
2023学年九上英语期末模拟测试卷 请考生注意: 1.请用2B铅笔将选择题答案涂填在答题纸相应位置上,请用0.5毫米及以上黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔将主观题的答案写在答题纸相应的答题区内。写在试题卷、草稿纸上均无效。 2.答题前,认真阅读答题纸上的《注意事项》,按规定答题。 Ⅰ. 单项选择 1、——I'm really _______ when I speak English in class. ——Take it easy. You're the best. A.nervous B.surprised C.comfortable D.confident 2、一The pen writes well though it is only worth fifteen yuan. 一Let me have a try. So . A.it is B.it does C.is it D.does it 3、— Do you know tomorrow? — Yes, the Great Wall. A.where they went B.where will they go C.where did they go D.where they will go 4、They don’t live here any longer. They to Chengdu last month. A.move B.moved C.will move D.are moving 5、— is the Yangtze River? — It’s 6397 kilometers. A.How much B.How heavy C.How long D.How big 6、—Have you seen the movie Wolf Warriors II? —Yes. This is educational film and it has become one of most popular films in the world. A.a; / B.a; the C.an; the D./; the 7、The charity provides homeless people ________ food and clothes. A.with B.for C.as D.of 8、---We’d better check the conditions of the car before starting our journey. ---OK, ______. A.Better to be safe than sorry B.Many hands make light work C.Don’t put all your eggs in one basket D.Too many cooks spoil the broth 9、Do you often go to the theater? It’s a great place to enjoy the latest films with others. To be a good moviegoer(常看电影的人), you shouldn’t ________. ①eat and drink noisily ②put your feet on the back of the seats ③be on time ④use your phone or other mobile devices (移动设备). ⑤stay quiet during the film A.②③④ B.①②④ C.①④⑤ 10、I have to leave now __ I can catch the last bus. A.so that B.because of C.until D.as soon as Ⅱ. 完形填空 11、Two years after I finished medical school, I began my internship(实习)in a hospital. There, I met with a patient named Benny. I discovered that he was 1 for a heart transplant(移植). He'd seen so many fellow patients during his stay that he felt comfortable giving tips to the 2 men and women. "You have got a minute?" he asked me one day. "I have a minute." "I see a new group of interns here every month. But I think I have to say something to you. Matt, it seems that you're always in a 3 and that talking to me is another box to check for you,"' he said. These words were 4 for me. No one wants to hear that his patients think he doesn't 5 about them. "Take a look at what you're doing. You're sitting down, and we're having an actual 6 . Usually you just…," Benny said. "Plan to run away as soon as I enter the room. " "Yeah…" From that day on, I found myself 7 in to see Benny often, not only to examine him but also to talk about how I was working hard 8 a new doctor. As the months passed, I was becoming a better doctor, but nothing happened to Benny. One evening, I couldn't help asking, "Anything going on with the wait list?" "No news is 9 news," he said softly. "But I'm sure I will." Finally, Benny got the heart. Standing in front of his bed, I felt so 10 ." Take good care of this guy," I said to the other doctors softly. "I'm not his doctor anymore. Now…just a friend." 1.A.looking B.waiting C.asking D.going 2.A.brave B.busy C.serious D.nervous 3.A.dream B.mood C.hurry D.mess 4.A.hard B.wise C.special D.valuable 5.A.talk B.care C.worry D.think 6.A.conversation B.introduction C.operation D.presentation 7.A.cutting B.pushing C.breaking D.stopping 8.A.for B.as C.with D.against 9.A.good B.bad C.secret D.right 10.A.bored B.tired C.excited D.moved Ⅲ. 语法填空 12、Sarah and Janet are middle school students. They have been friends1. they started school. They do many things together, such as studying, watching TV, surfing the Internet, playing sports, listening2. music and so on. They usually help each other. When Sarah was in the 3.(three) grade, some students made fun of her because she was shy. Janet told the other students4.(stop) making fun of Sarah and she helped Sarah overcome her shyness. In the fifth grade, Janet had 5.(difficulty) in math. She studied hard, but she still couldn’t know what the teacher 6.(teach) clearly. Sarah helped Janet and explained every exercise to her. After six months, Janet did much 7.(well) than before and even got an A in the math exam. When Janet got the test paper, we can imagine 8. happy they were! Everyone9.(need) a good friend in life. A life without a friend is a life without the sunshine. Please remember people want friends 10. are kind and helpful. So if we want a good friend, let’s be a good friend first. Ⅳ. 阅读理解 A 13、The Martianis a 2015 Americanscience fictionfilmdirected byRidley Scottand starringMatt Damon. The film is based onAndy Weir’s novelThe Martian, Astronaut Mark Watney becomes one of the first people to walk on Mars. But a sudden sandstorm nearly kills him and forces the other astronau

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