏剧,剧院上映的那些TV play 电视居Usoap p lay 电视连续剧,因为这样的电视连续在最初是由肥皂公司来赞助,在播放的间隙,穿插的都是肥皂、清洁剂等商品的广告。play goer 戏迷eg.It is as good as a p la y.(像戏一样的好)好玩极了。eg.You must come here,or,there is no play.你必须来这儿,否则,就没戏了。no play 没戏区别:p la y 戏剧,剧本drama 戏,戏剧文学,戏剧艺术opera 歌剧Beijing Opera 京剧Loud ad j.大声的loudly adv.大声地 aloud adv.大声地eg.She called loudly for help.=She called aloud for help.她大声呼救。think aloud 自言自语adj.+ly adv.angry adj.*angrily adv.rude adj.rudely adv.eg.The young man said rudely.这个年轻人粗鲁的说。real adj.really adv.exact adj.一 exactly adv.quick adj.quickly adv.quiet adj.quietly adv.attention n.注意pay attention to sth 对.给予注意pay some attention to sth 给予一定的注意pay more attention to sth 给予更多的注意pay close attention to sth 给予密切的注意pay great attention to sth 给予极大的注意pay enough attention to sth 给予足够的注意pay little attention to sth 很少注意pay no attention to s th 根本不注意,毫不理会pay no attention to.毫不理会turn a blind eye to.视而不见turn a deaf ear to.充耳不闻draw ones attention/attract ones attention 吸引.注意力eg.The new type of computer draws our attention.新款计算机吸引 了 我们的注意力。attention v.注意eg.Attention,please.请注意。(讲一件事情,要吸引别人的目光时可以这样用)eg.Attention,passengers.The plane leaves at 9 o,clock.乘客们请注意,飞机在 9 点起飞。(机场广播会有类似的句子)eg.Ladies and gentlemen

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