
最新银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识题库内部题库含答案(巩固) 第一部分 单选题(50题) 1、 转让固定资产使用权取得的收入应计入( )。 A.手续费收入 B.其他业务收人 C.营业外收入 D.主营业务成本 【答案】: B 2、当本币升值,(  )。 A.国内价格与出口价格一升一降 B.国内价格和出口价格均不变 C.国内价格和出口价格均上升 D.国内价格和出口价格均下降 【答案】: A 3、Passage 9 A.learn to use different approaches in reading different texts B.make our reading process more conscious C.pay more attention to the content of a text D.take a critical attitude towards the author’s ideas 【答案】: A 4、 关于记账凭证账务处理程序,下列说法不正确的是(  )。 A.登记总分类账的工作量大 B.适合规模大的单位 C.简单明了,易于理解 D.最基本的账务处理程序 【答案】: B 5、远期汇率的期限一般为( )个月。 A.1~6 B.3~9 C.6~9 D.6~12 【答案】: A 6、资料: The poverty line is the minimum income that people need for an acceptable standard of living. People with incomes below the poverty line are considered poor. Economists study the causes of poverty in order to find solutions to the problem. A.poor people are bound to go out of the poverty line if they have chances to do business B.welfare will enable people to be rich C.employment is the best solution to the poverty problem D.better solutions to the poverty problem are not found yet 【答案】: D 7、资料:Are walkers smarter than drivers? A.Entire faces of urban areas are changing fast B.Metropolitan areas are more pedestrian-friendly and richer C.Educated people prefer to live in walkable places D.Walkable places attract educated people 【答案】: B 8、资料:Procrastination comes in many disguises. We might resolve to tackle a task, but find endless reasons to defer it. We might prioritize things we can readily tick off our to-do list- answering emails, say- while leaving the big, complex stuff untouched for another day. We can look and feel busy. while artfully avoiding the tanks that really matter. And when we look at those rolling, long untouched items at the bottom of our to-do list, we can't help but feel a little disappointed in ourselves. A.The natural function of our brain B.The other ways to make the benefits of action feel bigger and real C.The other ways to make the benefits of action feel smaller and unreal D.The perils of procrastination 【答案】: B 9、This ticket(  )you to a free meal. A.grants B.entitles C.credits D.permits 【答案】: B 10、某公司测算,若采用银行业务集中法,增设收账中心,可使公司应收账款平均余额由现在的800万元减至600万元,每年增加相关费用15万元。该公司年综合资金成本率为10%, 则()。 A.该公司应采用银行业务集中法 B.该公司不应采用银行业务集中法 C.不应采用银行业务集中法而应采用邮政信箱法 D.无法确定 【答案】: A 11、资料:(一) A.such risks are very expensive B.such risks cannot be estimated precisely C.such risks are too high D.the premium would be too high 【答案】: B 12、 下列记账错误中,不能通过试算平衡检查发现的是(  )。 A.某一账户的借方发生额600元,误写成6 000元 B.某一账户的借贷方向写反 C.借方的金额误记到贷方 D.误记了借方的发生额 【答案】: B 13、The world population is expected to rise to more than nine billion by 2050,one-third of all people______expected to live in cities。 A.has been B.are C.have been D.have succeeded in 【答案】: B 14、Recently,Xiangning started to communicate with Mike,the contact person of Monsell. A.thanks to B.as C.according to D.due to 【答案】: D 15、The doctor hit me just below the knee to test my ___. A.influxes B.inflows C.flexes D.reflexes 【答案】: D 16、 我国刑罚中最轻的主刑是(  )。 A.拘役 B.罚金 C.管制 D.剥夺政治权利 【答案】: C 17、日前,据路透社报道,美国财政部于2013年4月12日向国会提交的最新一期《国际爱 济和汇率报告》指出,尽管人民币汇价目前仍然被明显低估,但美国政府仍无意将中国这一全海 第二大经济列入()名单。 A.金融动荡国 B.货币保护国 C.汇率操纵国 D.贸易协定国 【答案】: C 18、During her junior year of high school,Diane Ray's teacher handed her a worksheet and instructed the 17-year-old to map out her future financial life.Ray pretended to buy a car,rent an apartment,and apply for a credit card.Then,she and her classmates played the"stock market game",investing(投资)the hypothetical(虚拟的)earnings from their hypothetical jobs in the market in the disastrous fall of 2008."Our pretend investments crashed,"Ray says,still frightened."We got to know how it felt to lose money." A.By giving examples B.By providing data C.By raising questions D.By making comparisons 【答案】: A 19、扩张性财政政策对经济的影响是(  )。 A.缓和了经济萧条,也减轻了政府债务 B.缓和了经济萧条,但增加了政府债务 C.缓和了通货膨胀,但增加了政府债务 D.缓和了通货膨胀,也减轻了政府债务 【答案】: B 20、2020年3月10日,北京航天飞行控制中心圆满完成我国首次(  )探测任务无线联试,充分验证了探测器与地面系统的接口匹配性和一致性。 A.火星 B.相控阵雷达 C.空间引力波 D.太阳 【答案】: A 21、资料:How did Tencent take WeChat so far ahead of its rivals? The answer lies partly in the peculiarities of the local market. Unlike most Westerners, many Chinese possessed multiple mobile devices, and they quickly took to an app that offered then an easy way to integrate them all into a single digital identity. In America messaging apps had a potent competitor in the form of basic mobile-phone plans, which bundied in SMS messaging. But text messages were costly in China, so consumers eagerly adopted free messaging app. And e-mail never took off on the mainland the way it has around the world, mainly because the internet came late

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