(6)Unit 5 Languages around the World——2022-2023学年高一英语人教版(2019)寒假作业

(6)Unit 5 Languages around the World——2022-2023学年高一英语人教版(2019)寒假作业 第一部分 阅读理解 第一节 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 A Chinese Culture Day of Confucius Institute held in Egypt     The Chinese Culture Day of Confucius Institute in Cairo University was held for the first time at the Egyptian National Museum in the capital's Tahrir Square on Monday, Oct 8, 2019. A teacher from Confucius Institute in Cairo University performed Wushu. Meanwhile, a woman performed Chinese calligraphy and a student from Confucius Institute in Cairo University performed Chinese folk dance. Chinese opera legends make UK stage return     People in the UK will have an opportunity to enjoy Chinese culture when the China National Peking Opera Company returns to the country for the fourth time, for a series of workshops and performances.     Activities will be held at the British Library, Oxford's Ashmolean Museum. Lisa Lu, a respected actress will lead a group of artists from China, the US and the UK to discuss their experiences of working across a variety of artistic fields in different cultures over many years. China Reading Corner opens in Fiji National Library     China Reading Corner opened here on Friday in the Fiji National Library to help strengthen the cultural exchanges between China and Fiji.     The China Reading Corner contains over 6,000 books, 20,000 e-books and other hardware given by China's Zhengzhou Library.     Chinese Ambassador to Fiji Qian Bo said, "With this reading corner, Fijian people know where to find the information they are interested in and the reading corner will serve as a window for Fijian people to look out to the outside world."     "The Chinese and Fijian people will further deepen their friendship and have a better understanding of each other," he said. 1.If you want to enjoy China's National Peking Opera, where should you go? A.China Reading Corner. B.Confucius Institute in Cairo. C.Oxford's Ashmolean Museum. D.Egyptian National Museum. 2.Which of the following statements is TRUE? A.Fijian people will have a better relationship with China. B.Lisa Lu will perform Peking opera in Britain. C.Fiji library gave over 6,000 books to China Reading Corner. D.The China National Peking Opera Company went to UK for the first time. 3.What topic do the three events mentioned have in common? A.Artist. B.Library. C.University. D.Culture. B     If you enjoy reading, the world in books will become a place which is not to be experienced in watching television only for entertainment. Studies have shown how those who read for pleasure achieve more in literacy (读写能力) and thinking abilities than those who don't. Actually, there is nothing else that will expand your language skills and make your imagination fly.     To begin with, language skills can be better learned through reading for pleasure than through watching TV for entertainment. At its best, television can be educational as well as entertaining, but nobody wishes to improve his literacy by simply sitting in front of a TV box. Therefore, only by reading can you enlarge your vocabulary. However, it must be made clear that the relation between literacy and reading is like comparing health to sport. One is something practical and the other is something you do because you enjoy it.     The books that help you most in imagination are those that make you think most. In this point, reading for pleasure, both paper-based and on-screen, is far more helpful than watching TV. For example, there is always a book which is opened with expectation and closed with profit: imagination. Unluckily, some people's love of books is lost influenced by television, which is considered as a decline in thinking abilities.     On the whole, watching TV is largely harmless as an entertainment and information tool, but there is no better way to improve your language skills and imagination than reading for pleasure. For those who would continue to enjoy reading, there is a paradise (天堂) not yet being lost. Having got an amount of language skills through wide reading, you might as well imagine that such a paradise would not be very unlike a kind of library. 1.What does the writer mainly talk about in Paragraph 1? A.The advantage of reading books. B.The way of improving language skills. C.The pleasure in watching TV. D.The advantage of our imagination. 2.What does the writer say about reading in the text? A.People can get the latest information through it. B.It offers more pleasure than watching TV. C.It plays a bigger role in kids' growth than watching TV. D.More language skills will be gained as people read more. 3.Which word can replace the underlined word "decline" in Paragraph 3? A.Development. B.Decrease. C.Destroy. D.Improvement. 4.What does the writer think of watching TV? A.It's a waste of time and energy. B.It's a paradise for those who like watching TV. C.It's helpful in some aspects. D.It's done only for entertainment. C    Living o

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